2017年3月13日 星期一

0314 2017 二 陰雨天

ntu 借3本howard hodghkin書。

晚餐時,Bloomberg臺報馬英九是第3位總統被起訴;BBC 的HARDTalk 訪談香港的王之鋒(Joshua Wong Chi-fung,1996年-),提到Trump給蔡英文電話,馬上給主持人更正,Trump後來信 One China.....
聽:"情思之所歸──台灣民族誌紀錄片的實踐 (胡台麗 03月14日「2017王詩琅臺灣研究講座」)",播3不片子的選集,都非常動人。
很有意思的是,影片中的人有的相信攝影機在"雕塑"其生命史。......我周末要談雕塑藝術,可跟"紀念建築物的光舞"、Living Sculptures等並列為"別義",.......



蘋論:共諜遍布 黑暗10年


Howard Hodgkin

Graham-Dixon, Andrew.

New York, NY : Thames & Hudson c2001

This book of Howard Hodgkin's work by Andrew Graham-Dixon, one of Britain's foremost art critics, was published to great acclaim in 1994. Incisive and beautifully written, it illuminates Hodgkin's rich and complex art through its guiding themes and elucidates the passions and preoccupations that lie behind the paintings. Unlike most monographs, Graham-Dixon's focuses on the emotional and intellectual essence of the paintings as he explores their strategies. Hodgkin's complex use of scale and color, the nature of his pictorial language, and the subtle evocation in his painting of eroticism, time, and experience reveal a tension between exuberance and melancholy. This revised and expanded edition includes over twenty additional color reproductions and is brought up to date with a new chapter in which Graham-Dixon discusses the paintings created since the mid-1990s, works that are freer and more fluent, and often on a much larger scale than earlier ones. Enthusiasm for Hodgkin's paintings among art critics and historians, art collectors, and the general public has never been greater. He stands confirmed by this richly illustrated study as a master of the hesitant, truant nature of life and emotion, an artist whose great achievement is to have created equivalents in painting for the texture of memory itself.


Kafka wrote, “The meaning of life is that it stops.”
弗蘭茨•卡夫卡(Franz Kafka)的話: 「生命的意義就在於它會停止。」
戴久永: 這句話是說生命沒有意義嗎?
HC: 我昨晚想的是,就個人而言,生命就是在世的這輩子。長生不老的話,由於長是不朽的,沒有死亡或敗亡,所以顯不出生命的寶貴,無法找出意義來。
我翻譯過Aldous Huxley 的《時間必須有個終結》(Time Must Have a Stop),典出《亨利四世上》 (待出版)…..,他是位百科全書型才子。他至少寫過30本書,國人多半只知道他的小說《美麗新世界》(Brave New World),對他的了解很片面。現在市面上還有他的小說《旋律的配合》 (Point Counter Point) (上海:譯文,2002)。

March 14, 1781, 這一天,Samuel Johnson給 Bozzy ( Boswell)寫信,要他不要在悶悶不樂.....他已將詩人傳寫好,準備一份讓Bozzy "飽讀"......來吧,我們一起去好玩的Mitre酒店大聊.....


