2014年4月14日 星期一

0414 2014 一 John Berger pays tribute to his good friend

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Umberto D by Vittorio De Sica
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John Berger pays tribute to his good friend

  • The Observer, Sunday 8 August 2004

    At every railway crossing in France there is a solid notice, a panel with writing on it which reads: 'Attention! Un train peut en cacher un autre.' Cartier-Bresson, whatever the event he was photographing, saw the second train and was usually able to include it within his frame. I don't think he did this consciously, it was a gift which came to him, and he felt in the depths of his being that gifts should continually be passed on. He photographed the apparently unseen. And when it was there in his photos it was more than visible.

    Yesterday he joined the second train. At the age of 95 - with all his agility - he jumped it. He has joined his inspiration. Six years ago he wrote something about inspiration: 'In a world collapsing under the weight of the search for profit, invaded by the insatiable sirens of Techno-science and the greed of Power, by globalisation and the new forms of slavery - beyond all of this, friendship and love exist.' He wrote this in his own handwriting, which was open like a lens which has no shutter.

    Bullshit! I now hear him saying, look at my drawings, there is no second train in them! So I look at some reproductions of some of his drawings. How drawings change - even 24 hours after a death; their tentativeness disappears, they become final. He said repeatedly in his later years that photography no longer interested him as much as drawing. Drawing - or anyway drawing as he drew - has less to do with the sense of sight than with the sense of touch, with touching the substance and energy of things, with touching the enigma of life without thinking about eternity or the second train. Drawing is a private act. Yet Cartier-Bresson returned to it, knowing very well that it was an act of solidarity with both those who see the second train and those who don't.

    That's better, he says.

    An epitaph for him? Yes, a photo he took in Mexico in 1963. It shows a small girl in a deserted street carrying a framed daguerreotype portrait of a beautiful and serene woman which is almost as large as the child. Both are about to disappear behind a tall fence.

    The last second of visibility, but not of the woman's serenity or the girl's eagerness.

還是: [ 我抗議 : 佔領華爾街...改變一切] This Changes Everything: Occupy Wall Street and the 99% Movement _http://hcbooks.blogspot.tw/2014/03/this-changes-everything-occupy-wall.html
還是:柄谷行人:不斷被重新理解的:「抗爭」《柄谷行人談政治》《倫理21》《世界史的構造》The Structure of World History : From Modes of Production to Modes of Exchange
Books 書海微瀾: [ 我抗議 : 佔領華爾街...改變一切] This Changes Everything: Occupy Wall Street and the 99% Movement

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沈哥明智周Hsiangyen Tang 都說讚。

Hanching Chung http://hcpeople.blogspot.tw/2014/04/21.html

People 人物: 柄谷行人:不斷被重新理解的:「抗爭」《柄谷行人談政治》《倫理21》《世界史的構造》The Structure of World History : From Modes...hcpeople.blogspot.com
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Hanching Chung http://hcbooks.blogspot.tw/....../capitalism-love......

Books 書海微瀾: "occupy the Capitol.""佔領華爾街”/ Capitalism: A Love Story (2009) /“The Economic Bill of...hcbooks.blogspot.com
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