2014年2月10日 星期一

0210 2014 一 稍冷 Min. 8度

帶他去雅博客。麵食牛肉 300元。


我們一群人,約10人,打算借用貴系一間有投影機設備的教室開會 (主題是校園規劃後援小組),不知你方便安排教室否?
之後 有點depressed

周日你要去台中嗎? if so, 小燕不下去,她說可開她的車下去。
Chen Chu-po
了解。我現在借工學院教室中,如果不行,可考慮餐廳Dant 或你家?
Chen Chu-po
Hanching Chung
ok 這些方案更好.沒問題. 順風



我跟阿擘說董事會汪董已請辭。月底或可有新董事長。 本屆多一校友董事隋堂。聽說只有校友董事才可能做點事。

至於MOOC等等,我想學校沒資源去想。不過有一例外, 陳敏回校捐獎學金給應用物理系,讓某些學弟可上MIT的課:
東海大學的人與書(xxv) : 陳敏,劉全生 ,Anne Cochran, Louise Crawf...



很不好意思,漢清竟然先行寫信代為傳達。我認為您所提的建議都很中肯、也很具有前瞻性。尤其您在最後特別強調的mantra, a great campus vision can only come from a great vision for the university, and be a part of the latter。我是完全贊同;東海這些年來最大的問題就是只求survive,world-class vision大概沒有人去盼望吧,即使只是夢想。

但是我認為您在第二點提到,新校園規劃應該由董事會進行top-down initiative,可能過於高估東海董事會的能力。他們要作這件事,可能就要先具有您所說的world-class vision。他們有嗎?我倒是存疑。另外,新校長在應徵時所提之辦學理念是董事會所認可的,那就應該全權交由校長來履行他自己的目標,董事會應該是站在支持和監督的角度,而不是直接介入校務。我覺得現在東海最大的問題是現有老師的scholarship離world-class還有很大的距離,而且不容易聘到好的老師。好的老師大都會被台大等國立大學搶走;同樣,東海也很難招到好的學生。我認為有world-class scholarship的老師,和有好的學生,才是造就出world-class university的兩大靈魂,學校要如何培養出這兩大靈魂,可能才是我們要極力行動的方向。這是我的淺見,還請指教。


With best regards.


Hanching Chung <hcsimonl@gmail.com> 於 2014年2月10日 下午2:54 寫道:

Cheng Hsu

8:51 PM (26 minutes ago)

to Chen, me
Sorry that I have to write in English, since my only Chinese word processor (which is pretty crude, bundled in Windows) is on an old laptop in my office. I don't have the ability to write in Chinese from home. I have to admit that I can express myself better in Chinese. Anyway, thank you, really, for your comment.

I learned of the critical importance of the Board from what I observed over the past decades at Rensselaer, and to a lesser extent from a number of other universities including Tunghai. This observation is conformed recently from my conversations with a few people at the leadership level of Tunghai administration. In short, changes, especially bold, far-reaching changes, would have to be (by law as well by practice) empowered proactively by the Board, if not also funded by them. By doing nothing the board could easily (and routinely) block or abort any initiative from the president. The general agreement between these two parties at the time of the presidential hiring would hardly last after the honey moon; and in any case, "changes" by definition involve a lot of details that can never be sufficiently covered by any agreement.

The lack of world-class vision that you mentioned is true with the Board, with many faculty, and I'm afraid with the leadership, too. This is why you and Hanching, and other like-minded friends are so important. You complement them with such a vision.

As for the reality check: the starting point of building the academic core, faculty and student, we are lucky to have a realistic short cut - MOOC (massive open online courses). Tunghai can be the first in Taiwan to comprehensively leverage this great (albeit unproven yet) educational experiment to gain world-class contents and pedagogy for the student AND the faculty. Tunghai can contract with, e.g., edX (the Harvard-MIT version) to supplant the current courses that fit this model, and have the current faculty co-teach (as the local facilitator) in these courses. This way, the faculty gain advanced education, too. The cost is definitely within what Tunghai can afford.

Related agenda of educational reform can all build on this MOOC platform as the core, to promote, especially four-year English education (including recruiting good international students from the English-speaking countries as assistants in exchange for Chinese education), international accreditation, and globalization (exchange students with the United Board universities in Asia). Residence colleges could follow, too.

Sorry, I got carried away, again. I do not mean to promote any particular agenda, I just wish to show that there could be solutions to any problem, including what Tunghai faces. It's all depending on the will and, yes, the vision.

It's nice to know you and talk to you, 巨擘


我 經歷困頓的成長,然而我始終沒遇過有人做高麗菜飯,我不禁以為這道菜飯是母親的獨門發明。我與母親有許多年感情疏淡,遇到節日回家,我們也無話可說。母親 身心仍強健時,家族聚會場合,她總努力做出一桌菜,煎煮炒炸的大魚大肉,燉補的人蔘雞,但我常吃幾口,意思到了。母親想必十分傷心,然而她從未說甚麼。

不久前的家庭聚餐,母親端出一鍋飯,她的臉上露出神秘的笑,鍋蓋掀開,一股熟悉的味道飄出來,那氣味很香,還略有不同。母親給每人舀了滿滿的一碗,眼前是 我三十多年沒再吃過的高麗菜飯,我把飯碗往前推,說我吃怕了。母親鼓勵我吃一口,她說:「食一嘴就好。」在眾人面前,我得給她面子,我吃了一口飯,菜飯有 久不聞的豬油香,飯中除了切細的高麗菜,還有肉絲、香菇絲、紅蘿蔔絲,米飯和佐料的比例是七比三,調味剛好。母親略顯得意地說,她小時候,在高麗菜產季, 她的老母白天忙著曬高麗菜乾,近午用大灶炊煮二十多人吃的高麗菜飯,她都隨著洗菜、看柴火,所以她很小就會做這道飯。

 一兩年前,為了母親,我常憂心落淚,梁永安引里爾克的詩句送我:「主啊,求你讓每個人都活過,愛過, 然後死去。都有意義,都有必要。」

 卡洛與永安是"知音" 我上周讀這本一家人/一精英共同体寫的奇書, 就趕緊貼文,還沒讀到卡洛引的遺言。 我對書名的翻譯稍有意見, 可見最簡單的英文很難譯。英國人很多文化領先,包括這樣的死法。所以鄭重推薦此書。http://hcpeople.blogspot.tw/....../philip-gould-1950......
