2022年4月7日 星期四

the International Year of Glass. 當心,玻璃大門。玻璃球遊戲:The Glass Bead Game;“Bead Game Conjecture” (1968) By Christopher Alexander (1936~2022),


Howard Chang

我 也試過。結論:玻璃不能擦得太乾淨



---Wikipedia 中文版翻譯自英文版前2段:

玻璃球遊戲(德語:Das Glasperlenspiel發音:[das ˈɡlaːspɛʁlənˌʃpiːl] 關於這個音頻文件 聆聽)是德國作家赫爾曼·黑塞的最後一部長篇小說。它於1931年開始撰寫,1943年因黑森的反法西斯立場而在德國被拒絕出版,同年該書在瑞士出版[1]。1946年,黑塞獲得諾貝爾文學獎。瑞典學院在頒獎典禮上向他表示敬意時說,這部小說在黑塞的作品中「佔有特殊的地位」[2]

玻璃球遊戲是德語書名的直譯,但該書也以「Magister Ludi」(拉丁語:遊戲大師)的標題出版,該​​書名是該書主人公的尊稱。「Magister Ludi」也可以看作是一個雙關語:magister是一個拉丁詞,意思是「老師」,而ludus可以翻譯為「遊戲」或「學校」。但是,Magister Ludi的標題實際具有誤導性,它暗示這本書是一本直截了當的成長小說,但實際上這本書涉及許多不同的體裁,僅僅一部分是對傳記體裁的模仿[3]

玻璃球遊戲的英文版The Glass Bead Game,1949年出版。約50年之後,杜文仁兄帶宜蘭華德福的老師讀它

 Christopher Alexander, the progenitor of pattern languages, distilled the essence of his own thinking in his “Bead Game Conjecture”: 

That it is possible to invent a unifying concept of structure within which all the various concepts of structure now current in different fields of art and science, can be seen from a single point of view. This conjecture is not new. In one form or another people have been wondering about it, as long as they have been wondering about structure itself; but in our world, confused and fragmented by specialisation, the conjecture takes on special significance. If our grasp of the world is to remain coherent, we need a bead game; and it is therefore vital for us to ask ourselves whether or not a bead game can be invented.


Playing the game well requires years of hard study of music, mathematics, and cultural history. The game is essentially an abstract synthesis of all arts and sciences. It proceeds by players making deep connections between seemingly unrelated topics.


Did you know that 2022 was announced by UN the International Year of Glass❓
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可能是 5 個人和室內的圖像
