Traditional Chinese medicines are at best placebos and at worst harmful distractions from the task of curing people
China should stop subsidising quackery
From the archive
China should stop subsidising quackery
From the archive
- Thomas Mann:為人寫的序言;《歌德與托爾斯泰》 BUDDENBROOKS: The Dec...
- OBLOMOV (《奧勃洛莫夫》1859) by Ivan Goncharov「多餘人」superf...
- The Mandrake By Niccolò Machiavelli
‘The library was an inspiration: the abstraction of a woodland clearing with something of the character of a Japanese temple. The exterior of the west wing was a masterpiece of ambiguities between figure and ground, space and mass. Charles Rennie Mackintosh’s magisterial work, completed in phases from 1897 to 1909, was in and of itself a teaching building: it taught students to see, to experience space and light, to feel textures, colours and materials. It touched the mind and the senses of all who passed through. It rested in memory. It was high architecture but it was also casual and convivial. It encouraged the mess of creation in its studios and promoted the mixing of people on its landings and stairs.’
William J.R. Curtis on the Glasgow School of Art, from the blog.
William J.R. Curtis: In Memoriam GSA
Whatever the verdict of any investigation or inquiry, this time I fear that Mackintosh’s masterpiece has left the earth for ever.
William J.R. Curtis: In Memoriam GSA
Whatever the verdict of any investigation or inquiry, this time I fear that Mackintosh’s masterpiece has left the earth for ever.
紀念LEADERSHIP is an ART By Max DePree
約1993年,某次杜邦公司全球director級主管(約500名)的會議中..,人人研讀一本MAX DePREE著的LEADERSHIP is an ART。我的主管李(Chuck Lee 新加坡人)先生參加完會議之後,此書由我接收。這本書先後有洪建全基金(1991)和經濟新潮社(2008)的譯本《領導的藝術》,當然以後者為佳,舉個例,第1章是很感人的《一個工人之死》,記作者父親約在1928年到該廠的一位工人家去悼念。喪家希望公司的創始人能讀幾首詩.....("竟然"是過世工人的作品......)
約1993年,某次杜邦公司全球director級主管(約500名)的會議中..,人人研讀一本MAX DePREE著的LEADERSHIP is an ART。我的主管李(Chuck Lee 新加坡人)先生參加完會議之後,此書由我接收。這本書先後有洪建全基金(1991)和經濟新潮社(2008)的譯本《領導的藝術》,當然以後者為佳,舉個例,第1章是很感人的《一個工人之死》,記作者父親約在1928年到該廠的一位工人家去悼念。喪家希望公司的創始人能讀幾首詩.....("竟然"是過世工人的作品......)
在我們的企業生活中(In our efforts to understand corporate life 翻譯有小瑕疵),我們該從這故事中學習些什麼呢?除了那些財務比率與目標與參數與利潤(botton lines)之外,最重要的是,領導者必須認定"人"的觀念(leaders endorse a concept of persons)......要從了解人的天賦、才幹與技能的多樣性開始。
Max De Pree (October 28, 1924 – August 8, 2017) was an American businessman and writer.
Max De Pree (October 28, 1924 – August 8, 2017) was an American businessman and writer.
His book Leadership is an Art has sold more than 800,000 copies.
Son ouvrage Leadership is an art, publié en 1987, s'est vendu à plus de 800 000 exemplaires4.
Son ouvrage Leadership is an art, publié en 1987, s'est vendu à plus de 800 000 exemplaires4.
參考:村上 春樹/むらかみ はるき Murakami Haruki
1987 - 日出國的工場(日出る國の工場 )安西水丸/插圖
1987 - 日出國的工場(日出る國の工場 )安西水丸/插圖
1980年,流亡印度近21年的达赖喇嘛派了一个代表团返回西藏考察。令代表团成员感到震撼的不仅是共产党治下藏人的苦难,还有 #青藏高原 上不同寻常的寂静。昔日成群的野驴、野马、牦牛不见了,就连飞鸟也几乎无迹可寻。
#达赖喇嘛 #藏人
#达赖喇嘛 #藏人