2017年5月8日 星期一

0508 2017 一 Shoplifting 英文


王德威 教授「華夷風起」-- 華語語系文學主題書展專題演講。王教授很博學多文,所以可注意他連"花果飄零、靈根自植"和"宅茲中國" (住的在地之處叫中國)等多照顧到了,孔子學院將對台統戰方式發動向世界統戰.....articulation翻譯成表述、historicity 翻譯成歷史維度.....
演講完之後才認識下場演講在師大,呎尺天涯:15:00-17:00 李歐梵教授,講題:「文學與音樂」(師大誠101教室)

高中時代1968-1971是pollution (環境汙染)。台中的美國新聞處(USIS)美國婦女之聚會。我記得當時她的們就很在意洗衣清潔劑的汙染與其他環保措施....到了1988年我加入DuPont Taiwan,該公司給我很完整的訓練。
大學時代1971:Euthanasia 安樂死 (美國老師要我們辯論它的人權和立法,這到2010年代都還是世界的議題......)
1974 Plant (我們工業工程系大四課叫 Plant Layout (工廠佈置),我的生物系的同學嵩文說,Plant是植物......)
英國留學時代1977:英國超商常有人順手牽羊,所以多貼有警告:Shoplifting might be prosecuted. 我的英文老師告訴我們" "可能"送法辦"而已.....
2016.5 義大利高等法院判飢餓的人到商店偷食物可免罪......http://hcpeople.blogspot.tw/2016/05/blog-post_6.html
2016.5 義大利高等法院判飢餓的人到商店偷食物可免罪......http://hcpeople.blogspot.tw/2016/05/blog-post_6.html


我跟老徐說,page-turner 沒這意思。請查專業術語。
stand partner....郎朗
Throwback to last week's Dvorak’s Slavonic Dance rehearsal with Emanuel Ax- Official Page for Carnegie Hall's 125th Anniversary. Too bad we couldn't find a more qualified page-turner... :P Thanks, Yo-Yo Ma!
Spain’s Eurovision Entry Is Sung Entirely in English
Spanish TV viewers selected “Say Yay,” by Bárbara Reyzábal González-Aller, who uses the stage name Barei, to represent the country in the contest.

1970 年代初,外來產品還很少,那時候,能購買一瓶好立克就覺得很奢侈。
英國或歐俄各國,大肆喝酒狂歡的場面很平常,這在英文俚語用bender等等字 (Slang. A spree, especially a drinking spree)。
電影One Day 有句:
We could go on an Ovaltine bender. 阿華田大宴

“精心算计” - 五角大楼分析中国南海策略
a risk that you consider worth taking because the result, if it is successful, will be so good:
calculated risk Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary

只讀第一章,印象最深刻的是對facial angel 的註解,還有圖示。
Everyman's Library 對這本小說的引言很短:
"...happiness was but the occasional episode in a general drama of pain."
--from "The Mayor of Casterbridge" By Thomas Hardy
今天2016.5.8 的,比較完整點,不過英文不好懂。這是小說的末段,句長或許另外有意思:
"And in being forced to class herself among the fortunate she did not cease to wonder at the persistence of the unforeseen, when the one to whom such unbroken tranquility had been accorded in the adult stage was she whose youth had seemed to teach that happiness was but the occasional episode in a general drama of pain."
Mayor of Casterbridge - Chapter 45 - Cleave Books
She had not been able to forget it for days, despite Farfrae's tender banter; and now when the matter had .... And in being forced to class herself among the fortunate she did not cease to wonder at the persistence of the unforeseen, when the one to whom such unbroken tranquility had been accorded in the adult stage was ...
方寒星來信pointed out:「《成寒英語有聲書5-一語動人心》書中插圖」 其中,「(李振清博士)在師大英語系大二期間,因為勤讀英文小說,我逐漸領會到英美文學作品及其文字的優美,從而摹仿其文詞、句構、語意與意境。當時教小說選讀的是一位令我敬愛、英國文學造詣極深的翻譯名家,吳奚真教授。吳老師當年選讀哈代(Thomas Hardy)的名著《卡斯特橋市長》(The Mayor of Casterbridge);這是我一生首次精讀,甚至背誦部分章節的英國文學作品,對日後的英文寫作有很大的影響。」
(hc:這本書我們談過。「哈代之小說《嘉德橋市長》(吳奚真編注,台北:遠東圖書,1967;吳奚真譯,台北:大地出版社,1992--民國八十一年榮獲國家文藝基金會翻譯獎…」 彭鏡禧先生寫過短文推薦。記得也有論文比較數種版本之翻譯。待查。)

我買的一部分:英文:2本談Russell;The Oxford Companion to Supreme Court; All About Shanghai (OUP1990)....Disturbing the University (20年前讀過中譯);
中文:胡適編的詩選:愛因斯坦晚年文集(北大,2008);阿里斯多芬喜劇六種(羅念生);洪素麗的"浮草" (1983,臺先生:....."落葉歸根"......今世的落葉,只有隨風飄到那裡便是那裡了。)
晚上到山外書屋,老闆抱怨研究生少了很多,顧客跟著少了很多。 (此時是中國的出版盛世,洋洋灑灑,連4卷本的"歐洲大學史"都翻譯出來。

The Cimabues are teamed with four other small works, all from local museums. But there is plenty to look at, not the least because each involves multiple images. TheMetropolitan Museum of Art has lent a triptych by a Florentine contemporary of Cimabue, known only as the Magdalen Master, and a diptych by Pacino di Bonaguida, a younger follower, also represented by four images on vellum from the Morgan Library and Museum.

diptych, triptych

Ivory consular diptych of Areobindus, Byzantium, 506 AD,Louvre.


Pronunciation: /ˈtrɪptɪk/ 


1A picture or relief carving on three panels, typically hinged together vertically and used as an altarpiece:a triptych depicting the Crucifixion
1.1A set of three associated artisticliterary, or musical works intended to beappreciated together:a triptych on the theme of the holocausthis triptych of one-act operas is unfairly neglected


Mid 18th century (denoting a set of three writing tablets hinged or tied together): from tri-'three', on the pattern of diptych.


Pronunciation: /ˈdɪptɪk/ 


1A painting, especially an altarpiece, on two hinged wooden panels which may be closedlike a book.
2An ancient writing tablet consisting of two hinged leaves with waxed inner sides.


Early 17th century: via late Latin from late Greek diptukha 'pair of writing tablets', neuter plural of Greek diptukhos 'folded in two', from di- 'twice' + ptukhē 'a fold'.

Updike on Art

‘Always Looking,’ by John Updike

Painting: Artist Rights Society, New York/VG Bid-Kunst, Bonn; Digital image: Museum of Modern Art, licensed by SCALA /Art Resource, NY

At the Guggenheim SoHo, Updike studied the Max Beckmann triptych "Departure" (1932-33).
