2017年1月21日 星期六

0121 2017 六

今天發現明天要講的30分鐘【簡介Walter Benjamin 及其 The Arcades Project】,Slides和內容可講2鐘頭。
"每天都在做明天的夢,但夢醒後,才發現說的就是今天與昨天。" ---- 改Walter Benjamin 的"時代"為"天"。
To borrow from the opening page of Dr. Deming’s book, The New Economics,
The people of the word no longer live in isolation…..People make comparisons….Anybody else lives better, so everybody supposes….People blame their plight on to the government and its leaders, or to management and its leaders. They may be correct. But will change in leadership assure better living? What if the new leaders are no better? How could they be? How much time have new leaders to demonstrate that they have brought a better life? By what method could new leaders bring improvement in living?
Facebook is an empire of great power, size and influence. Yet its emperor has even bigger ambitions
What is Mark Zuckerberg really up to?
The Facebook founder is traveling the country, reconnecting with religion and fast becoming an object of speculation that he could be preparing a run for the presidency.
By Abby Ohlheiser Analysis

China warns Japan against interfering in Taiwan affairs
China warned Japan on Friday against interfering in Taiwan's affairs following a media report saying Tokyo's armed forces plan a tabletop exercise next wee

"美國總統就職日的人氣大落;1829 and 1861的典禮希臘 Corinthian 柱列猶在"
The Corinthian columns that once towered over the Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln inaugurations in 1829 and 1861 now sit in a stark,...

"The great German sociologist Max Weber famously described the work of politics as 'a strong and slow boring of hard boards,' a profession that 'takes both passion and perspective.' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XziAOA-Ris

 2月18 http://hclectures.blogspot.tw/2017/01/20172-john-berg.html

Parisians : an adventure history of Paris

Hanching Chung (Books 書海微瀾) - 4 分鐘前
巴黎人 作者: (英) 格雷厄姆·罗布 出版社: 北京大学出版社 副标题: 探寻巴黎历史的神奇之旅 原作名: Parisians: An Adventure History of Paris 译者: 许婧 / 王利军 出版年: 2011-9-8 页数: 356 定价: 45.00元 本书以人为线索(既包括政治家拿破仑、玛丽-安托瓦内特、希特勒、戴高乐、密特朗、萨科齐,作家普鲁斯特、左拉,哲学家萨特、波伏娃,艺术家格莱科、戴维斯等知名人物,也包括建筑师吉约莫、城市规划师豪斯曼男爵、警探维多克、摄影师马维尔、剧作家亨利等在巴黎历史上有深远影响但已不太知名的人物,还包括一些小人物),精心选取每个人与巴黎的一段人生故事,按照时间先后顺序,讲述了从法国大革命到2010年间的法国历史。 举报 作者简介 · · · · · · 罗布(Graham Robb,1958— ),英国当代著名作家,著有《雨果传》(Victor Hugo,获1997 Whitehbread Book Award)、《伦勃朗传》(Rimbaud,获2001 Samuel Johnson Prize),《发现法国》(The Discovery of France,获2007 Duff Cooper Prize、2008 Ondaatje Prize)。 目录 · · · · · · 出发 1... 更多 »

Sentimental Education 情感教育

Hanching Chung (Books 書海微瀾) - 17 分鐘前
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentimental_Education - 1922 English Translation https://archive.org/stream/sentimentaleduca00flauiala/sentimentaleduca00flauiala_djvu.txt 對了,我在狄更斯英文本都可以找到當時的倫敦地圖。可否找【情感教育】的..... 還不夠細。譬如說小說說從Patheon附近的街到那兒..... http://www.communitywalk.com/sentimental_education_map/map/347582 CONTENTS BOOK I CHAPTER PAGE I A PROMISING EPISODE 1 II THE WISDOM OF YOUTH .... 15 III THE RULING PASSION 24 IV THE ETERNAL FEMININE .... 34 V A CONSUMING LOVE 66 VI HOPES DEFERRED . 117 VII PARIS AGAIN . . ...... 130 VIII FREDERICK ENTERTAINS AND I... 更多 »

deflect, divert and distract

Hanching Chung (Translations 譯藝) - 2 小時前
Bill Moyers The first step to resisting Donald J. Trump is understanding how he and Kellyanne Conway deploy their big lies: deflect, divert and distract. There are lots of examples here of that exact strategy. Google的翻譯比Facebook的較能"成句"。 deflect, divert and distract 壓頭韻,當然難翻。改變眾人的方向 (deflect, divert 近義,不過這種說法粗略 )、讓其分心 facebook:第一步, 以抵抗Donald J. Trump理解他如何和Kellyanne Conway部署他們的大謊言: 機前, 轉移和乾(干)擾. 總是有太多的例子, 這裡的確切的策略. Google:抵抗唐納德·特朗普的第一步是理解他和凱莉安·康威如何部署他們的大謊:偏轉,轉移和分心。 這裡有很多的確切策略的例子。

Isidor Isaac Rabi and Eisenhower

Hanching Chung (Education 教育人行道) - 4 小時前
Ben Chen 誰才是大學的主體? 走過台大,看到有要楊泮池校長下台的招貼。找出一句當年Issac I. Rabi 對艾森豪說的話,對比一下。 二戰時期盟軍在歐洲的統帥,艾森豪將軍,在選總統之前,曾經先短期擔任過哥倫比亞大學的校長,有一天,意氣風發的歐戰英雄艾森豪對Rabi說:Professor,我做校長,很以有你們這些employees為榮。 Rabi答說:校長先生,faculty 不是學校的雇員,faculty 就是Universty 的本體。 後來,艾森豪當選美國總統,聘請Rabi當他的科技顧問。 [image: 圖像裡可能有文字] Rabi was appointed a member of the Science Advisory Committee (SAC) of the Office of Defense Mobilization in 1952, serving as its chairman from 1956 to 1957. [72] This coincided with the Sputnik crisis. President Dwight Eisenhower met with the SAC on 15 October 1957, to seek advice on possible US responses to the Rus... 更多 »

感謝參加【漢清講堂】 2017.1. 21 新春心得分享與討論會討論者:蘇錦坤、梁永安、繆詠華、曹永洋、羅文森 、林公孚、張華、李元璋、陳忠信、 陳建邦、林靖邦、
(我建議2017年1月21日周末,來場發表會,每人30分鐘, 請踴躍報名。 去年我們約有6~7片,有興趣的可到下附的"漢清講堂"參考 YouTube (hc itaiwan forum) https://goo.gl/Y5CSVy 。) 【漢清講堂】2017...
