2.18 漢清講堂 我負責:
紀念John Berger (1926-2017) :https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Berger
0. 奇人
1. 社會關懷: Fellow Prisoners 監獄與高牆 (vs WED's)
回永和家庭聚會,想取出藝術類的幾箱書,不料倉庫堆買雜物,有一箱標示"雨果"的,取回,內有文集二十幾本和傳記 (譯者補充十來張明信片)數本,連同書架上的,近40本。
更多~~~ YouTube HTML5 Video Player的自動英文字幕正確率約9成5。目前中文還沒此項服務。 ~~~ Beginning in 2020, the Harvard Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences will expand into a purpose-built facility in Allston. The 500,000+ square foot complex will feature state-of-the-art classrooms, active learning labs, maker space, faculty labs, community space and a café. Green design will make it one of the most enviro⋯⋯ |