2017年1月31日 星期二

0201 2017 三

2.18 漢清講堂 我負責:
紀念John Berger (1926-2017) :https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Berger
0. 奇人
1. 社會關懷: Fellow Prisoners 監獄與高牆 (vs WED's)

With John Berger / Ways of Seeing , Episode 4 (1972)

A BAFTA award-winning series with John Berger, which rapidly became regarded as one of the most influential art programmes ever made. In this…

Hanching Chung https://www.amazon.com/Portraits-John-Berger/dp/1784781762

A major new book from one of the world’s leading writers and art criticsJohn Berger, one of the world’s…
Harley-Davidson Factory Tours

回永和家庭聚會,想取出藝術類的幾箱書,不料倉庫堆買雜物,有一箱標示"雨果"的,取回,內有文集二十幾本和傳記 (譯者補充十來張明信片)數本,連同書架上的,近40本。 
YouTube HTML5 Video Player的自動英文字幕正確率約9成5。目前中文還沒此項服務。
Beginning in 2020, the Harvard Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences will expand into a purpose-built facility in Allston. The 500,000+ square foot complex will feature state-of-the-art classrooms, active learning labs, maker space, faculty labs, community space and a café. Green design will make it one of the most enviro⋯⋯

0131 2017 二

12點睡、6點起、7點出發 (老弟相送......)  ,找加油站 (換位置了)、9點到。
Dear David
您2月18日不知有沒空,我想邀請您來一起講Dr. Deming談 The Prison--我的Google Slides構建中,馬上會與您share,請您合作Dr. Deming談的,作幾張slides補上 (雲端自動share!)。



約9點到64號:用新PC弄Fiber:開機 spyhunter要來更新,擋之。
blogger 的dashboard失效:只好用google plus:alphabet 股價下約2.51%,

88號 試old pc。
contact david hsu email for THE PRISON pRESENT
6點 拿YY 4K TV

Image result for pea-soupers
Pea soup, or a pea souper, also known as a black fog, killer fog or smog is a very thick and often yellowish, greenish, or blackish fog caused by air pollution that contains soot particulates and the poisonous gas sulfur dioxide.

Pea soup fog - Wikipedia

Harvard University Press
"In Victorian times it was our love for home fires that politicians were reluctant to upset; today it is our love for cars and other private means of transport. It took many decades to act on the knowledge that pea-soupers cost lives. How many decades will it take in our own time?"

Writers and artists were inspired by the pea-soupers but smog cost thousands of lives

鍾鴻蘭新增了 3 張相片
可欣喜的 這三張是她取的景哦

2017年1月29日 星期日

0130 2017 一 初三


台灣蘋果日報似乎都只印12.5萬份:2016.11 發行23.4403賣22.8186 萬份;Google年營收900億美金。

Le Corbusier, Finding India 


彰国社編 ; 北田英治写真. (建築文化シナジー). 彰国社, 2005.6. Other Title. Le Corbusierfinding India. ルコルビュジエのインド


" What in another writer's work might be the associative work of memory becomes, in Berger's fiction, virtual alchemy. "
"Yet the density of the foliage was not like that of a jungle, but like the density of a closed book, which had to be read page by page."
我們在此相遇 2008

書名:我們在此相遇,原文名稱:Here Is Where We Meet,語言:繁體中文,ISBN:9789861733449,頁數:272,出版社:麥田,作者:約翰.伯格,譯者:吳莉君,出版日期:2008/03/06,類別:文學小說

A large crowd turned out this evening in front of Sterling Memorial Library for a candlelight vigil in support of immigrant & refugee communities. A concert follows at 7pm in Battell Chapel. #resistpeacefully #IRISCT

'The Emperor Nero has now taken power in Washington — and the British are having to smile and clap as he sets fires and reaches for his fiddle.'

紐約不完全攻略手冊新增了 1 張相片。

2017年1月28日 星期六

0129 2017 日

圖像裡可能有6 個人、婚禮
韓式泡麵 餡餅 麵線等等。 yy說要去評審兒童......參觀博物館的。

A Painter of Our Time (1958)

This visionary first novel by the Booker Prize-winning author of To the Wedding and G. is at once a gripping intellectual and moral detective story and a book whose aesthetic insights make it a companion piece to John Berger's great works of art criticism.


"'Life will always be bad enough
for the desire for something better
 not to be extinguished in men
(Berger, 1989, p. 5).

“…formalism is art which gets over its problems without a glance at anything outside itself. The formalist work is self-sufficient. It is a commodity. The market for such commodities is made up of those who believe that they are also self-sufficient- members of the mincing cosmopolitan art world.”

  • Goya's Last Portrait (with Nella Bielski) (1989)(play)

馬克思 1844年經濟學哲學手稿



The human essence of nature exists only for social man; for only here does nature exist for him as a bond with other men, as his existence for others and their existence for him, as the vital element of human reality; only here does it exist as the basis of his own human existence. Only here has his natural existence become his human existence and nature become man for him. Society is therefore the perfected unity in essence of man with nature, the true resurrection of nature, the realized naturalism of man and the realized humanism of nature.

[Marx note at the bottom of the page: Prostitution is only a particular expression of the universal prostitution of the worker, and since prostitution is a relationship which includes not only the prostituted but also the prostitutor – whose infamy is even greater – the capitalist is also included in this category.]



, a participé le 24 janvier au Forum économique annuel organisé par le magazine taiwanais CommonWealth dont le thème était "Nouvelle croissance, nouvelles technologies, nouvelle société". Elle a dialogué avec Audrey Tang, actuelle ministre du numérique à Taiwan, sur le rôle que joue la révolution numérique dans le domaine de la culture.
En savoir plus en suivant le lien en français: http://taiwaninfo.nat.gov.tw/news.php?unit=62&post=110689

  • John Berger (1926–2017), British art critic, novelist, painter, and author

Berger is a surname in both German, and French, although there is no etymological connection between the names in the two languages. The French surname is an occupational name for a shepherd, from Old French bergier (Late Latin berbicarius, from berbex ‘ram’). The German surname derives from the word "Berg", the word for "mountain" or "hill", and means a resident on a mountain or hill, or someone from a toponym Berg, derived from the same. The pronunciation of the English name may sometimes be /ˈbɜːrər/ bur-jər. Notable people with this surname include:

Meissen porcelain - Wikipedia

The Year of the Rooster, from a Thai perspective 

這是 3 年前的私房照,我們認為你可能會想回顧一下這張相片。