- 打,噤,打點,振噪,打理,打寒噤, 閹割,「打雅」劉半農,被閹割焦慮
- 供,物故,自裁,供茶,供品
- 眼,目,照,毖,互照,照璧,自恕, 頑耍,勾留,行樂,噂沓,安撫,鞭撻,詠桑寓柳,避人眼目
- 聯,冽,關連, 關係,翻番,聯婚,母舅聯,聯席總裁,互聯網中的“綠色”,英倫聯合救濟中國損
- 佮,君滾棍骨裙滾郡滑,困,睏,梱
- 哈,詩翁, 義不辭難 ,義無反顧
宗旦忌茶会: 当日は物故者への供茶(くちゃ)に引き続き、
為什麼頁數會錯置呢?童元方著《一樣花開》台北:爾雅叢書,1996 (這本書買了17年了才發現233頁/232頁印反了) 童元方《一樣花開》《水流花靜》《為彼此的鄉愁》《選擇與創造》《閱讀陳之籓》《譯心與譯藝》:秋夜清光憶...
因此以前都是先一頁頁打出來. 排好頁序之後 再交給照相製版. 所以這過程如果弄錯而沒發現 就印出頁數錯置問題 .....
我讀: IBM says
'big data' will transform schools, hospitals — and malls
You can read the rest of the predictions,
as well as past "5 in
5s," at IBM's A Smarter Planet page. Sure, they sound like science fiction now, but five years
is a long time in tech. Come 2018, we'll see whether these ideas were too
ambitious, or not ambitious enough.
謝謝卡洛:『我也要報名參加「漢玉清談會」。』 Ken當請你安排報告。
"台灣的美術館Museums是蔡明亮電影的新兵培養站" 這是我在2013.12.23 晚上聽蔡明亮導演的現身說法...... http://hcplace.blogspot.tw/2013/12/museums.html
童元方著《一樣花開》台北:爾雅叢書,1996 (這本書買了17年了才發現233頁/232頁印反了) /童元方. 辽宁教育出版社,
2000 - 《一樣花開‧燧石之火》台北:爾雅叢書,1996,頁219-227
Statue of Frits Philips in Eindhoven (我去過荷蘭多次---卻沒興趣去此老東家之重鎮.....與他們作點紙上的交流.....)
Anton Philips1874-1951 安東‧菲利浦斯/Frits Philips 1905-205
打電話/電報/打千里鏡/ 打 樣 (三義)/兩人打得火熱/打水線/打不到底/打算盤(二義)/打算(二義)/打結/打酒(二義)/打秋風(打抽豐,敲人家小竹槓)/打板子(打班子:發瘧疾 HC:打擺子)/打聽/打擾/打坐/打齋/打早/打趣/打諢/打鬧/打招呼........
徐錚學長客氣Merry Christmas. I learned a lot from this series of email - thank you. ---2013年是友誼之年
Neutral Tones
We stood by a pond that winter day,
And the sun was white, as though chidden of God,
And a few leaves lay on the starving sod;
– They had fallen from an ash, and were gray.
Your eyes on me were as eyes that rove
Over tedious riddles of years ago;
And some words played between us to and fro
On which lost the more by our love.
The smile on your mouth was the deadest thing
Alive enough to have strength to die;
And a grin of bitterness swept thereby
Like an ominous bird a-wing….
Since then, keen lessons that love deceives,
And wrings with wrong, have shaped to me
Your face, and the God curst sun, and a tree,
And a pond edged with grayish leaves.