2012年1月1日 星期日

0101 2012 陳寬仁教授寄放的第0批書小記


(參考陳寬仁教授寄放在鍾漢清處的第2批書小記。由於疏忽第一批書只記得有本 A. V. Feeigenbaum 博士名著 Total Quality Control 的譯本:《全面質量管理》北京:機械工業,1991──此書的第2,台灣的孫教授翻譯過 (台北: 中國生產力)A. V. Feeigenbaum 是現在僅存的品質管理的大師,他的思想是我在80年代初奉為「品管聖經」的。約7年前中原大學頒 N. Kano 博士榮譽博士的典禮餘絮中,王晃三教授說下一位是A. V. Feeigenbaum 博士。雖然後輩Kano博士有地利之便先取得,我相信真正的大師不會計較。只可惜他真的年事已高。)
我在2006年有一blog : simon university 第二部
812日的 陳寬仁來訪一文中有這樣的記載
……他說晃三兄可能採用 Stephen F. Mason/『自然科學發展史』陳寬仁譯 台北: 廣文出版, 1969 當通識教材。
我向它示範如何在GMAILGOOGLE/DESKTOP 找資料,以及如何編「台灣戴明圈年度紀事」、主題索引等。
我找到他在『風嶺 34── 承先啟後- 119 -校友感言』,很有意思……
《雕塑藝術》我已提過;與Stephen F.Mason* 1969年的自然科學發展史(4) ( History of the Sciences , 1953). 2006年,陳寬仁教授將此書複兩份,一本送玉燕,另一本請她送台北市某教育大學的圖書館。
*由現在網路上的資料The science and humanisum of Linus Pauling (1901-1994) 可以知道Stephen F. Mason是倫敦大學的King's College 的化學系教授兼劍橋大學的歷史與科學哲學教授。

元旦看BBC的 Reporter 年度回顧
介紹紐約市的素人完成的鐵道花園 每年參觀人數三百多萬人

岳母打電話來問寒衣 她感冒
NHK 的一場演奏會 最後以"故鄉"終場

工程經濟》,台中:東海大學工業工程及管理發展中心 1968/1970增訂2版出版 ;Paul S. Wingert 等人合著,陳老師譯的《雕塑藝術(台北:廣文 1967) 。這本書我粗讀一下發現是本好書,每章由一位專家寫的世界雕塑史,連加拿大都有一章。可惜我將各章作者名字輸入,卻在互聯網找不到此書,我相信來日從圖書館系統必可找到。
Dr. Deming: The American Who Taught The Japanese About Quality By Rafael Aguayo, New York: Carol, 1990。這本書是大蘋果版權公司給的出版前galleys 版本,所以沒 Dr. Deming 的序言。這本書是中文世界所翻譯的,介紹80年代美國品質革命中的要角 Dr. Deming的學說的第一本書,由台北的聯經出版。這本書的書摘由張忠樸先生作出,放在他的「尋智專業管理顧問公司」的網站。我則是對於作者的第二本書中的「出言不遜」很不滿,或可說,Dr. Deming 的序言是用騙去的。
那時候,王晃三兄是中華民國品質管制學會的理事長,陳老師可能是監事,而我是理事。晃三兄有一次買數十本該書送理事會同仁。我們看到它將關鍵字control chart 翻譯成「對比圖」當然很不滿意。後來王和陳老師連絡聯經的主編林載爵先生,建議該公司重新翻譯…. (它未重譯出版)。據陳老師說,林主編說要給已譯三章的稿費也沒消息了。
收陳老師的一篇「胡思去了區公所(頁96-103) 。陳老師是地政/戶政事務電腦化的提倡先軀。我現在重讀1987年日記,因要去日本受訓,必須多次去永和市公所辦身分證的「職業欄更新」的苦不堪言等記憶猶新。90年代我的所得稅很高,有一次到市公所辦事,我一直想不清楚那麼多的稅用到那兒,因為市公所的設施等,都是數十年前的樣子。當然,後來他們電腦化了,據說還會端茶請客。
Statistics: A Guide to the Unknown, San Francisco: Holden, 1972
這本書是很優秀的深入淺出的入門書,由各行著名統計專家介紹統計學的應用,譬如說,Deming 介紹管制圖在生產的應用,Herbert A. Simon 介紹他的發現: The Sizes of Things 等等,內容很豐富。我買過台灣美亞的翻印本,書中至少二分之一有漢譯。我幾年前介紹過這本書時,已是第4版Deming的文章變成業界的「常識」而拿下了,Simon的經得起近40年的考驗
Six Thinking Hat by De Bono, London: Pelican, 1985
我幾乎有De Bone的全集,他的書一半以上或三分之二都有桂冠等的漢譯。這本其實相當有創意,它的敵人就是我們的壞習慣:說話前不先表達自己的論點的七情六欲…..
Russell l. Ackoff 解決問題的藝術》台北:現代管理月刊,1981
很難忘記80年代初,我在竹東工研院電子所宿舍的早上,初讀此作者此書原文本的激動。此書十年前 Kevin Lin 先生給過我掃瞄版,我發現翻譯不通順,還將他女兒作的插畫刪掉。2010年我編《系統與變異:淵博知識與理想設計法》,即是對Ackoff 教授的敬禮。之前,我們舉辦過一次紀念Ackof的會議,陳老師和戴久永老師都有小論文貢獻,我希望有機會再出版談Ackoff 的書時可以利用。
The Ideal Problem Solver : A guide for improving thinking, learning and creativity by John D. Bransford and Barry S. Stein, New York: W. H. Freeman & Co., 1984


Europe | 01.01.2012

Berlin sees in 2012 with fireworks and heavy metal

People around the world have been bidding farewell to 2011 and welcoming in 2012. Hundreds of thousands gathered in Berlin for one of the world's biggest parties and fireworks displays.

Hundreds of thousands gathered at Berlin's landmark Brandenburg Gate to ring in, or rather rock in, the new year under a 12-minute firework display that started with the Scorpions performing their 1984 hit "Rock You Like a Hurricane."
Two hours before the clock struck midnight in central Europe and the Hanover band began its set, authorities in the German capital had already shut down entrances to the country's biggest party to prevent overcrowding.
Organizers expected around a million people to attend the event in the two-kilometer-long (1.2-mile) "party mile" near the iconic landmark.
Hours before the new year approached, firefighters in Berlin had already responded to some 1,000 cases - many of them fires started by rockets gone astray. They said there were no serious injuries.
Midnight across the world
First to ring in 2012 were the South Pacific islands of Samoa and Tokelau, a day after they effectively jumped across the international date line, going directly from Thursday into Saturday.
In previous years the two islands had been the last part of the world to welcome in a new year. The two sets of islands decided earlier this year to move from the Americas side of the dateline to the Asia side in order to bring them more into sync with their main trading partners, Australia and New Zealand.
The first major country to mark the new year was New Zealand, where bad weather put a damper on the festivities in some parts of the country. Open air celebrations were cancelled in Wellington and two other cities on the North Island.
Two hours later, though, revelers were treated to a grand display of fireworks at Sydney harbor, as Australians marked the start of 2012. An estimated 1.5 million people turned out to watch the display.
The new year has since been marked in Japan, Hong Kong, and many other parts of Asia.
Protests in Moscow
Moscow welcomed in the new year a couple of hours later, at the end of a day that saw another protest against the rule of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who is widely expected to easily win the March presidential election.
Vladimir PutinPutin played down the protestsPolice moved in to break up the rally, which had not been authorized, detaining around 60 people. An estimated 200 people had taken part in the protest, which is held on the 31st of each month to demand that the government uphold an article of the constitution that guarantees the right of freedom of assembly.
Prime Minister Putin, who has been facing massive demonstrations against his rule since the December 4 parliamentary elections, used his New Year’s speech to play down the unrest.
"At such times, politicians always try to manipulate the voters' feelings, everything is a little shaken up and seething, but that is the inevitable cost of democracy,” he said. "There's nothing unusual here."
Author: Chuck Penfold, David Levitz (dpa, AP, AFP)
Editor: Andreas Illmer

感謝戴久永老師 把聖經像文學來讀 等 這兩篇關於"聖經文學"的文章

昨完回去 還有機會看完:62屆『NHK紅白歌合戦』(
不過我更喜歡看接下去30分鐘報導全日本各地 (以佛寺為主)的新年平安祈福

昨天翻一下小說: Loving Frank: A Novel by Nancy Horan 愛上賴特
不過 重點不是這
我們有機會了解這樣一位世紀初 勇敢追求生命與愛情的女子
speeder, radar, torpedoes, full speed ahead!

世間當然有賓州的耶穌會的樂園: arcadian
人生如此 曾經駛過那個州的廣大鄉間
也會像昨夜11點45分起 走在既熟悉又陌生的台大校園 :
不變的 午夜投籃球的清少年
有點失望的101煙火秀 這只是地球的一點而已
