2023年7月30日 星期日

英國 National Portrait Gallery 優缺點 申賦漁



 重新開幕的國家肖像藝廊吸引了許多目光。藝評家蘿拉.弗里曼(Laura Freeman)讚許:「展覽方式重新展示了英國國家及其人民嚴肅而時尚的歷史。」《衛報》(The Guardian)藝文主筆強納森.瓊斯(Jonathan Jones)則持平看待:「雖然燈光和策展有很大的改進,但藏品只是著名面孔的大集合而沒有藝術深度。」(撰文/林盈君)(節選自《藝術家》579期,2023年8月號)


#倫敦國家肖像藝廊 #NationalPortraitGallery

#藝術家雜誌 #ArtistMagazine 








If art, snacks, and books are your thing, you’ll love Artful Readings. 📚🎨🥨

Mark your calendar for our next meeting on Friday, August 11, where we’ll discuss “The Artisans: A Vanishing Chinese Village,” by Shen Fuyu; translated by Jeremy Tiang (2022).

ℹ️ “Through his own childhood memories and those of his ancestors, Shen resurrects the working life of Shen Village through interlinked stories of fifteen artisans as their lives intersect over the course of a century.” (publisher’s summary)

Registered participants can purchase this book in the Museum Shop at a discount.


Explore connections in the literary and visual art—and enjoy light refreshments! Register online: https://kimbellart.org/event/artful-readings-27https://kimbellart.org/event/artful-readings-27
