2023年7月2日 星期日

讀黃永玉(1924~2023) 紀念 《華彩世家 碑文外記》紀念陳寶箴、陳三立、陳衡恪、陳寅恪。《沿著塞納河到翡冷翠 虹橋》 紀念林風眠 〈畢加索會怎樣想:西柏林畢加雕塑展所見 (1983)〉紀念黃永玉、畢加索( Pablo Picasso)

讀黃永玉(1924~2023) 紀念  《華彩世家   碑文外記》紀念陳寶箴、陳三立、陳衡恪、陳寅恪。《沿著塞納河到翡冷翠    虹橋》 紀念林風眠   

 黃永玉先生(1924~2023) 紀念(2):包括  《見笑集》。  "《沿著塞納河到翡冷翠》

黃永玉《華彩世家   碑文外記火裡鳳凰》. 這些地方眼下都不在了,蓋了一批自以為是的辦公洋房子,我不喜空講排場的土摩登,要空氣沒空氣,要順暢沒順暢,上樓下樓, ... 在為鳳凰前道台衙門口寫一篇紀念陳寶箴、陳三立、陳衡恪、陳寅恪四位先生的碑文,感謝他們祖孫三代給予鳳凰的建樹, ...

讀黃永玉 〈畢加索會怎樣想:西柏林畢加雕塑展所見 (1983)〉紀念黃永玉、畢加索( Pablo Picasso)


讀黃永玉 畢加索會怎樣想

Published in



Catalogue of an exhibition, "Picasso Plastiken", at the Nationalgalerie, Berlin 7 October - 27 November 1983 and the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, 11 December 1983 - 29January 1984.

Previous ed., 1971.---

Focus: Picasso Sculpture

Jul 3–Nov 3, 2008




百年後的滋味:畢加索( Pablo Picasso) 的創意 故事:繪畫喝苦艾酒者(Absinthe Drinker 1901~02 )到 6件上色苦艾酒杯( PAINTED “Glass of Absinthe"1914 )雕塑作品。感謝 Henry Moore on Sculpture, pp. 213~217, NYT: Drinking In the Beauty of Picasso’s Sculptures at MoMA 、修正 劉錚 〈苦艾酒,從繆塞喝到海明威〉


畢加索 Pablo Picasso 的"雕塑作品" (3類)故事、愛/色情、親友、多藝......(第4回):Picasso Sculpture (MoMA)、雕塑 藝術/史/工房 中的Picasso 專章


畢加索 Pablo Picasso 的故事、愛/色情、親友、多藝......(第3回):Musée Picasso d'Antibes 到The Musée Picasso 收藏品,到 "PICASSO Ceramics: The Modern Touch展" (東京YOKU MOKU MUSEUM) ....以畢加索的陶器創新故事、 Vallauris (瓦洛里)興旺 簡介Gilot 與 畢加索10年、《 小女孩與蝌蚪》的觀賞法,David Hockney談畢加索


1st Edition
Sculpture and Touch

Edited By Peter DentCopyright 2014

Since the Renaissance, at least, the medium of sculpture has been associated explicitly with the sense of touch. Sculptors, philosophers and art historians have all linked the two, often in strikingly different ways. In spite of this long running interest in touch and tactility, it is vision and visuality which have tended to dominate art historical research in recent decades. This book introduces a new impetus to the discussion of the relationship between touch and sculpture by setting up a dialogue between art historians and individuals with fresh insights who are working in disciplines beyond art history. The collection brings together a rich and diverse set of approaches, with essays tackling subjects from prehistoric figurines to the work of contemporary artists, from pre-modern ideas about the physiology of touch to tactile interaction in the museum environment, and from the phenomenology of touch in recent philosophy to the experimental findings of scientific study. It is the first volume on this subject to take such a broad approach and, as such, seeks to set the agenda for future research and collaboration in this area.

畢加索 Pablo Picasso、愛、友、詩、 革命(第2回):補充艾呂雅(Paul Éluard 妻 NUSCH Eluard ;拼貼畫(作為禮品) ;Portraits de Picasso (1981 ) By 雅克·普雷維爾Jacques Prévert (1900~77)與畢加索 : 詩選《畢加索的漫步 Picasso's Promenade 》。收入暢銷詩集《話語集》;攝影家 André Villers 19300~2016 《不聽話孩子的故事》《斐外的詩》Paroles【雅克.卜列維詩選】

