2023年7月29日 星期六

1124 2011 四 俞大綱全集/燈火下樓台《俞大維傳》 (李元平)臺灣日報社, 1992《一代國士 俞大維》2015

今晨 改一日一言 等 無法連線
11點初 不知電爐有沒關 從圖書館回家看究竟

一代國士 俞大維
作者: 李元平, 李吉安

中午新聞弱 宋林登記 消遣馬之home stay 要他stay home 蔡之Taiwan Next 在找工作時被拒 台灣來的? Next 所以要Taiwan First
美國之了不起 可參考紐約時報的這篇感謝在野共和黨的辯論 給美國人許多難忘的時刻

Counting Really Small Blessings


This year, don't forget to give thanks for the Republican presidential debates. Seriously, they have given us so many truly interesting TV moments.


Our Own Worst Enemies

因為牽涉到杜邦公司 (當然他不是非常好的公司 不過很多事情和想法值得參考)

William Sommers
William Sommers
讀過亨利八世傳記的人 都知道他有一著名的弄臣William Sommers公視 播放了The Tudors 卻一直沒他的影子原來編劇者將它弄在第三位皇后 產後死亡的低潮時處理昨天整集都以他為主最後的一景是William Sommers 戴皇冠坐在皇座上狂笑先前是亨利公布國教的基本六條照T. 克倫威爾 (部要跟著名的O. 克倫威爾搞混)亨利骨子是天主教徒 只是無法忍受教宗管他.....William SommersFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, searchFor the Scotland international footballer, see William Somers.

現在的資訊發達 所以可以詳細註解

MALCOLM My liege,
They are not yet come back. But I have spoke
With one that saw him die: who did report
That very frankly he confess'd his treasons,
Implored your highness' pardon and set forth
A deep repentance: nothing in his life
Became him like the leaving it; he died
As one that had been studied in his death
To throw away the dearest thing he owed,
As 'twere a careless trifle.

此具有十來處有DEATH 字眼可選一
我比較難望的閱讀經驗 是1977-78年 每次到倫敦華人街 都會買幾本魯迅的書
1978年將它們丟在倫敦的H 機場

(全十八卷) 作者:魯迅出版社:人民文學出版社出版日期:2005年
這套沒看過 朋友可能有

《魯迅全集》最早的版本,由魯迅先生紀念委員會編輯,收入作者的著作、譯文和部分輯錄的古籍,共二十卷,于1938年印行。 這套台灣有翻印1986? 我買過 讀過
梁先生10天前送的老年之書:思我生命之旅 The Oxford Book of Aging: Reflections ...
相當優秀 我現在才寫這篇note 謝謝他

hbr: Five Charts that Changed Business: hc 的評論

Five Charts that Changed Business

The Experience Curve
Created by the Boston Consulting Group in 1966, this diagram may look simple, but it captured the notion that companies develop competitive advantage through economies of scale: Over time, they learn to lower costs, gain efficiencies, and improve products by redesigning and utilizing better technology. Source: Walter Kiechel, The Lords of Strategy (Harvard Business Press, 2010)

我是這經驗曲線的專家 在1986年的生產管理與實務書中就有專章討論
我現在的看法是他只是單維的圖示 問題很多

Five Charts that Changed Business

The Growth Share Matrix
This grid, devised at Boston Consulting Group in 1968, crystallized the relationship between market growth and market share to help determine the overall prospects for various business units. It is used to teach managers to milk cash cows, divest dogs, invest in stars, and weigh the risks and rewards of question marks. Source: Walter Kiechel, The Lords of Strategy (Harvard Business Press, 2010)

這張其實是上張的推廣 我在類似前瞻策略思考法財務與成本分析 介紹過

Five Charts that Changed Business

The Five Forces
Prior to Michael Porter's breakthrough 1979 HBR article, "competition" referred to rivalry between companies. Few people considered whether or why some industries were inherently more or less profitable than others or how persistent their profits were over time. Porter's diagram changed that—and students, strategists, consultants, and entrepreneurs now assess a company's competitive position according to the strength of the five forces. Source: "How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy," HBR March–April 1979


Five Charts that Changed Business

Disruptive Innovation
When Clayton M. Christensen and Joseph L. Bower introduced this idea, in a 1995 HBR article, their simple chart illustrated a key insight: Established players can be threatened by lower-quality offerings that fulfill the needs of "overserved" customers—and those offerings tend to improve over time. Source: "Disruptive Technologies: Catching The Wave," HBR January–February 1995

這又是另外一位大師的說法 它讓許多大公司的老闆心驚
譬如說 Intel 公司的Andy Grove找他
然而 可能有神拜拜比沒拜好

Five Charts that Changed Business

The Market Pyramid
Today managers take for granted that the biggest growth opportunities lie in emerging markets—and that viable businesses can be built to serve people near "the bottom of the pyramid." That can be traced to this chart, introduced by C.K. Prahalad and Kenneth Lieberthal in HBR in 1998. People living on $5,000 to $10,000 a year may not sound like lucrative consumers, but they constitute a demographic of immense purchasing power for companies selling food, housing, or energy. Source: "The End Of Corporate Imperialism," HBR July–August 1998

這張圖選得不好 這觀念在20世紀中就有啦
