俞大維逝世30週年紀念活動 緬懷一代國士; "俞大維文庫" 研討會 (臺大) 俞大維傳 周恩來 讀中國內戰將領回憶錄.....與有肝膽人共事 從無字句處讀書.: 俞大綱 紀念學會 張大千作品 。2023 。 關於東海大學前汪董事長及某些學長校友的紀錄 2013
首先,當今總統對東海有興趣,今年兩度到學校,我都沒下去,請校長接待他。我希望東海保持一塊”政治淨土” 。
全體學生四年的外(英)文教育很昂貴,師資和經費都是問題。博雅應應是教育的一部分 (這句定義未澄清) 。
I do not wish to belabor what I already have said, but I really
think the following two points that 董事長 made deserve further attention:
1. Tunghai would face a severe challenge on enrollment
due to the dramatic reduction on the college-entry aged population. The
question is, so, what should/would/could Tunghai do to face up to this
2. Four years of English classes would be too costly to
implement. I thought that Tunghai has recently implemented the second
year English classes (under the previous president). I don't know the
cost; but I recall that the previous president in a meeting with alumni
(in California?) quoted a study for this second year English program
(before it is implemented) that placed the price tag at about NT$
30,000,000 or so. If so, the total cost for three additional years of
English classes should be not too much exceeding NT$100,000,000;
which is at most half of the yearly surplus that Tunghai seems to be
enjoying at present (according to some source close to the books).
In any case, I strongly believe that Tunghai owes
Taichung, and indeed Taiwan, a commitment to immediately creating the
best master plan it can for the comprehensive development of the second
campus, and devoting her full energy to implementing the plan in the
shortest possible time frame. This is a moral obligation for Tunghai.
Then, this would also promise to generate the additional resources to
fund the renewal of Tunghai. I know this is not easy, and could be
dangerous to the chairman, the president and other people responsible
for doing it. But this is precisely the key to the whole problem of
Tunghai. I regret that I failed to make this point Monday when I had the
chance: the new Board ought to take on this task, which is the only
worthy task for any Board of Tunghai to pride itself at this point.
那一夜 同桌校友及徐錚演講等
某人建議,校友會要設立獎學金,獎助其兒女繼續照顧 (就學)東海的。
國瑞汽車的盧博文說,要買Toyota 車,找他一定有優惠。
席中,來兩位美國一等婚姻的校友,紐兄是第10屆化學,從GE退休 (講調從做電冰箱開始,到該公司董事長J. Welch將愛迪生的實驗室化為平地……)現在致力於家譜之撰寫,每年都會回海峽兩岸,與中國各官方單位的接頭,故事可歌可泣。他太太是第12屆建築系,現在還在做本業。
我當時跟紐學長說我對家譜之撰寫過程遠比其本身更有興趣.他起初嚇一跳 後來會意了說等譜弄完再寫....
我的1973級IE 學長: 李培基還是在汽車業,秦葆琦說,他住三峽豪宅。陳允恭據徐錚說,是他們班上功課頂優秀的,有空應該找他談談美國母校Auburn University,他現在是錦華資訊科技的總經理。
徐錚的演講,可以沒講稿、沒ppt ,一氣呵成,可以窩王前校長東海的legacy是留下11億 (不知帳記在那) ,市長胡志強曾對其友說,東海要辦什麼,必全力配合…….。我將他推薦給ie兩研究所,所以他上周五在近百位研究生下講Big Data。上周六在紫藤蘆他送我2013年出版的Information Systems 一書,我翻翻說,必須找相關專家/研究生,與他論劍三天三夜。他太太說,有空到美國要到他家,反正美國人的屋子多很大。我送二張故宮票到福華給他們、故意用東海的「捐款意願書」包起來,開他「微薄薪水」的玩笑。昨天我到臺大圖書館,找出徐錚譯,鍊馬可著的《理想、創造性和東海大學一文三天電子檔,《中央日報﹑》1971.11.1-11.3﹑。該文末段是一首詩,原文說它是無名氏說的,現代科技可以物歸原主:
"Ideals are like stars; you will not succeed in touching them with your hands, but like the seafaring man on the desert of waters, you choose them as your guides, and following them, you reach your destiny." —Carl Schurz
去校園 買番石榴 餵魚
看校訊--改版字大一號 買雞翅30 比樓下少5元?
請多多利用Youtue: 我在半年前討論過通識中心的"吳德耀"講座影片早已失靈. 以東海的資源和能力 應如天下集團 多利用YouTube -- 不要斷它. 這是系統穩定的基本原則.
傍晚 冰心寫周恩來句:
2023 年俞大維逝世三十周年聽說俞先生說與周恩來談判最吃力,腦筋清楚,邏輯力強