2023年4月20日 星期四

畢加索 Pablo Picasso、愛、友、詩、 革命(第2回):補充艾呂雅(Paul Éluard 妻 NUSCH Eluard ;拼貼畫(作為禮品) ;Portraits de Picasso (1981 ) By 雅克·普雷維爾Jacques Prévert (1900~77)與畢加索 : 詩選《畢加索的漫步 Picasso's Promenade 》。收入暢銷詩集《話語集》;攝影家 André Villers 19300~2016

 畢加索 Pablo Picasso、愛、友、詩、 革命(第2回):補充艾呂雅(Paul Éluard 妻 NUSCH Eluard  ;拼貼畫(作為禮品) ;Portraits de Picasso  (1981 ) By  雅克·普雷維爾Jacques Prévert (1900~77)與畢加索 : 詩選《畢加索的漫步  Picasso's Promenade 》。收入暢銷詩集《話語集》;攝影家  André Villers  19300~2016    《不聽話孩子的故事》《斐外的詩》Paroles【雅克.卜列維詩選】


Portraits de Picasso (French Edition) Hardcover – 1 1 月 1981
French版 作者 Jacques Prévert (Author)

畢加索、愛、友、詩、 革命第2: 艾呂雅(Paul Éluard 1895~1952 妻 NUSCH Eluard 1907~46)

Jacques Prévert and Pablo Picasso 相互唱酬 50年代起      雅克·普雷維爾《话语集》Jacques Prévert《不聽話孩子的故事》《斐外的詩》Paroles【雅克.卜列維詩選】

Jacques Prévert and Pablo Picasso

Jacques Prévert Promenade de Picasso - SlidePlayerslideplayer.fr › slide
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On a very round plate in real porcelain an apple poses. Face to face with her a painter of reality tries in vain to paint the apple
在一個非常圓的真正瓷盤上擺著一個蘋果。 與她面對面,一個現實的畫家試圖畫蘋果卻徒勞無功

Picasso's Promenade

On a very round plate of real porcelain
an apple poses
face to face with it
a painter of reality
vainly tries to paint
the apple as it is
the apple won't allow it
the apple
it has its word to say about it
and several tricks in its bag of apples
and there it is turning
on its real plate
artfully on itself
blandly without budging
and like a Duc de Guise who disguises himself as a gas duct1*
because they want to draw his portrait against his will
the apple disguises itself as a beautiful fruit in disguise
and it's then
that the painter of reality
begins to realize
that all the appearances of the apple are against him
like the unfortunate pauper
like the poor pauper who finds himself suddenly at the mercy
  of no matter what benevolent and charitable and redoubtable
  association of benevolence charity and redoubtability
the unfortunate painter of reality
then suddenly finds himself the sad prey
of a numberless crowd of associations of ideas
And the apple turning evokes the apple tree
the earthly Paradise and Eve and then Adam
a watering-can a trellis Parmentier a stairway
Canadian Hesperidian Norman apples Reinette apples and Appian apples
the serpent of the Tennis Court and the Oath of Apple Juice
and original sin
and the origins of art
and Switzerland with William Tell
and even Isaac Newton
several times prizewinner at the Exhibition of Universal Gravitation
and the dazed painter loses sight of his model
and falls asleep
It's just then that Picasso
who's going by there as he goes by everywhere
every day as if at home
sees the apple and the plate and the painter fallen asleep
What an idea to paint an apple
says Picasso
and Picasso eats the apple
and the apple tells him Thanks
and Picasso breaks the plate
and goes off smiling
and the painter drawn from his dreams
like a tooth
finds himself all alone again before his unfinished canvas
with right in the midst of his shattered china
the terrifying pips of reality.


The Assassination of the Duke of Guise


公園裡 ◎‪#‎Jacques‬ Prévert (譯者:高行健)
Antibes 1963.

Jacques Prevert, Pablo Picasso And his son Claude, In Antibes 1963.
(by Robert Doisneau)

Pablo Picasso 收藏品有3張   Jacques Prévert 有關COLLAGES等

André Villers
Oliver Mark - André Villers, Mougins 2000.jpg
André Villers photographed by Oliver Mark, Mougins 2000
Born10 October 1930
Beaucourt, France
Died1 April 2016 (aged 85)
Le Luc, France
Occupation(s)Photographer, artist
PHOTO-COLLAGE ' A  Pablo Picasso'
BY  Jacques Prévert et Andre Villers
André Villers (French: [ɑ̃dʁe vilɛʁ]; 10 October 1930 – 1 April 2016) was a French photographer and artist[1] "best known for his pictures of Pablo Picasso in the south of France in the 1950s."[2]
André Villers
French photographer

Search Results

Portrait fo Salvadi D’Alors /Caricature / J. Prévert / Collage
Prévert, Jacques,
French poet and screenwriter.

"Portrait fo Salvadi D’Alors".
(Probably a caricature of the painter Ernest Meissonier (1815–1891) with a portrait of Salvador Dali on the easel).

Collage on colour lithograph and pen and ink, undated, by Jacques Prévert,
32.3 x 23 cm.

In. no. M.P. 3607
Paris, Musée Picasso.
Portrait de Salvadi d'Alors (Salvador Dali) par Jacques Prévert (1900. Search Result ... Salvador Dali · Art Du Collage · Jacques Prévert.

  • 1987 Picasso à Vallauris (Nice, Z'Editions)
  • 1995 Picasso et la photographie Anne Baldassari (Réunion des Musées Nationaux)
  • 2004 Picasso e Altri ritratti Ta Matete Gallery (Rome)
  • 2012 Picasso, les Chemins du Sud Editions Skira Flammarion/Musée National Picasso Paris
  • 2014 Picasso and the Camera John Richardson (Gagosian Gallery, New York)
  • 2016 Villers/Picasso (Gagosian Gallery, Geneva)

1987 Picasso in Vallauris (Nice, Z'Editions)
1995 Picasso and photography Anne Baldassari (Réunion des Musées Nationaux)
2004 Picasso and Altri ritratti Ta Matete Gallery (Rome)
2012 Picasso, the Paths of the South Editions Skira Flammarion/Musée National Picasso Paris
2014 Picasso and the Camera John Richardson (Gagosian Gallery, New York)
2016 Villers/Picasso (Gagosian Gallery, Geneva)


Le jardin ◎#Jacques Prévert
Des milliers et des milliers d'années
Ne sauraient suffire
Pour dire
La petite seconde d'éternité
Où tu m'as embrassé
Où je t'ai embrassèe
Un matin dans la lumière de l'hiver
Au parc Montsouris à Paris
A Paris
Sur la terre
La terre qui est un astre.
The Garden ◎#Jacques Prévert
Thousands and thousands of years
Would not be enough
To tell of
That small second of eternity
When you held me
When I held you
One morning
In winter's light
In Montsouris Park
In Paris
On earth
This earth
That is a star
  賈克·普維(Jacques Prévert、(1900年2月4日-1977年4月11日))是一位法國詩人與劇作家,曾與知名導演馬賽爾·卡爾內多次合作,最著名的作品為《天堂的孩子們》。

2014.2 繆詠華分享了 Paris d'antan 的相片我愛的普維(Jacques Prévert)於114年前的2月4日誕生。
雅克·普維同時是詩人、作詞家,也是著名的電影編劇,寫過許多影史留名的雋永對白,如雷諾瓦(Jean Renoir, 1894-1979)執導的黑色幽默片《朗基先生的罪行》(Le Crime de Monsieur Lange, 1935),以及由馬塞卡內《霧港》 (Quai des brumes, 1935)、《破曉》 (Le Jour se lève, 1939)、《夜間訪客》(Les Visiteurs du soir, 1941)、《天堂的孩子》 (Les Enfants du paradis, 1944)等。

在他的作品之中,一般讀者可能最熟悉的便是由尤·蒙頓(Yves Montant)所演唱的<枯葉> (Les Feuilles mortes)*hc 。普維同時更是編劇好手,曾與多位名導演合作,其於一九四五年所寫的電影劇本《天堂的小孩》 (Les Enfants du paradis)更被視為最具詩意的寫實經典鉅作,在電影史上有著崇高的地位。惟本片雖被譯為《天堂的小孩》,片名美則美矣,需知paradis一字除天 堂外,亦代表劇院中最高層、最便宜的座位。在此片中,paradis應指後者而言。
其實我跟普維尚稱挺有淵源的。除了我學會的第一首法文詩就是普維的<早餐>(Déjeuner du matin)外,二O一一年金馬獎觀摩影展中,我也審譯了《天堂的小孩》一片的中文對白翻譯。片中對白句句雋永、字字珠璣,全片詩意盎然,是我心目中的最 佳經典名片,而片中「巴黎對相愛的人而言太小了」(Paris est trop petit pour ceux qui s’aiment),絕對排得上影壇十大經典把妹對白名言!L'incomparable Jacques Prévert (1900-1977) est né il y a 114 ans. Le voici photographié par Robert Doisneau, rue Lhomond, en 1955... "Je vous salue ma rue" - Prévert.

 *hc  又譯"落葉" ,參考:


中山大學 外文系教授 張錦忠
讀Jacques Prévert/卜列維/裴外

昨晚陳瑞獻電郵提起Jacques Prévert,於是找出他譯的【雅克.卜列維詩選】翻翻。這是法國駐星大使館文化部一九七○年出版的書。Leonard在「前言」寫道:「卜列維生活,此外,他寫作,像一個工作的人,在工作之外唱歌。卜列維吃了東西,正在吃,愛過也被愛,享受陽光,並且從巴黎的街道吸取快樂。」這裡先抄幾首短詩應景。詩,也可以這樣趣味盎然的。




斐外的詩, , 斐外(Jacque Prevert, 1900-1977)中譯, 斐外, 非馬譯. 高雄:大舞台書苑 1978 從英譯本轉譯 Paroles 半部





請用鼠標點擊翻閱 《裴外的詩》


喂 太陽同志




以撒 辛格 "一個天堂的故事"


  • Paroles (1946)
  • Le Petit Lion, illustrated by Ylla (1947, reprinted 1984)
  • Contes pour enfants pas sages (Tales for naughty children) (1947)
  • Des Bêtes, illustrated by Ylla (1950, reprinted 1984)
  • Spectacle (1951)
  • Grand bal du printemps, with photographs by Izis Bidermanas (1951)
  • Lettre des îles Baladar (Letter from the Baladar Islands) (1952)
  • Tour de chant (1953)
  • La pluie et le beau temps (Rain and sunshine) (1955)
  • Histoires (1963) (Stories)
  • Le Cirque d'Izis, with photographs by Izis Bidermanas and original artwork by Marc Chagall (André Sauret, 1965)
  • Fatras (1966)
  • Charmes de Londres, with photographs by Izis Bidermanas (Editions de Monza, 1999)

Selected filmography

Prévert wrote the scenarios and sometimes the dialogue in the following films:




作  者:(法)普雷维尔,陈玮译
出 版 社: 上海人民出版社
出版时间: 2010-9-1

“这是我最最爱的诗人,他的诗有很多我直到现在都能背诵。”提到普雷维尔的名字,老布激动地摘下自己的眼镜,“我这就背一首给你听听,这也是普雷维 尔所有的诗里我最喜欢的一首:
沉重的枷锁 /
他的双手在空中轻微地颤动,捕捉着诗歌无形的节奏。“听最后一句话,是多么伤感。找你,却找不到你。爱是不能用礼物买来的,爱一个人不是为了把他 (她)绑在自己身边。你去奴隶市场,只能买到奴隶,买不回自己的爱人。所以其实,这首诗是描述了一种根本不存在的爱。因为没有自由,就没有爱。”
普雷维尔在1977年死于癌症,老布至今为自己曾经和这位大诗人喝过一杯咖啡而自豪。他说,那是值得珍藏一生的记忆。"---布帅专访:金钱意味着自由 撒谎是婚姻里必须的事 2010-08-02 14:17:22 来源: 东方体育日报(上海) 

  《话语集》内容简介:定稿于1947年的《话语集》收入了1930—1944年间的九十五首诗,体裁不拘一格,语言亦庄亦谐,难以分类,模糊了散文和 诗的常规界限。其开篇一首《试论法国–巴黎一场头面化妆晚宴》令人耳目一新,把超现实主义的讽刺与无秩序推向极致;而他独创的“快讯”式和“清单”式诗体 则丰富了诗歌的形式。半个世纪以来,《话语集》先后被译成数十多种语言广为流传,经久不衰。《话语集》出版至今,在法国已发行三百余万册,堪称“诗歌已 死”时代的诗歌奇迹。   《话语集》适用于:诗歌爱好者 法国文学研究者。


作者:(法国)雅克●普雷维尔 译者:陈玮 编者:树才 秦海鹰   雅克●普雷维尔(Jacques Prévert,1900—1977),20世纪法国最无书卷气而深得民心的诗人和最富诗意、蜚声世界的剧作家。诗集有《话语集》、《晴雨集》、《杂物 堆》等;曾为《巴黎圣母院》和卡尔内执导的电影《雾岸》、《夜之门》、《戏楼儿女》等撰写剧本;大量诗歌被谱曲,《枯叶》被伊夫?蒙唐等二百多位歌手演 唱;有数百幅粘贴画留存于世。1992年伽利玛出版社将其全集收入“七星文库”并首次在圣经纸上印彩色插图,成为“七星文库”的一次革命。 作者:(法国)雅克?普雷维尔 译者:陈玮 编者:树才 秦海鹰   雅克?普雷维尔(Jacques Prévert,1900—1977),20世纪法国最无书卷气而深得民心的诗人和最富诗意、蜚声世界的剧作家。诗集有《话语集》、《晴雨集》、《杂物 堆》等;曾为《巴黎圣母院》和卡尔内执导的电影《雾岸》、《夜之门》、《戏楼儿女》等撰写剧本;大量诗歌被谱曲,《枯叶》被伊夫?蒙唐等二百多位歌手演 唱;有数百幅粘贴画留存于世。1992年伽利玛出版社将其全集收入“七星文库”并首次在圣经纸上印彩色插图,成为“七星文库”的一次革命。


中译本序 民众诗人的话语   试描述法国-巴黎一场头面化妆晚宴   马的故事   捕鲸   美好季节   阿利坎特   家庭旧事或凶神狱警   我看见其中几个人……   为了你,我的爱   伟大发明   事件   厉声开音符   天主经   塞纳街   笨学生   鲜花与花圈   返乡   音乐会没有成功   果核时节   蜗牛送葬曲   里维埃拉   懒觉   在我家里   猎童   家庭生活经   变幻的风景   在田野……   人类的奋斗   我就是这样   血中的歌咏   清洗   倒戈   这场爱   手摇风琴   书法练习   早餐   刚强的女孩   愁思茫茫   绝望坐在长凳上   捕鸟者之歌   为了给小鸟画像   流沙   几乎   正路   伟人   手推车或伟大发明   最后的晚餐   尊贵家族   美术学院   三王来朝   圣经   打谷机   破碎的镜子   自由街区   新秩序   随小鸟而定   您将看到您将看到的   红霞无边   歌谣   法语作文   日食   狱卒之歌   红漆木马   愚蠢的断言   诞生   音信   集市   在花店   史诗   苏丹   节日活动继续   凡高的悲歌   星期天   公园   秋   夜巴黎   花束   芭芭拉   清单   比熙街如今……   历史教训   荣耀   不能   会话   奥西里斯或逃往埃及   和平演说   查票员   向小鸟致敬   虚度的光阴   海军上将   战天使   卡鲁塞尔广场   行列   婚礼与盛宴   毕加索的漫步   毕加索的神灯   跋   附录一 重而不复的魔术   附录二 雅克?普雷维尔生平和创作年表

Les enfants du Paradis (The Children of Paradise) - 2: The Man in White

Marcel Carné / Jacques Prévert

1h 35mins / 1h 27mins

View this work in The Street exhibition

The work

Les Enfants du paradis is a 1945 film divided into two periods (Boulevard du Crime and The Man in White). It is designed as a show mixing real and imaginary historical characters. The action, which takes place in Paris in 1828, centers on the relationship between the mime Debureau (Jean-Louis Barrault), the actor Frédérick Lemaître (Pierre Brasseur) and Garance (Arletty).

The choice of period and plot demonstrates the director Marcel Carné's and screenwriter Jacques Prévert's love of the 19th century, when art began to be aimed at the people rather than the elite. Shot during the war but only released at the time of the Liberation, the film was hugely successful with both the critics and the public. The critics voted it the best film of all time in 1995.

Les Enfants du Paradis through the eyes of Marcel Carné (in French)

The artist

Born in Paris in 1906, Marcel Carné made his cinema debut as an assistant director in 1933. Very soon, he made his first film, Jenny, with two men who were to remain loyal to him for many years: Jacques Prévert and Joseph Kosma. Up until the end of the war, with or without Prévert and Kosma, he made a number of films that defined French cinema: Drôle de drame (Bizarre, Bizarre), Quai des brumes (Port of Shadows), Hôtel du NordLe jour se lève (Daybreak), Les visiteurs du soir (The Night Visitors), Les enfants du Paradis (The Children of Paradise) and Les portes de la nuit (Gates of the Night). He was one of the key directors of the poetic realism genre.

After the war, Carné made a dozen more films that were less favorably received by cinemagoers and elicited a lukewarm reaction from the critics, despite successes such as Thérèse Raquin and Les tricheurs. He died in Clamart in 1996.

The poet, screenwriter and playwright Jacques Prévert was born in Neuilly-sur-Seine in 1900. He was bored by school and left after receiving his Certificat d'études. Prévert made a living from casual jobs, notably at Le Bon Marché department store in Paris, before doing his military service when he met Marcel Duhamel and the painter Yves Tanguy.

When he was demobbed, he returned to Paris and became a member of the Rue du Château surrealist group with whom he engaged in the Surrealist game of consequences called cadavre exquis (exquisite corpse) and explored the medium of collage. In the 1930s, an atheist and antimilitarist, he wrote plays for the politically committed, avant-garde theatre company, the October Group. At the same time, with the invention of talking pictures, he wrote adaptations, screenplays and dialogues for directors such as Claude Autant-Lara, Jean Renoir, Marcel Carné and Christian-Jacque, sometimes with his brother Pierre.

1946 saw the publication of his first poetry collection, Paroles, a compilation of pre-war writings that met with huge success. Some of the poems were later set to music. Other collections followed, as well as works produced in association with painters and sculptors, including Picasso, Braque, Chagall, Max Ernst, Calder and Miro. He died in 1977 in Omonville-la-Petite in Normandy where he had retired.
