2023年4月21日 星期五

知新集:to think. AI 群雄、群國; 熊維強、林皎碧、漢清佳美網頁、漢清講堂275 漫談貝聿銘的羅浮宮增建 2019-04-11 李瑞鈺 建築師和羅時瑋 ;托馬斯.曼《浮士德博士》裡的音樂;國家安全與社會分裂;世道人生:再無中間路線 - 李怡俄羅斯,狠!;"THINK" by Man Ray、"PICASSO Ceramics: The Modern Touch展" (東京YOKU MOKU MUSEUM) ....以畢加索的陶器創新故事、 Vallauris (瓦洛里)興旺NIGHT WATCH 到 The Factory談一回TGIF 的META 貼文; "一字排開"的群體照片 (張己任等在十方音樂劇場)。美國大都會博物館直播: Group Portraits, from Rembrandt to Avedon 生為美國的狗狗;

 知新集:AI 群雄、群國; 熊維強、林皎碧、漢清佳美網頁、漢清講堂275 漫談貝聿銘的羅浮宮增建 2019-04-11 李瑞鈺 建築師和羅時瑋 ;托馬斯.曼《浮士德博士》裡的音樂;國家安全與社會分裂;世道人生:再無中間路線 - 李怡俄羅斯,狠!;"THINK" by Man Ray、"PICASSO Ceramics: The Modern Touch展" (東京YOKU MOKU MUSEUM) ....以畢加索的陶器創新故事、 Vallauris (瓦洛里)興旺NIGHT WATCH 到 The Factory談一回TGIF 的META 貼文; "一字排開"的群體照片 (張己任等在十方音樂劇場)。美國大都會博物館直播: Group Portraits, from Rembrandt to Avedon  生為美國的狗狗;     


Man Ray (1890-1976) and William Nelson Copley (1919-1996)
Indestructible Object (Think)
New York, 1966 (*)
pen and black ink on paper by Man Ray and oil on canvas by William Copley affixed with a paperclip to vintage metronome
;22.2 x 11 x 11 cm.
(*)Executed in New York in 1966 at a dinner party in the Jacobs home. Source: Christie's

/ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe /


"To think is easy. To act is hard. But the hardest thing in the world is to act in accordance with your thinking."


"Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was a German poet, playwright, novelist, scientist, statesman, theatre director, and critic. His works include plays, poetry, literature, and aesthetic criticism as well as treatises on botany, anatomy, and colour. He is widely regarded as the greatest and most influential writer in the German language, his work having a profound and wide-ranging influence on Western literary, political and philosophical thought from the late 18th century to the present day. Goethe took up residence in Weimar in November 1775 following the success of his first novel, The Sorrows of Young Werther. He was ennobled by the Duke of Saxe-Weimar, Karl August, in 1782. He was an early participant in the Sturm und Drang literary movement."


Born: Johann Wolfgang Goethe, August 28, 1749, Free Imperial City of Frankfurt, Holy Roman Empire

Died: March 22, 1832, Weimar, Grand Duchy of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, German Confederation

Occupation: Poet, novelist, playwright, natural philosopher, diplomat, civil servant

Alma mater: Leipzig University, University of Strasbourg

Literary movement:Sturm und Drang, Weimar Classicism, Romanticism in science

Notable works:Faust, The Sorrows of Young Werther, Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship, Elective Affinities, "Prometheus", Zur Farbenlehre, Italienische Reise, West–östlicher Divan


漢清講堂275 漫談貝聿銘的羅浮宮增建 2019-04-11 李瑞鈺 建築師和羅時瑋 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fU9DmiITsPU&t=439s



***習近平如何“雙管齊下”應對美國 NYT
“中國想從實力的地位出發與美國打交道,而中國現在顯然不在那個位置上,”裴敏欣說。 “如果一定要說的話,美國在召集盟友對中國發動技術戰上的成功證明,美國仍比中國強大得多,並且擁有更多可供它使用的工具。”"
Browse Henry Moore Institute exhibitions
from the last
30 years
Past exhibitions at the Henry Moore Institute | Henry Moore Foundation
Past exhibitions at the Henry Moore Institute | Henry Moore Foundation
The Colour of Anxiety examines objects that introduced colour and new materials into the sculptural process, situating them within the context of the anxiety which often weighed upon Victorian society in the face of social change and scientific advances.

U.S. Central Command Hires Former Google AI Cloud ...
Andrew Moore to serve as the first-ever CENTCOM Advisor on AI, Robotics, Cloud Computing, and Data Analytics.
Microsoft and Google Unveil A.I. Tools for Businesses
Andrew Moore to serve as the first-ever CENTCOM Advisor on AI, Robotics, Cloud Computing, and Data Analytics. Google合併人工智慧研究部門Brain和DeepMind。 Amazon提供聊天機器人...... Microsoft and Google Unveil A.I. Tools for Busines



NIGHT WATCH 到 The Factory
The Factory was Andy Warhol's studio in New York City, which had four locations between 1963 and 1987. The Factory became famed for its parties in the 1960s ...

For decades, Jessica Burstein was a primary photographer at the Manhattan nightspot Elaine’s. In 2002, she shot a wild bit of revelry featuring Candace Bushnell, author of “Sex and the City” vamping for the camera.
Jessica Burstein, Whose Camera Captured New York, Dies at 76
Table of Contents
Descriptive Summary
Biographical / Historical
Scope and Contents and Arrangement
Access Points
Administrative Information
Container List
Series I. Yankee Stadium Construction
Series II. Elaine's Restaurant
Series III. Law & Order
Series IV. New York Undercover
Series V. Sunny Atlantic Beach Club / Atlantic Beach Book
Series VI. Various Subjects


狗狗現在在美國有自己的"餐廳",不用再乞求主人施捨食物。 一些餐館老闆正在使出渾身解數來"招待"寵物。
No More Begging for Treats. Dogs Now Have Restaurants.
From special dishes for canine companions to food trucks and even tasting menus, some restaurateurs are pulling out all the stops for pets.T

嘿嘿 有這種美國公司、智商:
Seagate to pay $300 million penalty for shipping Huawei 7 million hard drives ( over $1.1 billion worth)

據估計,俄羅斯新招募的囚犯中有 20% 是艾滋病病毒感染者。 POSITIVE。 他們說,當局承諾,如果他們同意為國戰鬥,就可取得抗病毒藥物。
‘A Quick Death or a Slow Death’: Prisoners Choose War to Get Lifesaving Drugs
An estimated 20 percent of Russia’s prisoner recruits are H.I.V. positive. They say they were promised anti-viral medications if they agreed to fight.

Hanching Chung 2015.4.21

全文參考網路: ......音樂在小說裡占主體地位,以作曲家主角及其追求突破為架構,形塑小說的情節與旨趣。.......納粹集中營裡的軍官夜間在家裡彈巴哈自娛,白天上班殺人如故。一般的解釋是,音樂不是使人變化氣質嗎,雖然彈巴哈,卻仍然冷血殺人,要巴哈(或廣義而言,音樂)何用。......


MAX ERNST : "Se nourissant souvent de Rêves líquides et tout à fait semblables à des Feuilles endormies , voici mes sept Soeurs ensemble*" ( Often feeding on watery Dreams and quite like sleeping Leaves ,here are my seven Sisters together). 1929. Engravings cut and pasted on paper pasted on cardboard ; 20,3 x 20,3 (work) - 26,5 x 24 cm (card). *Original title in french.
Musée National d'Art Modene , Centre G. Pompidou , Paris. (gift M.Carlo Perrone ,1993)

世道人生:再無中間路線 - 李怡
