2016年2月20日 星期六

0221 2016 日

祝壽:讀孫教授的{走向邊緣的"通變":楊慎的文學思想 初探} (2010起),不能贊一辭。讀{從周策縱談周邦彥說起} (1993?),周策縱先生真是老頑童。到耶魯以前,他已寫長篇論文{詩歌*黨爭與歌妓:周邦彥{蘭陵王}詞考釋}。1958年的{說不出的苦}水墨畫,已化身{創作與回憶之 Cookbook}......無為有處有還無。

註:周策縱題贈孫康宜的【創作與回憶: 周策縱敎授七十五夀慶集】(Chinese University Press, 1993),在Google Books可讀。https://books.google.com.tw/books?id=1STh8Gwf1n4C......


Front Cover

Chinese University Press, 1993 - Authors, Chinese - 165 pages

 {詩歌*黨爭與歌妓:周邦彥{蘭陵王}詞考釋} 是篇近40頁的文。周策縱說該題在Yale 和臺大都演講過,部分。很謝謝孫教授的摘要和紀錄姻緣。


編年。分早期 1911-1917  (pp.1~186);中期1918-1957 (pp.187~614);晚期 1958-1962 (pp.615~665)

蒐集還算全,譬如說,談短篇小說,提及近人少作 Homer、Dante、Milton 等的長詩。


作者 : 吳奔星、李興華選編
出版社:四川文藝出版社出版年: 1991-7 
32開;頁數: 665 定價: 10 裝幀:ISBN: 9787541106033

    Saving Mr. Banks
    2013 film
    Spurred on by a promise he made to his daughters, Walt Disney (Tom Hanks) embarks on what would become a 20-year quest to obtain the movie rights to "Mary Poppins." The author, P.L. Travers (Emma Thompson), proves to be an uncompromising curmudgeon who has no intention of letting her beloved characters become mangled in the Hollywood machine. However, when the books stop selling and she finds herself in need of money, Travers reluctantly agrees to consider Disney's proposition.
    Initial releaseNovember 29, 2013 (Ireland)
