"Looking for Lu Hongjian but Failing to Find Him" by Jiaoran
You've moved to a house backing the outer wall;
I reach it by wild paths through mulberry and hemp.
Along the fence chrysanthemums newly set out
have yet to bloom, though autumn's here.
I pound the gate but no dog barks.
About to go, I ask at the house next door;
they tell me you're up in the hills,
never come home till the sun is low.
I reach it by wild paths through mulberry and hemp.
Along the fence chrysanthemums newly set out
have yet to bloom, though autumn's here.
I pound the gate but no dog barks.
About to go, I ask at the house next door;
they tell me you're up in the hills,
never come home till the sun is low.
The appreciation of Zen philosophy and art has become universal, and Zen poetry, with its simple expression of direct, intuitive insight and sudden enlightenment, appeals to lovers of poetry, spirituality, and beauty everywhere. This collection of translations of the classical Zen poets of China, Japan, and Korea includes the work of Zen practitioners and monks as well as scholars, artists, travelers, and recluses, ranging from Wang Wei, Hanshan, and Yang Wanli, to Shinkei, Basho, and Ryokan.
Ken Su來談2小時。
您的近況由自己報告。因為我找Wiki的薩迦https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sakya
Jonathan Pollard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In 1987, as part of a plea agreement, Pollard pleaded guilty to spying for and providing top-secret classified information to Israel, and was later sentenced to life ...Spy Jonathan Pollard freed after 30 years but still a thorn in ...
www.theguardian.com › World › Espionage
4 days ago - Opinions about the 61-year-old who passed secrets to US ally are sharply... Binyamin Netanyahu reacts to Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard's ...海陸空的界限不容易分別,譬如說,日本稱機場為"空港"。砲艦(Gunship)在19世紀指砲艦,20世紀則是可以飛的空中砲艦。
United States Air Force officials have hailed the AC-130J Ghostrider as the "ultimate battle plane." This converted transport plane is the latest in a long line of gunships dating back to the Vietnam War.
The term gunship originated in the mid-19th century as a synonym for gunboat and also referred to the heavily armed ironclad steamships used during the American Civil War.[1]
Today, the term gunship refers to aircraft armed with heavy guns primarily intended for attacking ground targets.
砲艦(Gunship)或稱砲艦機、空中砲艦,是指裝備快射砲,用於提供空中砲火支援的飛機。[1]此術語是來自一種19世紀中出現的用來砲轟沿岸目標的砲艦。消息:瑞麟兄譯 The Three Levels of Spiritual Perception
The Three Levels of Spiritual Perception
看:A History of Violence is a 2005 American crime thriller film directed by David Cronenberg and written by Josh Olson. It is an adaptation of the 1997 graphic novel of the same name by John Wagner and Vince Locke. The film stars Viggo Mortensen as the owner of a small-town diner who is thrust into the spotlight after killing two robbers inself-defense, thus forcing him to confront his violent past.
Tom receives a call from his brother Richie Cusack (William Hurt), who also demands his return to Philadelphia, or else he will come to Indiana to find him. After traveling to meet his brother, Tom learns that the other mobsters whom he had offended in Philadelphia took out their frustrations on Richie, penalizing him financially and delaying his advancement in the organization. Tom offers to make peace, but Richie orders his men to kill his brother. Tom manages to kill most of the guards and escape. As Richie and his last henchman are hunting for him, Tom surprises and dispatches both.
Tom returns home, where the atmosphere is tense and silent as the family sits around the dinner table. The future of his marriage and his life as Tom Stall is uncertain, but Jack and Sarah indicate their acceptance of their father by setting a plate for him and passing him some food. Edie shows her acceptance with her eyes.
Study: The More Stuff We Have, The Less Creative We Are
比較Jean Piaget 不先讀別人的作品。 Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School Forbes reports on Assistant Professor Meng Zhu #research which finds that a "constraint mindset" can inspire a person to make more creative use of limited resources. Study: The More Stuff We Have, The Less Creative We Are When it comes to creative thinking, having less is the key to doing more. WWW.FORBES.COM|由 DAVID DISALVO 上傳
董橋: 英華沉浮錄(卷一~ 六)
董橋先生的文章、文意都很有意思。偶爾發現英文排版問題,如 p.171 as it 打成asit,那是出版社的錯。 董橋:我的舊作 2011年12月04日 六十年代讀完書我到新加坡住了一年。玫瑰園一位隣居俞老師是教書先生,五十歲光景,清癯儒雅,說話抑揚頓挫,國語標準極了,老花眼鏡從早到晚掛在胸前晃來晃去,短袖襯衫漿洗得乾淨硬挺,天多熱風多大油亮一頭花白頭髮總也不亂。俞家客廳掛着俞平伯一幅小中堂,工楷抄錄杜工部〈秋興〉一首。俞老師說他和俞平伯同姓不同鄉,早年在北平上過俞先生的課,勝利後南來前夕求俞先生寫了這幅字。俞老師在一家中學教國文,平日談天愛談白話文言夾雜為文的竅門,愛談英文小說對話譯成中文的難處。交往熟了俞老師給我看過他的幾本筆記簿,密密麻麻記了許多中文英文的病句和佳譯,說是將來退休很想寫一本《書海沉浮錄》。 七十年代我去了幾趟新加坡每一趟都去看望俞老師,退了休他和俞太太都蒼老了許多,老說身體多病,精神不濟,想寫點文章都沒法寫了。八十年代我再去,玫瑰園俞家應門的是一對日本夫婦,說俞先生年前過世,俞太太回台灣跟女兒女婿住,房子賣給他們了。九十年代《明報》要我開專欄寫些讀中文讀英文的心得,我想起俞老師也想起他的《書海沉浮錄》,索性改「書海」為「英華」做了欄名念紀這位客地相逢的舊隣居。《英華沉浮錄》一寫好幾年,一九九五年十二月四日寫到一九九七年十二月三十一日... 更多 »
川瀬健一 「台湾映画」2015年、蕭菊貞《我們這樣拍電影》、野島剛《銀幕上的新台灣:新世紀台灣電影裡的台灣新形》象
「台湾映画」2015年目次 私の会った李香蘭 羅福全 山口淑子女史の思い出 陳鵬仁 台湾シネマだより―2014年編 司豊明 「黒衣の刺客」 ――侯孝賢が描く静かな緊張感に満ちた武俠世界 浦川留 映画「軍中楽園」に垣間見る馬英九政権下の台湾 吉村剛史 九把刀にとっての青春――『あの頃、君を追いかけた』 横路啓子 湯浅浪男から湯慕華へ 台湾に帰化した日本人映画監督 山﨑泉 温昇豪インタビュー 川瀬健一 李維維インタビュー 鄭穎珊 台湾の映像現場用語 林田未知生 金馬獎でつらつらと思う。2014 杉山亮一 編集後記 表紙装丁/美島 http://web1.kcn.jp/toyo/ [image: 銀幕上的新台灣:新世紀台灣電影裡的台灣新形象] 銀幕上的新台灣:新世紀台灣電影裡的台灣新形象 - 野島剛 藍色電影院-影音館新增了 4 張新相片 曾拍攝《白鴿計畫:台灣新電影二十年》的導演蕭菊貞 最近在釡山影展和文化部的支持下 又完成一部以台灣電影史發主題的電影《faceTAIWAN》, 中文名字叫做《我們這樣拍電影》 電影中提到最低迷的幽谷時期: 一年產量只有十部 每部的台北市票房都不到百萬 台灣電影要如何絕地反擊, 電影中你可以看到楊德昌《青梅竹馬》中 摩托車呼嘯行經總統府前的敏感畫面 可以看到... 更多 »
《微笑的失落》--- 林斤瀾 2013-03-12 13:32:18 沈從文先生有“自在”的微笑。“自在”兩個字,是從北京日常用語裡挪過來的,北京人見面問候也有不問“吃了嗎?”問聲“自在啊?” 先前聽人說起過沈先生的微笑,在別人寫沈先生的文章裡,也讀到過對他的微笑的描寫。或說是樸實、真誠、鄉土氣息、紳士風度、超脫、愉悅……覺著都還不能像沈先生談寫作的一個字:“貼”。挪用“自在”兩個字,也“貼”不了,只不過表示過意過心罷了。 寫到說到這種微笑的時候,往往說是“永遠”、“老是”、“無不”……不巧我見到過這種微笑的失落。 我認識沈先生是在解放後的北京,他已經不能教授,不能寫作,打發在歷史博物館裡,他的學生汪曾祺在北京市文聯工作,我們同事。有回曾祺帶我到天安門後邊的午門樓上,看幾件出土文物,也是藉此引見沈先生。那是建國初年,大家都工作忙——開不完的會,大家都學習忙——改造不了的思想。倒是有春遊秋遊,但沒有現在的旅遊觀念。午門院子裡沒有人進進出出,城牆、台階、箭垛都還坑坑洼窪,城牆樓上紅漆脫落,白木污黑,沈先生當年已年過半百,在這裡面坐著,舊窗舊桌舊藤椅。看見我們進來,招呼的聲音細小,聽不真。可是的確微笑,這樣的微笑用不著語言配合,不用另外的動作幫襯。 他站起來,自己帶我們去看出土文物。我們連聲說不必,隨便哪位青年指點一下就行了。他只是微笑,說了句什麼也聽不... 更多 »
中國金融界反腐震波持續 今年夏天的“股災”過後,中國股市仍然處於震盪調整的狀態。中國政府也正在不斷加大針對金融監管機構的反腐力度。在“監管者”面臨黨紀調查,接受處分的同時,金融市場中與政治有關聯的上市公司,也難逃反腐的“大棒”。 [image: Shanghai Turm Shanghai Welt Finanz Zentrum China] 中國的金融界,已成反腐"打虎"的重點目標 (德國之聲中文網)中國共產黨中央委員會的檢查監督機關--中央紀律檢查委員會(簡稱:中紀委)加大了對中國國有金融監管系統的反腐調查力度,近日通過其官方網站公佈了查處銀行業協會黨委書記 *王岩岫*等4人的消息。 中紀委在11月20日公佈的一條官方消息中透露,中國銀監會已經"嚴肅查處"了銀行業協會黨委書記王岩岫(正局長級)、遼寧銀監局黨委書記、局長*李林* 、銀監會黨委組織部副部長、人事部副主任*竇仁政*、河南南陽銀監分局原黨委書記、局長*姜鳳黎*4起違紀案件。 "長期隱瞞其配偶加入美國國籍的事實" 中紀委指出:王岩岫作為黨員領導幹部,在巡視期間"不向組織如實說明有關情況",嚴重違反"黨的政治紀律和政治規矩";長期隱瞞其配偶加入美國國籍的事實,不如實填寫《領導幹部個人有關事項報告表》,多次未經批准出席有關論壇、會議,違反中央"八項規定精神",違反黨的組織紀律;違規收取報酬,並超標準接受接待,違反黨的廉... 更多 »
董橋: 英華沉浮錄(卷一~ 六)
董橋先生的文章、文意都很有意思。偶爾發現英文排版問題,如 p.171 as it 打成asit,那是出版社的錯。
董橋先生的文章、文意都很有意思。偶爾發現英文排版問題,如 p.171 as it 打成asit,那是出版社的錯。