2014年12月29日 星期一

1230 2014 Tues.

1971年的「不連續的年代」,現在作者一般都譯為"彼得杜拉克",有趣的是,中國採用「德魯克」。這本書,台灣有幾個譯本,我讀協志工業本「斷絕的時代」。現在看到葉公超先生在封面上,真是好奇。1987年的「沙地郡曆誌」成書之不易,從 張心漪女士的"獻給我所紀念的人---譯後記"可知。不知道為什麼還有新譯本:「沙郡年記」(台北:天下文化,1998 )?http://hctranslations.blogspot.tw/2014/11/blog-post_19.html

Could maths predict the next 9/11?

約29分鐘的訪談:地震、恐怖暴力、盜賊、....背後的數學Pareto (所謂80-20分布),參考拙譯J. M. Juran"管理三部曲":
POWER FUNCTION 請參考:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_law (有中文版)。這數學,其實高中生可能都可懂得。

Could maths predict the next 9/11? When computer scientists decided to study the severity and frequency of 30,000 terror attacks worldwide, they found a distinctive pattern hiding in the data. Now maths has become the latest weapon in the fight against terror. http://bbc.in/1CPSiNS
BBC World Service (Discovery 專題)
Could maths predict the next 9/11? When computer scientists decided to study the severity and frequency of 30,000 terror attacks worldwide, they found a distinctive pattern hiding in the data. Now maths has become the latest weapon in the fight against terror. http://bbc.in/1CPSiNS
Dr Hannah Fry investigates the hidden patterns behind terrorism and asks whether mathematics could be used to predict the next 9/11. When computer scientists decided to study the severity and frequency of 30,000 terrorist attacks worldwide, they found an distinctive pattern hiding in the data. Even though the events spanned 5,000 cities in 187 countries over 40 years, every single attack fitted neatly onto a curve, described by an equation known as a 'power law'.
Now this pattern is helping mathematicians and social scientists understand the mechanisms underlying global terrorism. Could these modelling techniques be used to predict if, and when, another attack the size of 9/11 will occur?
Hanching Chung 反對簡單的數學模式作預測者說,它容易流於false positive: A test result that returns True when in fact the result should be False.
A FalsePositive test result indicates a fault with the test procedure rather than a fault with the product under test. http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?FalsePositive

Why Annie Proulx Regrets WritingBrokeback Mountain

Jack Linshi @jacklinshi Dec. 29, 2014
Annie Proulx Brokeback Mountain

Writer Annie Proulx attends the "Brokeback Mountain" Opera press conference at the Royal Theatre on Jan. 27, 2014 in Madrid, Spain.Carlos Alvarez—Getty Images

"So many people have completely misunderstood the story"

Pulitzer-winning writer Annie Proulx opened up to the ParisReview about why she wishes she’d never written Brokeback Mountain, the short story that turned into the triple Academy Award-winning film of the same name. Both the film and short story follow the lives of two cowboys, Jack and Ennis, as they navigate their secret romance in 1960s Wyoming
.Here’s what Proulx said about what happened after the film adaptation:
But the problem has come since the film. So many people have completely misunderstood the story. I think it’s important to leave spaces in a story for readers to fill in from their own experience, but unfortunately the audience that “Brokeback” reached most strongly have powerful fantasy lives. And one of the reasons we keep the gates locked here is that a lot of men have decided that the story should have had a happy ending. They can’t bear the way it ends—they just can’t stand it. So they rewrite the story, including all kinds of boyfriends and new lovers and so forth after Jack is killed. And it just drives me wild. They can’t understand that the story isn’t about Jack and Ennis. It’s about homophobia; it’s about a social situation; it’s about a place and a particular mindset and morality. They just don’t get it. I can’t tell you how many of these things have been sent to me as though they’re expecting me to say, Oh great, if only I’d had the sense to write it that way. And they all begin the same way—I’m not gay, but . . . The implication is that because they’re men they understand much better than I how these people would have behaved. And maybe they do. But that’s not the story I wrote. Those are not their characters. The characters belong to me by law.


1. 太陽花學運




2. 食安風暴



3. 高雄氣爆




4. 台北市長選舉



5. 九合一選舉




6. 台北捷運隨機殺人事件




7. 林義雄反核四絕食



8. 澎湖馬公空難




9. 婚姻平權運動




10. 十二年國教爭議



