2013年10月22日 星期二

1022 2013 二

早上missed a phone call

關於百年追求:臺灣民主運動的故事3冊套書 陳翠蓮 吳乃德 胡慧玲 2補充
2. 吳國精先生建議從黃仁宇的『大歷史』角度看台灣百年。
-----戴久永老師北上台北開其成功中學同學會 (班上有一中研院院士/他在New Mexico 室友孔祥重後來也是院士,已四人過世,江兆申 是國文老師,封專家,
他談阮大年在交大蓋管理二館的故事;他在職員品管圈發表會上沒請校長致詞,晚餐不悅。任中衛中心團結圈住台南熱海旅社等的故事: 半夜流氓闖入,出差馬來西亞的旅館收據遺失……
他在Deming接受Shewhart獎的受獎詞中已提到deadly diseases (原本年會要來討論…..) 、他已到習慣領域中心演講過《超越習慣領域,生活樂利》故事很多,下回分曉。

Paul Rudolph, Modernist Masterpieces, In Their Twilight Years

Hanching Chung (Art & Design) - 6 小時前
Walter Gropius, Marcel Breuer, and László Moholy-Nagy re-assembled in Britain during the mid 1930s to live and work in the Isokon project before the war caught up with them. Both Gropius and Breuer went to teach at the Harvard Graduate School of Design and worked together before their professional split. The Harvard School was enormously influential in America in the late 1920s and early 1930s, producing such students as Philip Johnson, I.M. Pei, Lawrence Halprin and Paul Rudolph, among many others. Remembering Yale's *Paul Rudolph* - YouTube - - - - More... 更多 »

Who’s Afraid of Chinese Money? (Jonathan Mirsky)

Hanching Chung (棄馬保台 亞洲與美國) - 6 小時前
Who’s Afraid of Chinese Money? Jonathan Mirsky Antar Dayal/Illustration Works/Corbis “China is what it is. We have to be here or nowhere.” Chancellor George Osborne, Britain’s second-highest official, was laying out the British government’s view last week, near the end of his trip aimed at selling Britain to Chinese companies. Western governments used to go to great lengths to say they were standing up for human rights in China. Now, trade ties with Beijing are so lucrative that Western leaders no longer need to lie: China is what it is. A fundamental shift has appeared in Britis... 更多 »

Schools Learn Tablets' Limits/ investing in good teachers is most important

美國小學開始依賴平版電腦教學.可是萬一系統有問題呢? School Districts Grapple With Glitches in Computer Tablets Schools Learn Tablets' LimitsDistricts Grapple With Glitches as Some Say Devices Can Supplement Lessons Oct. 14, 2013 9:15 p.m. ET Two elementary-school pupils in the Los Angeles district tool around with their tablets in August. Problems have stalled the district's tablet rollout. Los Angeles Times / Associated Press As schools rush to embrace computer tablets as teaching tools, glitches have officials in a few districts rethinking the usefulness and even security of the latest technology tre... 更多 »

美國兩黨意見分裂是政治問題 法律可能無濟於事

Hanching Chung (棄馬保台 亞洲與美國) - 9 小時前
‏ More than half the men who signed the Declaration of Independence had a legal training. But a legalistic approach to politics is no longer serving America well. Today's budget wars are deeply political. They reflect unresolved debates that divide the country: over equality and redistribution, risk-taking and safety nets, and the role of government itself http://econ.st/1gvEKwM [image: More than half the men who signed the Declaration of Independence had a legal training. But a legalistic approach to politics is no longer serving America well. Today's budget wars are deeply politica... 更多 »


Hanching Chung (People 人物) - 9 小時前
品質眾生相(159-162):大統劣油混很大 ,沙拉油也淪陷,74種油品全下架 黑心油商高振利 數十億資產全扣押 彰化檢方昨將大統董事長高振利等三人列為詐欺被告,並扣押包括高振利居住的宏台別莊等二十九筆土地、房屋。檢方估計扣押總資產達數十億元。(記者蘇金鳳攝) 〔記者湯世名、吳為恭、張聰秋、蘇金鳳、劉力仁、邱燕玲/綜合報導〕大統公司黑心油品案風波持續擴大,彰化檢方將大統董事長高振利等三人列為詐欺被告,並扣押高振利數十億元資產;彰化縣衛生局則抽驗三十樣可疑油品,以確認究竟哪些油混充了劣質低價的棉籽油。 高振利等三人列詐欺被告 彰 化地檢署昨將高振利及大統公司調配室科長溫瑞彬、員工周昆明列為詐欺被告,並發出扣押令,將高振利於台灣銀行等十二家銀行開立帳戶全部查扣,只開放一個銀 行帳戶供高周轉,並扣押高振利個人及大統公司名下二十九筆土地、房屋。檢方粗估,高振利個人、大統公司被扣押的總資產高達數十億元。 高振利住在台中西屯區的宏台別莊,附近住戶表示,宏台別莊是一個大型社區,道路有六米寬,面積相當大,還有游泳池,門禁森嚴,住的都是有錢人,每一戶都是豪宅,市價達億元。別莊管制嚴格,門口保全人員說,事件爆發後,就未曾看到高振利。 檢共查扣29筆土地、房屋 大 統公司被扣押的土地十筆、房屋三筆,包括線西鄉大統廠房的土地、鹿港鎮大統觀光工廠的土地,以及台中市南屯區兩筆;還有土地上的房屋。高... 更多 »

品質眾生相 (163-165)不可靠:: 資訊產品或社交軟體/日本不痛針/台灣廠商所有品質認證 ISO/GMP/HACCP......破產

品質眾生相 (165) 經過數年來的事件 我們可以說: 台灣廠商所有品質認證 ISO/GMP/HACCP......都已破產 *Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points* (*HACCP*) - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/*Hazard_analysis_and_critical_control_points*‎ A year earlier, the American Society for Quality offered their first * certifications* for *HACCP* Auditors. (First known as *Certified* Quality Auditor-*HACCP*, they were *...* 品質眾生相 (164) 我的同學洪信佳牙醫師留日. 他採用的針都是日本的"小針" 比較不會疼痛..... 日研發不痛針 採血就像蚊子叮 (取自網路) 〔編譯林翠儀/綜合報導〕日本兵庫縣1家醫療器材製造商,以10年的時間研發出全球首創的樹脂針頭,減輕糖尿病等患者在自行扎針採血時的疼痛,標榜「就像被蚊子叮到一樣」,絲毫沒有痛楚的感覺。 這款名為「PINNIX LIGHT」的採血用針具,是由兵庫縣西宮市的Lightnix... 更多 »
