2012年5月16日 星期三

0518 2012 四 陰雨

 還是可以喚醒一些2006年的回憶越南、柬埔寨之行之書 (2006)

昨天接受Ken Su 加以 Google +的邀約 
我的惰性很深 知道它其實是可顯示我的blogs族群 開視訊會的最好方法
今天有篇科普摘要有點意思:Online social network size is reflected in human b...

Justing的來信 我忘記是不是跟他提過 我對每年出書的想法做法有點意興闌珊 不過明目的賴先生說出書是一種紀錄 交待........

Hi 鍾老師.

他也期待我們有空,至台中找他聊聊.或許看您新書何時問世,??  大家一同參與

0518 2012 四 陰 記些  李登輝先生的活力 平成元年1989的回憶 暢流vs 暢通.........
2002年我當寶成公司的顧問 廣東/廣州的高速公路上有"暢流"---這是我翻譯 flow所採用的字眼
沙坪壩因為近幾年重慶市政府的「暢通重慶」工程建設步伐加快,現在市沙坪壩 區交通變體系變得更加完善。


2012/5 開始訂閱 慈濟月刊電子報 發現一年代錯誤







1989年(平成元年) 『孔子』で第42回野間文芸賞
此日此時此刻鄙人終於自夫子的 "逝者如斯夫 不舍晝夜"得著激動---來.....(井上靖的《孔子》劉慕沙譯 台北 時報 1990 200元 頁116)


 政治- 李登輝訪農民:我跟你們一起遊行- PChome 新聞
  1. news.pchome.com.tw/politics/.../index-13372056185539725001.htm...
    1 小時前 – 李登輝前總統昨赴台南探訪農民的心聲,聽到農民抱怨米價過低,強調「請政府補助農民!」人民如果爭取無效,「遊行也可以!這就是民主!」李還說 ...
  2. 李登輝自揭「身體密碼」 每天打4次胰島素- Yahoo!奇摩新聞

    3 小時前 – 閱讀Yahoo!奇摩新聞上的「李登輝自揭「身體密碼」 每天打4次胰島素」。 前總統李登輝昨自曝「身體密碼」,他透露,現在心臟裝十一根支架,罹患 ...
  3. 李登輝:馬英九好像做皇帝- Yahoo!奇摩新聞

    2 小時前 – 閱讀Yahoo!奇摩新聞上的「李登輝:馬英九好像做皇帝」。 〔記者林恕暉、彭顯鈞/台北報導〕馬英九總統就職連任前夕,李登輝前總統昨指出,國內 ...
  4. 李登輝籲馬:不能當「寡人」 - Yahoo!奇摩新聞

    6 小時前 – 閱讀Yahoo!奇摩新聞上的「李登輝籲馬:不能當「寡人」」。 馬英九總統將在五二○再度宣誓就職,前總統李登輝昨天接受電子媒體專訪呼籲馬總統, ...

  5. 中國評論
    1. 李登輝訪農民:我跟你們一起遊行
      自由時報‎ - 7 小時前
      〔記者彭顯鈞/台南報導〕李登輝前總統昨赴台南探訪農民的心聲,聽到農民抱怨米價過低,強調「請政府補助農民!」人民如果爭取無效,「遊行也可以 ...

李前總統昨在台南市後壁區老街參訪時,與當地民眾熱情合影。 (記者彭顯鈞攝)

昨赴台南 探訪農民心聲
訪崑濱伯 討論農業發展

 中國文學論集續編 (徐復觀, 薛順雄編)

 我讀了這則募款消息的方式   想起東海大學的"聯合董事長"  在約40年前  給臺灣的方式是"相對基金":

Dear WQXR Listener,

WQXR’s spring fundraiser is underway!  We have a rare opportunity – your only chance to triple your gift during this pledge drive.
The Alec Baldwin Foundation, a generous WQXR supporter, wants to motivate you to give to WQXR right now.

Milos Forman's Goya's Ghosts
兩位老師的解說各有優點  尤其是花老師的導演之研究 (當然我也自己的見解)  想起的是東海當時劉文潭老師的藝術欣賞課程
(電影藝術真有意思 我十幾年前給Herbert Simon信 說  他的傑作人工智能中的某電影有些引誤--- 這本書全世界圖書館可能多有    卻沒人指出這)

...variability in the size of such online friendship networks was significantly correlated...to articulate and make visible their friendship networks, and it is apparent that there...individual defined by more intimate friendships. However, the grey matter density at...

Online social network size is reflected in human brain structure

  1. G. Rees1,2
+ Author Affiliations
  1. 1UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, 17 Queen Square, London WC1N 3AR, UK
  2. 2Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, University College London, 12 Queen Square, London WC1N 3BG, UK
  3. 3Interacting Minds Project, Institute of Anthropology, Archaeology, Linguistics, Aarhus University, Norrebrogade 44, Building 10 G, 8000 Aarhus, Denmark
  4. 4Centre of Functionally Integrative Neuroscience, Aarhus University Hospital, Norrebrogade 44, Building 10 G, 8000 Aarhus, Denmark
  5. 5Institute of Cancer, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Charterhouse Square, London EC1M 6BQ, UK
  1. *Author for correspondence (r.kanai@ucl.ac.uk; kanair@gmail.com).


The increasing ubiquity of web-based social networking services is a striking feature of modern human society. The degree to which individuals participate in these networks varies substantially for reasons that are unclear. Here, we show a biological basis for such variability by demonstrating that quantitative variation in the number of friends an individual declares on a web-based social networking service reliably predicted grey matter density in the right superior temporal sulcus, left middle temporal gyrus and entorhinal cortex. Such regions have been previously implicated in social perception and associative memory, respectively. We further show that variability in the size of such online friendship networks was significantly correlated with the size of more intimate real-world social groups. However, the brain regions we identified were specifically associated with online social network size, whereas the grey matter density of the amygdala was correlated both with online and real-world social network sizes. Taken together, our findings demonstrate that the size of an individual's online social network is closely linked to focal brain structure implicated in social cognition.
  • Received September 20, 2011.
  • Accepted September 30, 2011.
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 


《英對照讀新聞》Brain Size Tells How Many Friends a Person Has 腦的大小透露一個人有多少朋友

The larger your brain size is, the more the number of friends you have:this is what is being said by a team of researchers from the University of Oxford.
Keeping up friendships takes brain power, research found, and people with real friends - as opposed to pals on social network sites - have to employ more cognitive skills to understand what someone is thinking.
Researchers have found a link between the number of friends people have and the size of their orbital prefrontal cortex. Tests were conducted on 40 people, with scientists taking anatomical MR images of their brains to measure the size of their prefrontal cortex, which is used for high-level thinking.
Participants were asked to make a list of people they had social - rather than professional - contact with over a seven day period. They also took a test to determine how competent they were at ’mentalising’, which is the capacity to understand what another person is thinking - a crucial aspect in how people handle the social world.
Results - published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B - showed a connection between people with a large friendship group and a larger prefrontal cortex.
tell:動詞,分辨、知道。例句:I could tell(that)you were unhappy.(我看得出你不快樂。)
as opposed to:片語,相對於,而非。例句:I’d prefer to go on holiday in May, as opposed to September.(我比較想在5月度假,而不是9月。)
competent:形容詞,有能力的,能勝任的。例句:I wouldn’t say he was brilliant but he is competent at his job.(我不會說他聰明,不過他能勝任他的工作。)

735 5

提出 NYU Press 出書都該有index

The Chinese Recorder 《教務雜誌》

  • 書名:The Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal (全套 75 冊)
  • 編輯委員:汪靈光、查時傑(主編)、項潔
  • 出版資訊:臺大出版中心、基督教與中國研究中心, 2012年2月10日 , ISBN: 978-986-02-7510-0
  • The Chinese Recorder《教務雜誌》全套75冊首次完整問世,內容詳載1867~1941 西方宣教士在中國信息交流全記錄。議題內容多元豐富,為中國歷史上最珍貴的文獻,也是現今研究在華宣教史與近代中國的重要史料。臺大出版中心以基督教與中國研究中心珍藏之原書為主要依據,並 參照各版本編校、重製而成,更收錄美國 Pennsylvania State University 歷史學教授 Kathleen L. Lodwick 編纂之索引 2 冊,首次完整出版。並有獨家開發的 Web 版索引檢索系統CRISE ( CRI Search Engine ),為研究中國近代史不可或缺的利器。《教務雜誌》是圖書館典藏中不可或缺的重要文獻,其在基督教宗教史料上的第一手地位,更是無出其右。
【活動預告】2012.5.17(四)The Chinese Recorder《教務雜誌》發表暨座談會
  • 時  間:2012年5月17日(四)14:00~16:30
  • 地  點:臺大文學院2樓會議室
  • 活動洽詢:(02)3366-9301嚴小姐、(02)3366-9302汪小姐
  • 活動流程:
    13:30 ~14:00 來賓報到
    14:00 ~14:30 主席致詞、貴賓致詞
    14:30 ~15:10 
    • 甘懷真 老師(臺灣大學歷史系)主持
    • 林美玫 老師(東華大學歷史系):中國內地會宣教中國之歷史研究
    • 查時傑 老師(臺灣大學歷史系):老照片新故事:《教務雜誌》中所刊登的圖像介紹
    • 甘懷真 老師(臺灣大學歷史系)主持
    • 古偉瀛 老師(臺灣大學歷史系):橫看成嶺側成峰-從Chinese Recorder中管窺天主教         
    • 查 忻 老師(輔仁大學歷史系):《教務雜誌》中關於長老教會臺灣宣教的介紹
    • 項 潔 老師(臺灣大學資工系):CRISE (CRI Search Engine): Reindexing the Chinese Recorder Index
   16:30 結束 

  《南極的故事》What's New in Science  科學新發現

 南極的故事》_沙利文著_今日世界社出版 1976, 4th


White land of adventure; the story of the Antarctic
Bib ID 648499
Format BookBook
Sullivan, Walter  
Description New York, Whittlesey House [1957]
224 p. illus. 21 cm. 
An abridged ed. of the author's Quest for a continent.




What's New in Science (Fred Reinfeld 1960) 科學新發現

書名 What's New in Science
Worthwhile Sterling paperbacks第 807 卷
作者 Fred Reinfeld
出版者 Sterling Publishing Company, 1960
頁數 204 頁

n an extremely compact text, this book embraces nine areas of science: electronics, surface travel, medicine and mental health, sound and light, space, atomics, television, meteorology, and oceanography.. It deals with new developments in these fields and experiments which indicate new trends.

Fred Reinfeld - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Reinfeld - 頁庫存檔 - 翻譯這個網頁
Fred Reinfeld was one of the most prolific authors in history, having written or ..... New York, 1964); What's New in Science (Sterling, New York, 1960); Young ...

  科學新發現  香港:今日世界 1963


 Mohole, Project, program proposed in 1957 to drill a hole down to the boundary between the crust and the mantle, known as the Mohorovičić discontinuity at about 4 to 43 mi (7 to 70 km) below the earth's surface. Initiated by the American Miscellaneous Society, a loose organization of scientists, the main purposes of the project were to determine the nature of this boundary and to attempt to fill gaps in the geologic record from samples of the rocks encountered. The technology of such a project, however, was beyond the state of drilling technology at that time. Groups such as the National Science Foundation and the National Academy of Science eventually backed phase 1, in which five holes were drilled off the coast of Mexico, the most successful entering 601 ft (183 m) into the ocean floor under 2.2 mi (3.5 km) of water. The project was abandoned by 1966, as funding to support the ever-increasing costs of the project failed to gain congressional approval. Nevertheless, ship positioning and design, along with deepwater drilling technology developed for Project Mohole, were employed in the Deep Sea Drilling Project and future drilling projects.

Wikipedia 更詳細Project Mohole.

2012.5.17   李登輝先生的電視訪談    讀何凡寫杜魯門退休後到各大學演講 (25萬聽眾)  妙語如珠
I S B N:957141285
作    者:何凡著
精平裝: 平裝本
出版日: 62/1973

何凡先生的雜文是開放性質的,因為他的雜文把洋人的洋事情也雜進他的文章裡去了;也因此,他的雜文有一個絕大的特色:介紹新知識,創發新見解,每篇文章都 給讀者攜來一種新穎感。這部夜讀雜記,除了經國濟世的大事外,無所不記,真可稱得琳瑯滿目,美不勝收。原作包括一九二篇方塊文字,有骨有肉;可供一個人消 遣,幾個人助談,對拿筆桿的人更可供作參考;整部雜記雖雜,背地裡有的是規準 。
