2012年5月5日 星期六

0506 2010 日 晴朗

早上NHK報導蠶的新研究 辛苦十幾年之後的成績引宮澤賢治之詩
 1940.10.9 胡適家書第17號 "...... 我不穿絲襪  是因為美國絲襪是用東洋絲做的 你寄的絲襪 我當然可以穿了....."
(比較琦君參觀四本時  大損日本茶道)


傍晚1900 可看到明月初升還是紅色的

下午三點逛書林煮馬鈴薯 看嬌嬌上司 (整頓工廠)
買台灣山林行旅台灣山林行旅─圖記林業試驗所研究中心植物園書畫集 林業試驗所研究中心

上個月是他的摯友Nylon的紀念日  我以前說過它的故事
這次用著美大使胡適的家書 配合耐龍史
新出的耐郎襪子(nylon). 1940.6.15


名古屋的 Noritake 則武  企業史也頗出乎我意外
  允仲容先生 (台灣品質史似乎要從他說起)1960s 參訪的是數萬人的陶瓷廠
 1980s我在Motorola買的VFD 是高雄的Futaba
我不知道該公司也有著名的display 事業部

昨晚讀大英 Victor Hugo查pauper hearse
周末可大神游: 此文真能讓人了解15年的環境:    Hugo's Guernsey  5人讀
雨果傳/ Victor Hugo: A Biography ( Graham Robb)

10點半沒買到 東西 作英國史在台灣

Noritake 則武 


作VFD 出乎我意外

History of Noritake

electronic displaysDuring the late 19th century the previously closed society of Japan opened its doors to international trade. Baron Ichizaemon Morimura, an important representative of Japanese commerce during that era, recognized the potential for exports to the United States. In 1876 he established Morimura-kumi to ship china and other gift items to America, distributed through a wholesale and retail store in New York. Baron Morimura soon realized that the American market was ripe for fine china dinnerware manufactured in Japan. In order to ensure that his exports were of the highest quality, however, he decided to control production by building his own factory. To that end, he founded a new company called Nippon Toki Gomei Kaisha in the village of Noritake, near Nagoya, on January 1, 1904.

electronic displaysSince then, Noritake has steadily built its reputation as the world's premier manufacturer of tabletop products. From the very beginning, the china took the name of the town where the factory was built, and became so popular that the company officially changed its name to Noritake Company Limited in 1981. Throughout its history Noritake has developed tools and machinery designed to improve china manufacturing technology. electronic displaysMany of these are now marketed by separate Noritake divisions. Grinding wheels were first manufactured in-house for polishing china. Since 1939, however, they have been marketed for industrial uses and today realize greater worldwide sales than Noritake china. Similarly, industrial ceramics, electronic components and even the unique roller hearth kiln, created by Noritake to make china pro

NIPPON TOKI KAISHA 日本陶器社 Japan Ceramic Shop
Morimura [森村] Brothers
Nippon Toki Kaisha
Oriental Ceramic Works
Toyo Toki & Toyo Toki Kaisha
 1876 - Present

  duction more effcient, have become important segments of the company's international business.

Today, Noritake continues to pursue new markets and new industries through exhaustive research and development. Indeed, the pioneering spirit of Baron Morimura lives on in the creative ideas and dedicated commitment to excellence that have grown from the tiny village of Noritake to touch the lives and careers of millions throughout the world.



Enhancing the individual lifestyles with quality tableware
TabletopOver one hundred years, Noritake has been loved all over the world with its superb quality and sophisticated designs. As a dominant brand, Noritake is enchanting all the dining occasions at home, superior hotels and restaurants, and inflight catering by providing a variety of tableware such as white porcelain ware, bone china, glassware, and cutlery. Focusing on individual lifestyles, we continue to pursue the finest quality and enhance everyday living.

 则武(Noritake)的餐具以其优良的产品质量和丰富的感性设计,在长达百年的历史中深受世界用户的喜爱。作为餐具的综合品牌,则武提供包括白色硬质 瓷器、骨瓷、玻璃器皿以及刀具在内的所有餐具,为各个家庭、高级酒店、餐厅以及飞机餐等各种“进餐”场景增添异彩。我们有着不断追求优良产品的精神,关注 人们生活的同时,还为顾客提供生活文化的建议和方案,使每天的生活更加多姿多彩充满活力。

1961.12.24 頁273


 HC按: 此則只是大要,更詳細的資訊請參考下文。
 張菊生(元濟) 1866-1959 與胡適通信很多 全集已出版

鄺富灼 1869-1938

商務印書館1897-1949   戴仁 (J-P DREGE) 北京: 商務印書館 2000 博士論文

商務印書館一百年 北京: 商務印書館 1998
商務印書館與教育年譜 王雲五 台北:台灣 商務印書館 1973
岫廬八十自述 節錄本 上海人民 2007
岫廬最後什年自述 台北:台灣 商務印書館 1977



创新与商务印书馆早期成长关系探析 - 轉為繁體網頁
檔案類型: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - 快速檢視
最大的书刊出版商。据统计,清朝末年国内书籍每. 年的平均营业额为4500 万元,而商务印书馆一家,. 便独占营业额的三分之一[2] 。 虽然夏瑞芳和他的创业伙伴较为敏锐 ...




作者: 林治平主編

出版社: 宇宙光出版社 出版日期: 2011




新出的耐郎襪子(nylon). 1940.6.15



  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[bɑ'nfàiər | bɔ'n-]

make a bonfire of ...
[後期中英語banefire (BONEFIRE). 昔, 厳粛な行事で, 疫病で死んだ人や罪人の骨を燃やした]」這兩個字來組成,反映出這項活動過去的歷史。在過往凱爾特人還在歐洲大陸生活的年代,他們在慶祝夏季完結的薩溫節Samhain)時,會把動物的骨頭壘疊在一起焚燒,以圖趕走邪靈。時至今日,這種做法仍然在愛爾蘭保留,但一般只限在萬聖節前夜或仲夏節燃燒。

bonfire [編集]

英語で は焚き火を「a fire」「a bonefire」焚き火をすることを「build a fire (bonfire)」と表記する。bonfireについては後期中英語のbanefire (bone+fire) が語源であり、疫病で死んだ人や罪人の骨を燃やす昔の厳粛な行事が語源であるとされる[9]

Nylon is a generic designation for a family of synthetic polymers known generically as polyamides, first produced on February 28, 1935, by Wallace Carothers at DuPont's research facility at the DuPont Experimental Station. Nylon is one of the most commonly used polymers.


 For historical perspectives on nylon, see the Documents List of "The Stocking Story: You Be The Historian" at the Smithsonian website, by The Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution.

"Nylon Sellout, Newsweek, May 27, 1940, pp 65-66. 尼龍絲襪一上市就銷罄

 1940.6.15 胡適家書第10號 "......這一次信裏 我寄兩雙襪子給你 一雙八放半 一雙九放  這都是新出的耐郎襪子(nylon (Nylon))......"
1940.6.22 再寄二雙

  • "The Stocking Story"
Documents List
Not all of the articles listed here are linked. Unlinked articles may be obtained at a library.
"Textiles: No. 2,130,948," Time, October 3, 1938, p 47-8. Du Pont Co. Press Release. October 28, 1938.
"Nylon Sellout, Newsweek, May 27, 1940, pp 65-66.
"Nylon," Life, June 10, 1940, pp 60-1.
"Stocking Panic," Business Week, August 9, 1941, p24.
"Hosiery Woes," Business Week, February 7, 1942, pp 40-3.

The worn out nylon stockings will be reprocessed and made into parachutes for army fliers c. 1942
"A Woman Complains," Business Week, October 3, 1942, p87.
"Nylon After the War," Science News Letter, January 9, 1943, p19.
"Nylon in Tires," Scientific American August 1943, p 78.
Beatrice Oppenheim, "Post War Jobs For Nylon," New York Times Magazine, November 5, 1944, p 37.
Edith Efron, "Legs are Bare Because They Can't Be Sheer," New York Times Magazine, June 24,1945, p 17.
"Bootleg Nylons," Readers Digest, February 1945, pp 66-8.
