2020年8月7日 星期五

0807 2020

Trump Targets WeChat and TikTok, in Sharp Escalation With China

The government cited national security concerns in announcing sweeping restrictions on two popular Chinese social media networks, a move that is likely to be met with retaliation.川普發布行政令,45天後禁止與微信和TikTok進行交易

The Noise of Time by Julian Barnes 時間的噪音;"Leningrad and the Orchestra that Defied Hitler"


The Noise of Time by Julian Barnes 時間的噪音;"Leningrad and the Orchestra that Defied Hitler"
YOUTUBE.COM "Leningrad and the Orchestra that Defied Hitler" HD + English Subs (2016) BBC In August 1942, a concert took place in Leningrad ...


"Leningrad and the Orchestra that Defied Hitler" HD + English Subs (2016) BBC
In August 1942, a concert took place in Leningrad that defies belief. In 1941, the Germans began the deadliest siege in history which would kill almost a mil...

了不起的台灣人。 臺灣第一! 敬禮


莊永明 (1942~2020):活!該如此: 台灣史普的推廣者

Publication Notes
Taiwan’s Russian Princess: The Silent Wife of Chiang Ching-Kuo
By Mark O’Neill……


Book review: Not quite Chinese - Taipei Times

“Though Chiang was born in Siberia, she displayed the virtues of a traditional Chinese woman,” said then-president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) following the death of Chiang Fang-liang (蔣方良) in 2004. “She was a good mother and a good wife who always put her family first.” Leaving aside t...

Bauhaus 百年群英傳 (4):Paul Klee ( 1879-1940)
206 包浩斯群英(BAUHAUS, 1919-1933):簡介與導讀 2018-01-10 漢清講堂


206 包浩斯群英(BAUHAUS, 1919-1933):簡介與導讀 2018-01-10 漢清講堂
1919年,德國人格羅佩斯(Walter Adolph Georg Gropius, 1883 - 1969),認為有必要對建築等領域的傳統教育進行變革,於是集合一群志同道合人士,於德國的魏瑪(Weimar),著名的威瑪文化與歌德的故鄉, 創設了包浩斯學校(Bauhaus),他們的....

印象深的: But he, not they, won the battle for hearts and minds: two-thirds of the island’s citizens identify as Taiwanese first; only 3% as Chinese first. He also helped resist China’s efforts to isolate Taiwan diplomatically.
根據李登輝自述,他身體力行,早上6點就到學校掃廁所,鍛鍊抑制......A young Mr Lee dabbled with communism. A more enduring inspiration was Zen Buddhism. It taught that there is no shame in bending like a reed, nor any wisdom in hurrying.
~~ Even in death, Lee Teng-hui is helping shape……

這個針對德國人? (我讀完,可全體住民,不只公民)月前漢莎航空公司提供的,我估計跟台灣類似,約7000元/人


談 Welcome Back to Germany. Now Take Your Free Virus Test.
這個針對德國人? (我讀完,可全體住民,不只公民)月前漢莎航空公司提供的,我估計跟台灣類似,約7000元/人 德國重視病毒檢測這一套,基本上與"韓國"類似。他的情況比韓國更複雜點。 基本上是"不惜血本來發展病毒檢測能量....


A high-carb diet may explain why Okinawans live so long
Emerging evidence suggests a 10:1 ratio of carbohydrates to proteins m
