2012年8月12日 星期日

0813 2012 一晴/陰熱 午三時雨


旅行中最可記的是人物。我略提過鄭明岡 先生。不過蕭一真一家人先生更精彩,可惜網路上的他都很零星,這讓我更覺得該記一下他們。

玉燕與我計畫86-11宜蘭 花蓮和台東各停留2天。她今午說應該邀諸如趙民德老師或蘇錦坤先生等或其他朋友夫婦,共襄宜蘭之旅。(我們今年搭區間車共遊過猴硐.......) 她的好友蕭一真先生當嚮導,所以比較有把握。
( 玉燕:和蕭一真867日在宜蘭,他會安排我們玩的地方,看看你有什麼計劃?他說福山植物園要事先申請才行,而且暑假人很多,不建議。)

要整理這次的宜蘭 (2)-太魯閣(1)--台東(2)-也有點困難。原因是這回帶一10年前的ibm筆電,竟然五字鍵失靈,所以幾乎沒記日記或筆記。

蕭一真:台灣大學森林系;台灣大學海洋所碩士;曾任生態學講師;現任中學自然與人文綜合課程教師。生態保育社| 永和社區大學  

台大的自然保育社: 回憶專欄: 一張照片一個故事第三集最初的社辦(b74 蕭一真: 附上照片兩張,其一是保育社最初的社辦(攝影地點請看另一張,紅色箭頭所指),該建物原屬動物系,不久之後便拆除。保育社的招牌由陳慧遊(農推 ...



陳美玲作,洪文卿插圖,蕭一真攝影《拜訪濕地》臺北市:親親自然雜誌社, 1998
陳美玲 孫婉玲《偷吃西瓜的狐狸》蕭一真(繪畫攝影) ,臺北市:親親文化, 2004

蕭一真:催請實習老師們填寫問卷調查表及號召自主性組織,以聯絡夥 伴們的情誼。
經驗分享  蕭一真:成功高中頗尊重人和自由,會先徵詢意見,我負責社團之安全及衛生檢查之行政實習工作。


新台灣新聞週刊  蕭一真專欄. 中國教科書寫二二八 (2006-03-01, 蕭一真 ).
You Tube《南進台灣》7 集:日本統治台灣四十年,總督府對於台灣種族和主要城市的特色和土產等的介紹。

我們與一真的父親相遇蕭家新建的農舍中,與畢業於大同初工的蕭伯伯暢談當時的社會和林挺生家。翌日伯母已先回台北,她臨行交待必須在我們造訪之前,將屋子整理一番。蕭伯伯雖年近八十,卻仍開車回台北,我們請他留下來,他說他還要去頭城那家日本料理店去呢 (我們前一天11點前去,門口已有數十人排隊)
太太是中學的音樂老師,她說其實老師要萬能,她還教過美術呢。她有二台鋼琴。可趁此談與Steinway & Sons 產品的緣份

Wikipedia article Steinway & Sons.此文內有一百多條的出處注解,蕭太太給我們看的專書一定在其中。那書前三分之一是介紹其歐美的家族,並說美國的鋼琴製造樹立了世界的標準。接下來的篇幅都記諸名演奏家與該公司的琴緣。


2005年,世煜慧玲有半個地球的壯遊。我因將他們蓋章的書轉送Ken Su,所以現在只能到他們2006年成立的寫給台灣的情書 去找:




簡記2011 226日花園新城讀音樂會
主人: 陳忠信-唐香燕-陳函谿;
第一車: 蘇錦坤夫婦;第二車: 劉玉燕-鍾漢清   熊維強 張慶麟(帶提琴)
第三車: 蕭一真
花園新城地方: 戴智慧。

1994410張則周和黃武雄等教授發起的教育改革運動,可能改變某些人的一生。Google “410 教改可得pdf 10周年和15周年等慶祝文章。然而我比較欣賞昔日熱血青年們後來發展出來的情誼。
 2012.8.7 在宜蘭火車站候車往花蓮時巧遇"狗毛" (玉燕在410教改的同事,狗毛現在已是很美麗的老師了) 她帶著二位寶貝 (一男一女) 在等車 準備轉到南澳某農家打工32(換食宿) 體驗營。她們有聊不完的410 同事的近況。有些人現在都當起督學了呢。任職台大社會系的賴曉黎,還會介紹他們到坪林某茶農處,去親手做紅茶 (據說主人的手下的茶,都有點靈性)。狗毛當然會拿出一包她做的送玉燕 (幾年前,Justing 也送過親友做的烏龍茶送我,再謝)
玉燕馬上打電話給蕭一真,告訴他南澳的寶地。我想他們410應該出版年刊聚會。張則周著 {台灣,你要走向何方? 人,才是台灣的未來}
官生平老師寄給我們: “北大经营方略EMBA”:
我想到的有兩人。一是約7-8年江玉國先生說他希望到北大讀EMBA 拉些關係
一是2012812 在沈春華主持的節目看到已取得新加坡籍的前聯電董事長曹興誠先生 主題是台灣的人才為問題….
我曾經將曹先生在1981年企畫的工研院電子所策略會議的行程,寫入近年2010出版的書中。它起迪我思考什麼是策略管理? 我翻譯一本G. E.公司主管寫的《前瞻策略思考法》(Putting It All Together)

 Lunch 番茄醬洋囪芹菜炒飯
 YY. 說因中天拍片的關係 布洛灣的菜可能特別好



 初次聽日本的語音機械 中文的德國之音去年使用

世界遺産条約採択40周年記念事業 日本茶のふるさと 宇治茶を世界遺産に 宇治茶・京都やましろ観光フェアの開催について


Johnny English Reborn
Johnny English Reborn poster
UK Theatrical release poster
Directed by Oliver Parker
Produced by Tim Bevan
Eric Fellner
Chris Clark
Screenplay by Hamish McColl
Story by William Davies
Starring Rowan Atkinson
Gillian Anderson
Rosamund Pike
Dominic West
Daniel Kaluuya
Richard Schiff
Tim McInnerny
Music by Ilan Eshkeri
Cinematography Danny Cohen
Editing by Guy Bensley
Studio StudioCanal
Relativity Media
Working Title Films
Distributed by Universal Pictures
Release date(s)
  • 7 October 2011 (United Kingdom)
  • 27 October 2011 (North America)
Running time 101 minutes[1]
Country United Kingdom
United States
Language English
Budget $45 million[3]
Box office $160,078,586 [4]
Johnny English Reborn is a 2011 British spy comedy film parodying the James Bond secret agent genre. The film is the sequel to Johnny English (2003), and stars Rowan Atkinson reprising his role as the title character[5] and directed by Oliver Parker.
In addition to parodying traits from the original James Bond films, and cliches of the spy genre,[6] Johnny English Reborn also references Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace. This reboot of the Bond franchise, released after the original Johnny English, exhibits far darker aesthetic than the original Bond Films. In keeping with this, Reborn is also darker than its predecessor, but retains Atkinson's signature humour. Like its predecessor, it was met with mixed reviews, but has grossed a total of $160,078,586 worldwide.



Eight years after the events of the first film, Sir Johnny English (Rowan Atkinson) is learning martial arts in Tibet as penance for an earlier failed mission in Mozambique. However, he is contact by MI7, requesting he returns to service.
Johnny returns to MI7's London headquarters (now Toshiba British Intelligence) and assigned by new boss "Pegasus" (Gillian Anderson) to stop a plot to assassinate the Chinese Premier during scheduled talks with the Prime Minister. Johnny also meets with fellow agent Simon Ambrose (Dominic West) and MI7's resident inventor, Patch Quartermain (Tim McInnerny). He is also assigned a junior agent, Colin Tucker (Daniel Kaluuya).
In Hong Kong, English discovers an address that leads him to ex-CIA agent Titus Fisher (Richard Schiff). Fisher reveals that he is a member of a group of assassins called 'Vortex', who sabotaged English's mission in Mozambique. Vortex holds a secret weapon, which requires three metal keys to unlock, and Fisher reveals one. Fisher is killed by an assassin (Pik-Sen Lim) dressed as a cleaner, and the key falls into Votex's hands. English is humiliated in front of the Foreign Secretary and Pegasus by the loss of the key, and assaults Pegasus's mother, mistaking her for the assassin from Hong Kong.
Kate Sumner (Rosamund Pike), MI7's behavioural psychologist, prompts English to recall the events of his mission in Mozambique, and the identity of the second Vortex operative, Karlenko (Mark Ivanir), a Russian spy. A golf match between Karlenko and English leads to multiple attempts on English's life. However, Karlenko is critically injured by the assassin, and English attempts to fly him to hospital. Before they arrive, Karlenko reveals that Vortex's last agent is a member of MI7, and dies.
In a meeting at MI7, it is revealed that talks between Britain and China will continue in a heavily guarded Swiss fortress called 'Le Bastion'. Over dinner, English informs Ambrose that he knows of a mole in MI7. Ambrose prepares to kill English, until it becomes clear that the traitor's identity is unknown. Tucker confronts Ambrose in the bathroom, knowing he is the mole, but English orders him to leave. Ambrose convinces English that Quartermain is the traitor. English entrusts the key to Ambrose, who tells Pegasus that English is the traitor.
English confronts Quartermain, and realises that he has been framed. He escapes in a modified wheelchair. English goes to Kate's house, and convinces her that he is not the traitor. Kate, scrutinising footage of the Mozambique mission, realiseses that the assassin behaved abnormally. They learn that Vortex owns a drug called timoxeline barbebutenol that allows them to control a person for a brief time before they die of heart failure. Ambrose, the only surviving member of Vortex, plans to use the drug to kill the Premier in exchange for 500 million USD.
English confronts Tucker and convinces him to help break into 'Le Bastion'. English warns Pegasus of the threat, and drinks the drug instead, rendering him vulnerable to Ambrose's commands. Ambrose orders English to kill the Premier using a pistol disguised as a tube of lipstick. English tries to resist the effects of the drug , and engages in a fight with himself while Tucker attempts to interrupt communication between Ambrose and English. Tucker disrupts the frequency, replacing it with radio station, resulting in English beginning to dance. Ambrose reasserts his command, revealing himself in the process. English resists, shooting at Ambrose, who escapes.
The effects of the drug wear off and English dies, before being revived by Kate. English pursues Ambrose, parachuting from the building and hijacking a snow-mobile. English reaches Ambrose, who is in a gondola lift. The two fight, with English falling the car. Ambrose tries to shoot English, who shoots a rocket at the cable-car, killing Ambrose.
English is knighted, but finds out that the Queen is the assassin from Hong Kong. He chases and attacks her with a tray, before discovering he has targeted the real Queen.[5][7][8][9]
A post-credits scene, influenced by the barber scene in The Great Dictator, sees English making a takeaway for Kate to the tune of "In the Hall of the Mountain King".

 0806 2012
