2023年11月23日 星期四

感動我的 (35)人事;物;記憶:訪客的可佩處:曹永洋 ;王晃三 ;廖為民。紐約Macy’s Parade近百年簡史( Macy 百貨的感恩節遊行)。紐約時報的影評:蒼鷺與少年。 "領導學"與感恩,......"LEADERSHI軟功夫" Dean Kim Clark (1995-2005)。


感動我的 (35)人事;物;記憶:訪客的可佩處:曹永洋 ;王晃三 ;廖為民。紐約Macy’s Parade近百年簡史( Macy 百貨的感恩節遊行)。紐約時報的影評:蒼鷺與少年。   "領導學"與感恩,......"LEADERSHI軟功夫"   Dean Kim Clark (1995-2005)。


金慶雲CHIN Ching-Yun 1931 音樂文字作家聲樂家音樂教育家

教學演唱半世紀,獨唱會持續至71歲。是最富號召力、最活躍的演唱者之一。重要樂評人。多屆聲樂家協會常務理事、兩廳院評議委員。國立臺灣師範大學音樂學系畢業,維也納 ...

女高音金慶雲每年皆以不同主題舉行獨唱會,此次的《燈火闌珊處》是繼三年前《故國三千里》後又一次全場演唱中國歌的獨唱會。 這次的節目包括了黃自《春思》、許常惠 ...




昨天訪客曹永洋 ;王晃三 ;廖為民的可佩處。



In an animated scene set outside a house in the distance, a boy with a bandage on his head looks alarmed.
Mahito Maki has a lot in common with his creator, Hayao Miyazaki.Credit...Gkids


‘The Boy and the Heron’ Review: Hayao Miyazaki Has a Question for You

The anime filmmaker returns at 82 with the enigmatic tale of a boy growing up amid war and fear, much as the director did.

Even by his standards, though, “The Boy and the Heron” is enigmatic, at least regarding plot. Better to watch as an exercise in contemplation than storytelling; this is the work of a man pondering life from its endpoint. It’s confounding, meandering through worlds that melt into one another. Magical fires rage, souls of the preborn and the dead mingle, and the fate of the universe is determined in ways unclear.
不過,即使以他的標準,《男孩與蒼鷺》也是神秘莫測的,至少在劇情方面是如此。 與其講故事,不如將觀看作為一種沉思的練習; 這是一個人從生命的終點思考生命的作品。 它令人困惑,蜿蜒穿過相互融合的世界。 魔法之火肆虐,生者與死者的靈魂交融,宇宙的命運以不明朗的方式決定。
 “How Do You Live?,” which it shares with a 1937 novel by Genzaburo Yoshino. The writer had been imprisoned for socialist thinking by a branch of the Tokyo police tasked with eradicating anti-authoritarian thought in music, literature and art. Upon release, he was invited to contribute to a series of books for young people, and intended to publish an ethics textbook to help youths live principled, freethinking lives. Knowing the dangers of such forthrightness, the series’ editor suggested Yoshino write a novel instead.
《How Do You Live?》與吉野源三郎 1937 年的小說相同。 這位作家因社會主義思想而被東京警察局的一個部門監禁,該部門的任務是根除音樂、文學和藝術領域的反獨裁思想。 出獄後,他受邀為年輕人撰寫一系列書籍,並打算出版一本道德教科書,幫助年輕人過著有原則、自由思考的生活。 系列的編輯知道這種直率的危險,因此建議吉野寫一本小說。

He discovers a note on the flyleaf from his mother, addressed to him. He reads the book and weeps before setting out on his journey.

The references give the serpentine plot fresh meaning. “The Boy and the Heron” has few straightforward lessons to teach. Mahito learns he cannot save the world single-handedly, and shouldn’t try. Love and art, balanced together, are how a person can manage to exist without malice or fear. With that, it’s easy to imagine Miyazaki, whose life and work have spanned so many decades, implicitly turning to his audience, a single question in mind: How do you live?

他在扉頁上發現了一張母親寫給他的字條。 在啟程之前,他讀了這本書並哭泣。

這些參考文獻賦予了蛇形情節新鮮的意義。 《男孩與蒼鷺》沒有什麼直接的教訓可講。 真人知道他無法單槍匹馬拯救世界,也不該嘗試。 愛與藝術平衡,是一個人能夠在沒有惡意或恐懼的情況下生存的方式。 由此,我們很容易想像宮崎駿,他的生活和工作已經跨越了幾十年,含蓄地轉向他的觀眾,心中只有一個問題:你如何生活?


A large golden Turkey sits on top of a float.
Twenty-five giant helium-filled balloons eased their way down the avenues.Credit...Amir Hamja/The New York Times

The parade included 31 floats, 11 marching bands and 7 performance groups, among other entries. Credit...Amir Hamja/The New York Times
今年初登場亮相海賊王的魯夫,跟Beagle Scout Snoopy一樣,實在有點「漏氣」啊!帽沿的氣都破掉漏光了😅

How to Watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

Stepping off a half-hour earlier than usual, this year’s parade will include 31 floats, 25 balloons and performances by Jon Batiste and Cher.
By Claire Fahy
PRINT EDITIONNovember 21, 2023

Nov. 22

Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade Draws Spectators and Protests

The nearly century-old holiday tradition also provided a stage for activists.

By Sarah Maslin Nir
PRINT EDITIONParade Appeals to Spectators and Protesters|November 24, 2023, Page A16

Nov. 21

What It Takes for Snoopy and Friends to Soar in the Macy’s Parade

Behind the city’s painstaking operation to test balloons and clear streets for Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

By Winnie Hu and Emma Rose Milligan
PRINT EDITIONGiant Balloons Floating Through a City. What Could Go Wrong?|November 23, 2023, Page A1

Nov. 16

Macy’s Parade Shuns Boycott Demands From Anti-L.G.B.T.Q. Group

A right-wing group that has been designated a hate group is planning to protest the Thanksgiving parade because of the inclusion of two nonbinary performers.

By Stefanos Chen
PRINT EDITIONMacy’s Shuns Boycott Threat Over 2 Nonbinary Performers|November 18, 2023, Page A20


新書如Intentional Leadership 等層出不窮,讓我們回顧一下......

Harvard Business School 

Earlier this week, faculty and staff took a moment to reflect with gratitude for family, friends, colleagues, and our HBS community. Pie Day is an HBS tradition that originated early during the tenure of Dean Kim Clark (1995-2005). Dean Srikant Datar is the fourth consecutive dean to keep the tradition going.

哈佛老師們的故事(2):Kim B. Clark 、Richard S. Tedlow、Henry Reiling

大約在2005年12月我寫篇簡介哈佛老師們的故事(1*):『記住你是誰:15位哈佛教授震撼心靈的人生故事 』哈佛老師們的故事(1*):『記住你是誰:15位哈佛教授教我的人生事: (美)黛西·韋德曼『記住你是誰:15位哈佛教授震撼心靈的人生故事 』北京:商務,2005。後來博華說這本書是台灣暢銷書:

記得你是誰─那些哈佛商學院教我的人生事 , 譚家瑜 台北:天下,2004




現在準備CPC的領導課程:讀起Henry Reiling的說法感受不一樣;

2007年10月Andy Grove: The Life and Times of an American (updated 1)

“因此一九七九年秋,卡特進哈佛商學院深造。他永遠忘不了教財務的教授芮林(Henry Reiling)總結課程所給的忠告:「你找的第一份工作,必須是沒人知道你應該做什麼的工作。如果他們不知道你應該做什麼,那就不知道你應該不要做什 麼。這一來,你想做什麼,儘管去做就是,而且不妨好好冒點風險。」” 寫Red X

Henry Reiling 在這本書教的是”商業決策與稅法;他還開”領導與道德”。我想以後還有故事……

Richard S. Tedlow 或許是第二個故事:「1990年代中期,在大衛·尤菲舉辦的一次晚宴上,喬伊絲遇見了格魯夫夫婦。她被安迪深深地吸引,當然,所有人都會這樣。2003年早期,她看到了格魯夫新著《游向彼岸》。她價說,這本書的作者絕不是一個普通的首席執行官,這個人經歷了很多的事情。並且,她還力薦我寫一本關於安迪的書。於是,20035月18日,我和喬伊絲飛往加利福尼亞,開始與安迪和伊娃探出版一部傳記的可能性。喬伊絲是一個精神病醫生,在那個週末,她讀到了很多東西。在回家的旅途中,她對我說,這就是我應該做的事情。




他提到當時院長:「在哈佛商學院,我要感謝的人也有很多。第一個要感謝的就是金·B.克拉克教授(Kim B. Clark),他是商學院的院長,後於2005年6月30日退休。2005年3月,我向克拉克教授提出,我想暫停東部的教學任務,因為我打算長間留在矽谷,以準備本書的編寫工作。


Kim B. Clark 其實是辭職,到一摩門教的學校當校長。這是信仰:當時就權勢、地位而言,哈佛大學商學院院長遠大學楊百翰大學的校長大。

2023.11.23 晃三兄說他們在開發"LEADERSHI軟功夫"......拿些資料供其參考:

LEADERSHIP,漢清講堂5講;2021年美國日本分享新冠疫苗的故事 ;《夜間飛行》;2010年智利科皮亞波礦難的故事

  LEADERSHIP,漢清講堂5講;2021年美國日本分享新冠疫苗的故事 ;《夜間飛行》;2010年智利科皮亞波礦難的故事

美國副國務卿謝爾曼(Wendy Sherman)星期三(6月2日)在訪問泰國時說,正如總統拜登所說,美國分享新冠疫苗不是為了獲得政治利益,而是繼續美國對全球公眾健康幾十年來一如既往的承諾。


獨家|日本報恩120萬劑AZ疫苗來了! 日航明11:45東京起飛載來台灣




昨天上午2:15 ·

LEADERSHIP,漢清講堂5講;Leadership: A Very Short Introduction

我與李元璋博士各有一本談LEADERSHIP的書之草稿 (2017.5)---我的,可寄給大家。
今天陳健邦兄指出: 鄧予立《馬英九必修的10堂課:圖說台灣經濟發展大未來》(台北:早安財經文化,2009 ),如附:

167 "領導學"漫談 2017-06-16 鍾漢清

聖修伯里(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry,1931)《夜間飛行》Vol de Nuit ,二魚,繆詠華譯,2015。
紀德(André Gide)作序,關於上司Rivière (李維耶)的論述,是篇領導學好文章。

Night Flight (1933 film), a 1933 film starring Clark Gable, was based on the novel by Antoine de Saint Exupéry, which recounted his real life experiences when he managed and flew for the Aeroposta Argentina subsidiary 


100 years ago, airmail took flight on wings of Frenchman who founded Aeropostale


166 "王道領導"的全書架構 李元璋 2017-06-17
16 views10 months ago


165 王道領導 李元璋 2017-06-17
36 views10 months ago

Transforming Leadership:產官學界的管理迷思 鍾漢清 2016-04-27 unabridged
35 views1 year ago


從Max Weber觀點,談台灣新政治領袖的特質 陳忠信 2016-04-27
33 views1 year ago


164 劉述先及其【馬爾勞與中國】 鍾漢清 2017-06-17
hc iTaiwan forum

For Charles de Gaulle, leadership was about creating moments of national exaltation as well as exercising authority and imposing order. He “exhorted the French to believe in themselves as a ‘great’ nation”. Macron seeks nothing less


Leadership: A Very Short Introduction | Keith Grint | 9780199569915 ...


Previously he was Professor of Defence Leadership at Cranfield University. He spent 10 years in industry before switching to an academic career. He is a founding co-editor of the journal Leadership(Sage) and founding co-organizer of the International Conference in Leadership Research.


Leadership, Management and Command - Rethinking D-Day | K. Grint ...


Rethinking D-Day. Authors: Grint, K. ... GrintKeith. Pages 3-18. Preview Buy Chapter 30,19 €. Western Allied Strategy: the Boxer and the Karateka. GrintKeith.

The author argues that the successes and failures of D-Day, on both sides, cannot be explained by comparing the competing strategies of each side. Instead he provides an account of the battle through the overarching nature of the relationship between the leaders and their followers.


Western Allied Strategy: the Boxer and the Karateka

Grint, Keith

Pages 23-58

Allied Air Strategy

Grint, Keith

Pages 59-79

Planning to Mislead

Grint, Keith

Pages 80-115

German Strategy: Hard Shell, Soft Shell

Grint, Keith

Pages 116-134

Allied Ground Strategy

Grint, Keith

Pages 135-149

Mobilizing the Anglo-Canadians, the Commonwealth, and the Volunteers

Grint, Keith

Pages 153-180

Mobilizing the Americans: Technology and the Iceberg

Grint, Keith

Pages 181-210

Mobilizing the Germans: the Wehrmacht and the SS

Grint, Keith

Pages 211-233

Managing Logistics: ‘Bag, vomit, one.’

Grint, Keith

Pages 234-263


Grint, Keith

Pages 264-304


Grint, Keith

Pages 307-321

The Airborne Assaults

Grint, Keith

Pages 322-349

The Amphibious Landings

Grint, Keith

Pages 350-413


Grint, Keith

Pages 417-428

Rescue teams found all 12 boys and their coaches alive in a cave in Thailand after they were missing for nine days, according to a ...


其實,這一 2010年智利科皮亞波礦難的故事,被某些"領導學"的書寫進去了......可是,斯人獨憔悴.....
2010年科皮亞波礦難- 维基百科,自由的百科全书https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010年科皮亞波礦難
2010年科皮亞波礦難,又稱智利礦災,是發生於智利的一場礦工意外事件。事故地點位於智利阿塔卡馬大區科皮亞波以北45公里處之聖何西礦坑(Mina San José),於2010年8月5日33位礦工受困在礦坑崩落處更深的地點。直至事發第70天,當地 ...


Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.  紐約Macy 百貨公司的感恩節巨大玩偶遊行.  Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade 2021 /2022  以感恩的心領受天主所造的

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. 紐約Macy 百貨公司的感恩節巨大玩偶遊行. Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade 2021 /2022 以感恩的心領受天主所造的


弟茂德前書:Chapter 4


Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. 紐約Macy 百貨公司的感恩節巨大玩偶遊行. Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade 2021

Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade Returns to a City Thankful for Normal
About 4,500 volunteers in New York City wrangled giant balloons and threw confetti into a crowd excited to see the annual parade in person.

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

Official 88th Annual Parade poster (2014)
Presented by
Savannah Guthrie
Hoda Kotb
Al Roker
(Past hosts)
Opening theme "Let's Have a Parade!"
Ending theme "Santa Claus Arrives to the Parade"
Composers Sammy Fidler (1958-1966)
Milton DeLugg (1967–2013)
Ray Chew (2014–present)
Country of origin United States
Original language English
No. of episodes 94 (as of November 26, 2020)
Executive producer Brad Lachman (1994–present)
Production locations Central Park to Macy's Herald Square
New York City
Camera setup Videotapemulti-camera
Running time 3 hours (with commercials)
Production companies
Brad Lachman Productions[1]
Original network NBC
Original release November 24, 1924 –
November 22, 1951 (radio)
November 25, 1948 – present (television)
Related shows
Macy's Fourth of July Fireworks
Macy's BalloonFest
My Macy's Holiday Parade
Lighting of the Macy's Great Tree
Christmas in Rockefeller Center[1]
External links


2013.10.29 最近十年,我才直注意紐約Macy 百貨公司的感恩節巨大玩偶遊行。查一下blog發現有三筆記錄:
Taking Flight: Balloons Fly in Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade
Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade 2012
Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade 2008


Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Macy's_Thanksgiving...

 — The annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City, the world's largest parade, is presented by the U.S.-based department store chain Macy's.
Presented by: Savannah Guthrie; ‎Hoda Kotb‎; ‎Al ...
Executive producer: Brad Lachman (1994–pre...
Related shows: Macy's Fourth of July Fireworks; ...
Production companies: Macy's; NBC‎; Brad Lac...‎
History · ‎Balloons · ‎Performers and acts

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade 2021
https://www.macys.com › social › parade

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade returns to NYC on Nov. 25, 9am-noon in all time zones on NBC. Check out the lineup info, route & more details here!
Lineup · ‎The route · ‎Performers · ‎An Insider's Look


Walking the Entire Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Route
YouTube · ActionKid
2 days ago

See a live preview of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on ...
Today Show
1 day ago


Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade 2019 | FULL
YouTube · Global News
Nov 29, 2019

View all

Web results

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade: Street closures, balloon ...
https://abc7ny.com › macys-thanksgiving-day-parade-2...

55 minutes ago — NEW YORK (WABC) -- The 95th annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is returning to its pre-pandemic form this year.

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade 2021: How to watch - TODAY
https://www.today.com › popculture › macy-s-thanksgi...

 — The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is back in a big way! After a smaller 2020 parade that was more of a made-for-TV event, the traditional ...
