2023年11月5日 星期日

感動我的(22): 廖為民 台灣禁書史研究叢書(漢清講堂 156 台灣禁書的故事 --- 「存一本﹐留歷史証據」- - 廖為民 2017-05-20) 第五本,西螺書庫…… 邱振瑞的日本研究書單。 段義孚(Yi-Fu Tuan,1930年—2022年人文主義地理學(humanistic geography)的創始人)的自傳風景《我是誰》《恐懼 Landscape of Fear》。 小熊英二《活著回來的男人》《隱性社會規則:終身雇用制 塑造的日本》。 愛荷華的國際寫作與殭屍旅館。 十九世紀末的日中韓互動,翻閱《明治天皇》(Emperor of Japan: Meiji and His World, 1852-1912 by Donald Keene )中的千名水兵葬身深海。 《馬克思 恩格斯 選集 第三卷》一頁 兩處翻譯/註解 lady of honor/ maid of honor 。Built a Community for Parents。

感動我的(22): 廖為民 台灣禁書史研究叢書(漢清講堂 156 台灣禁書的故事 --- 「存一本﹐留歷史証據」- - 廖為民 2017-05-20) 第五本,西螺書庫……
段義孚(Yi-Fu Tuan,1930年—2022年人文主義地理學(humanistic geography)的創始人)的自傳風景《我是誰》《恐懼 Landscape of Fear》。
小熊英二《活著回來的男人》《隱性社會規則:終身雇用制 塑造的日本》。
十九世紀末的日中韓互動,翻閱《明治天皇》(Emperor of Japan: Meiji and His World, 1852-1912  by Donald Keene )中的千名水兵葬身深海。
《馬克思 恩格斯 選集 第三卷》一頁 兩處翻譯/註解  lady of honor/ maid of honor
Built a Community for Parents。  



Audible 範例


Donald Keene

Emperor of Japan: Meiji and His World, 1852-1912 Paperback – Illustrated, 2005年

Built a Community for Parents,西方文藝復興期大師都懂得以"現世歡喜"為重‘Renaissance eyes are fixed on this life’;日本2024年新鈔啟示《武士的女兒》津田梅子等等 (工頭 堅),位何"孔子學院" 太沉悶 。Jeff Bezos 遷居為衛星事業打拼。歐洲反猶太;恐穆斯林 情緒高漲,尤其是德國和法國中高穆斯林移民國。 醉相故事:穆索斯基(Modest Mussorgsky, 1839-1881) 陳洪綬

我在愛麗絲裏譯爲王后的 “貼身侍女”

《馬克思 恩格斯 選集 第三卷一》頁 兩處翻譯/註解 lady of honor/ maid of honor


lady of honor 榮譽女士/貴婦人

maid of honor

張華:我在愛麗絲裏譯爲王后的 “貼身侍女”


台灣機會:孔子學院在美數量銳減 未來何去何從? 西方文藝復興期大師都懂得以"現世 歡喜"為重‘Renaissance eyes are fixed on this life’;工頭 堅介紹日本2024年新鈔上《武士的女兒》津田梅子,領先中國一世紀先驅者,習近平該反思女權女力。Jeff Bezos 遷居為衛星事業打拼。第128年紐約州科學教師會議主題演講

孔子學院在美數量銳減 未來何去何從?


Jeff Bezos announced that he is leaving Seattle and moving with his girlfriend and parents to Miami.

The Amazon founder said he would be moving after spending nearly 30 years in Seattle to be closer to his parents and the operations of his space manufacturing company Blue Origin.

Tomorrow (11/4) from 6-8 PM EDT: Please join the Science Teachers Association of New York State (STANYS) in welcoming How to Walk on Water and Climb up Walls author David L. Hu as the keynote speaker for their 128th annual conference. For more details, visit: https://hubs.ly/Q027n19s0

此書所提到的大部分著作,華文界到約2010年才翻譯稍齊,如T. Mann的孚士德博士


Dostoevsky, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche and Kafka
https://www.goodreads.com › show

all outsiders in their societies, unable to fit into the accepted nineteenth-century categories of theology, philosophy, or belles lettres. Instead, they saw themselves both as the end products of a dying civilization and as prophets of the coming chaos of the twentieth century. In this brilliant combination of biography and lucid exposition, their apocalyptic visions of the future are woven together into a provocative portrait of modernity.

A STUDY of the message for our time to be found in Kierkegaard, Dostoevsky, Nietzsche and Kafka, this small book has a depth of insight and a comprehensiveness of treatment considerably beyond what its modesty of tone and size indicates.

They Saw the Shadows; FOUR PROPHETS OF OUR DESTINY: Kierkegaard, Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, Kafka. By William Hubben. 170 pp. New York: The Macmillan Company. $2.75.
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By William Barrett
Aug. 31, 1952

所有他們社會中的局外人,無法融入十九世紀公認的神學、哲學或純文學範疇。 相反,他們認​​為自己既是垂死文明的最終產物,也是二十世紀即將到來的混亂的預言家。 在這本傳記與清晰闡述的精彩結合中,他們對未來的世界末日願景交織在一起,形成了一幅令人興奮的現代性肖像。


他們看到了陰影; 我們命運的四位先知:克爾凱郭爾、杜斯妥也夫斯基、尼采、卡夫卡。 作者:威廉·胡本。 170 頁。紐約:麥克米倫公司 1952/1997

William Hubben. .The author poses these 4 great thinkers as the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse ...

William Hubben was the editor of the "Friends Journal" and is the author of "Exiled Pilgrim", an account of his own life and time. Google Books
Born: 1895
Died: 1974
Books: Dostoevsky, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, and Kafka: Four Prophets of Our Destiny

Priya Living is a senior living company steeped in Indian culture.Credit...Jason Henry for The New York Times

By Anna Kodé
Nov. 4, 2023

When Arun Paul’s parents were in their 70s, he began searching for a duplex in his neighborhood in the Bay Area where they could live. The plan was that Mr. Paul would be close by, but his parents would also share the duplex with their friends, another older couple.

It was important to Mr. Paul that his parents, who emigrated from India in the 1960s, would have other Indian people to be around, especially as they aged. “Growing up, I could always feel that there was something they left behind, like a really important piece of who they were,” said Mr. Paul, 49.

Word of the duplex plan spread among other members of the Indian community, and Mr. Paul started to think that it could be something bigger. “I started getting phone calls from aunties, and they would say, ‘I heard you’re building a community. We really need something like this,’” he said. “That’s when it just hit me. There’s a lot of people out there that really felt this same way.”

Mr. Paul already had a background working in real estate development. So instead of creating a home for just two couples, in 2012, he began Priya Living — an elder-living community that centers Indian culture through its activities, design, food and residents themselves. Priya Living started off with just one 26-unit location in Santa Clara, Calif., where Mr. Paul’s parents moved in. But now, it has four locations in California and is opening its first location in India near New Delhi on Nov. 8. Mr. Paul also said that the company has acquired land for future development in Michigan and Texas. In total, Priya Living has over 530 residents in the United States.


Obama Urges Americans to Take in ‘Whole Truth’ of Israel-Gaza War The former president said everyone was “complicit to some degree” in the current bloodshed and acknowledged the points of view on both sides of the conflict.

The Great Read

For Europe’s Jews, a World of Fear
The Oct. 7 Hamas assault on Israel and a surge in acts of antisemitism have awakened a repressed horror in Jewish populations across the continent.

歐洲反猶太;恐穆斯林 情緒高漲,尤其是德國和法國中高穆斯林移民國。


Obama Urges Americans to Take in ‘Whole Truth’ of Israel-Gaza War

The former president said everyone was “complicit to some degree” in the current bloodshed and acknowledged the points of view on both sides of the conflict.


亦即表演還表演,那句老話:Not in my backyard。
你看拜登政府終於跟隨川普,在美墨邊境修築圍牆,就知道。在雞蛋與高牆之間,拜登的民主黨Buy 高牆。即將大選的英國工黨領袖施紀賢爵士,暗中也撐高牆。許多假道德的西洋鏡,拆穿了,一文不值。正如美國KOL名嘴沙博里(Ben Shapiro)上周在牛津大學學生會與一名伊斯蘭牛津女生辯論。對方不斷糾纏:以色列軍事反擊,殘酷過度,殘殺平民。沙博里追問:那麽邱吉爾戰時派皇家空軍轟炸德國城市,為什麼不譴責?
全場爆笑。沙博里嘲諷:check your brain。這就是左膠的知識水準——哈哈,該等腦殘,還是牛津學生呢。
圖片:The Times of Israel 、追新聞



群學與日本社會學 兩天前(11月3日)傍晚,台灣禁書研究者廖為民來訪。我們先在茶行喝了幾杯阿里山高山茶,以證明我們的身體還處於年輕的狀態。稍後,我們在附近的食堂吃個便餐,然後到咖啡屋喝咖啡,我特別點了曼特寧(注:每次品喝苦味猶甘的曼特寧咖啡,總讓我懷念起1980年代中期與詩人何郡至敦化南路向高準老師請益寫實主義詩歌風格的日子),準備盤點各自的寫作進度。他說,目前,他的第六部作品已經接近完稿,稍為擴充和編輯,明年應該可以出版。我得知他回到西螺做口述歷史,除了錄音訪談還做札記備忘。我忽然靈機一動,建議他寫(在西螺)生活日記。例如,他不在家裡料理三餐,必須到西螺街上解決民生問題。

漢清講堂 156 台灣禁書的故事 --- 「存一本﹐留歷史証據」- - 廖為民 2017-05-20
142 views6 years ago

記錄這些數字有什麼用途?有,當然有,而且用途極大。當年,正因為永井荷風樂於創作小說,勤於用日記收錄生活中的點滴,包括具體物價指數等等,無疑為後來的研究者及其鐵粉們留下可資追尋的遺產。簡單講,三十年後,廖為民作為研究者和鐵粉們的論文對象之時,他在西螺期間吃喝拉撒睡的生活細節,就會成為珍貴可用的資料。就這樣,你來我往,近兩個小時的編輯會議結束了。臨走前,我再次發揮總編輯的催稿氣勢:你是台灣禁書史的研究者和作家,每年寫稿產出不到10萬字,就表示你不夠勤奮(即不專業不敬業)了。當然,對我們來說,本業寫作之外,仍然需要群學思考做支撐。 說到作家相互激勵群學(社會學)與共的必要性,我個人對於日本社會學著作的翻譯,應該比廖為民多關注些。一來教學工作需要,二來個人興趣。2020年8月,我在台北伊國屋書店購得小熊英二的《日本社会のしくみ:雇用.教育.福祉の歴史社会学》(講談社現代新書,2019年7月)一書,當下有兩個想法:其一,這部厚書將近600頁,若沒興趣和極大耐性,恐怕讀不到10頁就會主動退場,儘管讀完這部社會史簡史有諸多好處。其二,如果台灣的出版堂有這中文譯本問世,對有心從事日本社會學翻譯的譯者,將來準備赴日學習該領域的台灣留學生幫助很大。進一步地說,有中文譯本的基礎識見(不諳日文的情況下),讀者可少走彎路直奔核心學問。 奇妙的是,我這個念想在2023年6年月實現了。簡體中譯版《隱性社會規則:終身雇用制 塑造的日本》(社會科學文獻出社,2023)問世了。這部書譯成中文38萬字,書名稍作改動,但封面下方保留原書書名。事實上,社科文獻出版這類書籍很不容易,不僅銷路未必能如預期長紅,但從爭取日方版權來看,它的出版又有重大意義。據《ふしぎな中国》(2022年10月)一書的作者近藤大介指出,當年他在北京做版權代理,中國出版社每年購進日書版權大約150冊,其中東野圭吾的小說佔數十冊之多。所以,在我看來《隱性社會規則》此書的問世,意味著它在稀少的120冊中極為難得的一冊。因為它又是在中國經濟指數衰退之下推出的,其銷路與作為譯書的運命不容樂觀。而我在知識通達的台北市以1000元就能買到原文與簡體中譯本,應該是值得幸運的。接下來,我的工作是整理日本社會學之於台灣與中國相應的(專有)名詞了。(2023年11月5日)


書名:恐懼,原文名稱:Landscape of Fear,語言:繁體中文,ISBN:9789867416865,頁數:400,出版社:立緒,作者:段義孚,
段義孚(英語:Yi-Fu Tuan,1930年12月5日—2022年8月10日)是一位美籍華裔地理學家。他是人文地理學中的知名學者,是人文主義地理學(humanistic geography)的創始人 ...

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