2019年2月8日 星期五

0203 2019

Hanching Chung 好心朋友,請解釋他的大名:Jean Bruno Wladimir François de Paule Le Fèvre d'Ormesson (16 June 1925 – 5 December 2017)

1972年暑假大肚山難忘的經驗。代向書中說要寫大作,而一直在頭己句的朋友問候......."昔日在東海讀 Camus 之 The Plague
印象中最深的是書中有一人 發誓寫書
不過 似乎老是在"第一段"的文字障中迷路" :Albert Camus THE PLAGUE translated by Stuart Gilbert Penguin Books
Part One I

Homer. The Iliad with an English Translation by A.T. Murray, Ph.D. in…

Gropius: An Illustrated Biography of the Creator of the Bauhau, 1991
by Reginald Isaacs (1911~86)
傳記很難,本書將Walter Gropius 在1961年得哥德獎 (它通常數年頒發一次,然而1960年也頒)的年份寫成1957。Walter Gropius 的演講稿有英文版,可惜找不到。
Goethepreis der Stadt Frankfurt am Main
1961 - Walter Gropius, Germany

  • Bauhaus 百年群英傳 (1):Walter Gropius (1883-1969)
    Bauhaus 百年群英傳 (1):Walter Gropius (1883-1969)

Houses, walk-ups or high-rise apartment blocks?

located above the ground floor in a building with no elevator; consisting of several stories and having no elevator; designed to allow pedestrians to be served without entering a building… See the full definition

Hanching Chung https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTCna8sLizQ&t=14s
Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science. Die fröhliche Wissenschaft.
First published in 1882.
Friedrich Nietzsche Full Text EBook
Previous Section 280. Architecture for the search for knowledge Next Section
Architecture for the search for knowledge. An insight is needed (and that probably very soon) as to what is specially lacking in our great cities namely, quiet, spacious, and widely extended places for reflection, places with long, lofty colonnades for bad weather, ⋯⋯

“Architecture for the Search for Knowledge” is the…


251 日本浮世繪大師--歌川廣重 (歌川広重) 漢清講堂
British Museum
Everyone’s talking about the #Superbowl today, so here’s a superb owl from the collection! 🦉🏈
This sleepy owl was made in the 19th century by Japanese artist Utagawa Hiroshige. The inscription is a haiku written in cursive script, which roughly translates as:
‘The old maple
looks rosy and refreshed
from end to end.’
Hiroshige designed at least two prints with an owl taking a nap, so it seems to have been a popular theme http://ow.ly/A2vt30nvCNl

A Bloomsbury Canvas: Reflections on the Bloomsbury Group
