2015年3月14日 星期六

March 14, 1781, Samuel Johnson

‪#‎onthisday‬ in 1781: English astronomer Sir William Herschel discovered the planet Uranus http://ow.ly/EhPMH

March 14, 1781, 這一天,Samuel Johnson給 Bozzy ( Boswell)寫信,要他不要在悶悶不樂.....他已將詩人傳寫好,準備一份讓Bozzy "飽讀"......來吧,我們一起去好玩的Mitre酒店大聊.....

  1. The life of Samuel Johnson - Page 64 - Google Books Result

    James Boswell - 1826
    Johnson." I wrote to him in February, complaining of having been troubled by a ... I am, dear sir, " Yours affectionately, " SamJohnson. " March 14, 1781.

  1. The Mitre in Fleet Street - The Memoirs of Pascal Bonenfant


    Johnson's Mitre is commonly thought to be the tavern with that sign, which still ... of The Mitre—the figure and manner of the celebrated Samuel Johnson—the  ...

Battle of Guilford Court House - Wikipedia, the free ...


On March 14, 1781, while encamped in the forks of the Deep River, Cornwallis .... 
