2014年5月31日 星期六

0601 2014 日

 畢業季。恭喜Daniel 女兒Connie (東海IE.....)
看東森半部 姊妹花:In Her Shoes is a 2005 American comedy-drama film based on the novel of the same name by Jennifer Weiner.

末節姊姊Rose結婚時,Magi 念這首:
[i carry your heart with me(i carry it in] By E. E. Cummings / i: six nonlectures, 《我:六次非演講》/ Fourteen Poems by ...
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

但是,1989年的6月11日,我們看到17歲的拼命英雄在球場上慶祝勝利;看台上,全世界的轉播觀眾的淚水:Michael Chang Returns to French Open, With a Proté..
我們的父親來東海大學.......(60年代與70年代) 補記:



同頁,有上文作者爸爸第一次 造訪東海的說法。採取直敘方式,不像上文的對話戲劇法。關於那本辭典,作者說「結果我是我們班上唯一擁有這本化學詞典的人。」


2014.6 格森:莫斯科正在失去靈魂 就發生了巨變:國家處在戰爭,對異見容忍度降到歷史最低,不允許雙重國籍,經濟前景一片黯淡。所有的人都在討論移民。
藍英年《日瓦戈醫生》= 改名《齊瓦哥醫生》台北:遠景,2014
2008:話說昔日. "Leonid Pasternak". Wikipedia article "Leonid Pasternak". )一家多英才,譬如說兒子詩人Boris比父親更有名(著『齊瓦哥醫生』;中國出版的Pasternak 回憶錄集『人和事』(三聯)等),我看過他哥哥亞歷山大的回憶錄(英文) 。
Leonid 1921年離開俄國,1945年客死牛津。在21世紀,她的孫女幫他弄個要預約才能參觀的紀念館。
最有趣的是她的先生「害怕失去他的安寧空間」,這樣說(寫/譯):「我期望著一位沒有膀胱的百萬富翁前來靜靜地參觀,他不用廁所,願意花一根金條購買風景明信片,還說,『不用再找了!』。」【大陸滥譯本【牛津:歷史和文化】 第182頁】

......但願能做個不太壞的老頭兒。......老人要能能像佛家那樣,歡歡喜喜的捨該捨就捨,包括生命。......王鼎鈞 《活到老,真好》台北:爾雅,1999


 早上6點多回64號。看東森半部In Her Shoe 姊妹花

In Her Shoes is a 2005 American comedy-drama film based on the novel of the same name by Jennifer Weiner. It is directed by Curtis Hanson with an adapted screenplay by Susannah Grant and stars Cameron Diaz, Toni Collette, and Shirley MacLaine. Wikipedia

 i: six nonlectures, 《我:六次非演講》/ Fourteen Poems by ...

i: six nonlectures, 《我:六次非演講》/ Fourteen Poems by E. E. Cummings 《康明思的詩》

末節姊姊Rose結婚時Magi 念這首
[i carry your heart with me(i carry it in] By E. E. Cummings

i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)

大清早,找張培德先生17歲時,1989年到底那一天大贏。看了Wikipedia 的英日中文版:網頁的表現粗細,各表現網路體育報導的成熟程度。


優勝 2. 1989年6月11日 フランスの旗 全仏オープン クレー スウェーデンの旗 ステファン・エドベリ 6–1, 3–6, 4–6, 6–4, 6–2
此君是重要人物. 最動人的奮不顧身贏球.......19901991台灣杜邦在本地共同贊助他。

 17-year-old Michael Chang won the title, and as such broke the record for the youngest-ever Grand Slam – Men's Singles champion. Among his victories was a defeat of World No. 1 and three-time French Open champion Ivan Lendl, which is remembered as one of the most significant matches in French Open history.

Michael Chang Underhand Serve vs Ivan Lendl (French ...

Sep 26, 2012
[Featured in CNN Open Court and Guardian] Michael Chang's famous underhand / drop / underarm service ...

Michael Chang Returns to French Open, With a Protégé

  May 30, 2014


Lionel Cironneau/Associated Press
PARIS — Twenty-five years later, Michael Chang still has not talked about the 1989 French Open with Ivan Lendl. Nor has he hit another underhand serve in competition.
25年過去了,張德培(Michael Chang)依然未談及自己1989年和伊萬·倫德爾(Ivan Lendl)在法國網球公開賽(French Open)上的對陣。他也沒有再在比賽中用過下手發球。
Back in Paris at age 42, Chang still has a bowl cut, still is an openly devout Christian and still is traveling with family, only this time he is here not with his parents, Betty and Joe, but with his wife, Amber, and their two daughters, ages 3 and 1.
But this French Open, which begins Sunday, is not merely about nostalgia for Chang. It is also about fresh dreams.
Yes, this is the anniversary of his victory at 17 against sound logic and great odds; a victory that coincided with violence far away in Tiananmen Square; a victory he attributes to a potent brew of talent, toil, youthful insouciance and divine intervention.
Scott Barbour/Getty Images

“There were matches I just shouldn’t have won,” Chang said. “There were balls that should have gone out that didn’t. There was rain that had no business coming down. I mean, you can’t fathom how those things had happened. There was a purpose there, and there was a purpose for me being 17 and a purpose for me being Chinese and for the events that unfolded during that period of time. There was a reason it happened the way it did.”
「有些比賽我本來根本不會贏,」張德培 說,「有些球本來應該出界,但卻沒有。有些八竿子打不着的雨下了下來。我是說,你看不透這些事情是怎麼發生的。當時發生的事情是有目的的,我當年17歲是 有目的的,我身為華人,以及那段時間發生的事情都是有目的的。事情之所以會成這樣是有原因的。」
This year, Chang is at Roland Garros on a new mission, as coach of Kei Nishikori, the Japanese star who is ranked in the top 10 for the first time and hitting new heights under Chang’s tutelage. After winning the clay-court tournament in Barcelona, Nishikori had Rafael Nadal on the ropes in Madrid this month before retiring with back spasms.
今年,現身法網的張德培是帶着新的使命而 來的。他是日本網球明星錦織圭(Kei Nishikori)的教練。錦織圭的排名首次進了前十,成績在張德培的指導下也屢創新高。在贏得巴賽羅那的那場紅土場地錦標賽後,本月在馬德里,錦織圭 一度讓拉斐爾·納達爾(Rafael Nadal)陷入困境,後因背部痙攣退賽。
The lessons from 1989 were manifold: keep your tactics flexible; refuse to be intimidated by those of greater experience and achievement; keep fighting, hustling, lunging and hobbling no matter how much your legs cramp and your optimism wavers.
“Bjorn Borg won the French Open when he was a teenager,” said José Higueras, Chang’s coach in 1989. “So did Mats Wilander and Rafa. But to me, the special thing about Michael’s win was not so much that he won the French but how he won it: having the audacity to play the best players in the sport in a huge arena and having the guts to actually serve underhand and having the nerve to believe he actually could win.”
「比約恩·伯格(Bjorn Borg)在法網奪冠時才十幾歲,」張德培在1989年時的教練若澤·伊格拉斯(José Higueras)說,「馬茨·維蘭德(Mats Wilander)和拉法(Rafa)也是。但對我而言,邁克爾(Michael,張德培的英文名——譯註)獲勝一事的特別之處與其說是他在法網奪冠,不 如說是他如何奪冠的:有膽量在大型體育場同這項運動最好的運動員一較高下、有魄力採用下手發球、有勇氣相信自己真的會贏。」
Higueras and others tend, understandably, to focus on the fourth-round match against Lendl, instead of the other victories. It came on Court Central and was perhaps the closest tennis has come to David and Goliath.
伊格拉斯和其他人傾向於把重點放在對陣倫德爾的第四輪比賽,而不是其他勝利上,這是可以理解的。比賽在中央網球場(Court Central)舉行,而且可能是最接近《大衛和歌利亞》(David and Goliath)這個故事的網球比賽。
“If they play that match 20 times, Michael wins it once,” Higueras said.
It was astonishing. Lendl was a seven-time Grand Slam singles winner and three-time French Open winner long established as the No. 1 player in the world. Chang, who had played rarely on clay as a standout junior or young professional, had not been past the fourth round in a major.
He was, however, seeded 15th at Roland Garros because of some injuries and withdrawals. Though he had never played Lendl in an official match, he had played him in two exhibitions in the year before the French Open, losing indoors in Des Moines, Iowa and then beating him in Atlanta on green clay. After the Des Moines match, Lendl, who could be caustic, gave Chang some unsolicited counsel in the limousine heading back to the hotel.
然而,因為有人受傷,有人退賽,他當時是 法網的15號種子選手。儘管之前從未在正式比賽中與倫德爾對陣過,但他曾在那屆法網前一年的兩場表演賽中與倫德爾交過手,先是在艾奧瓦州得梅因的室內賽場 上輸給了對方,後來在亞特蘭大的綠土賽場上將對方打敗。打完得梅因那場比賽後,偶爾言辭尖刻的倫德爾在乘坐豪華轎車回酒店時,不請自來地向張德培提了一些 建議。
“Just out of the blue, not even trying necessarily to start a conversation he said, ‘Do you want to know why you lost today?’” Chang said. “And I’m like, ‘Sure. Go ahead. Tell me.’ And he goes: ‘Well, you have no serve. Your second serve is like nothing, and you know you move pretty well but you have no weapons. You get a lot of balls back but you have absolutely nothing you can hurt me with.’ And he goes, ‘If you don’t work on your game, there’s just no way you’re going to be able to survive out here on tour.’”
「他甚至都沒試着講些客套話,便突然說 道,『想知道你今天為什麼輸了嗎?』」張德培說,「我就說,『當然。你說吧,告訴我。於是他說:『你的發球不好。你的第二個發球一點威力都沒有。你知道你 的移動很好,但你沒有武器。你接到了很多球,但你完全沒有可以傷到我的武器。』他還接著說,『如果不在網球上努努力,你根本沒辦法留在巡迴賽里。』」
Chang said he was grateful, not resentful, for the advice from on high and went back to work. He trained with Higueras and another promising American teenager, Pete Sampras, in Palm Springs, Calif. Chang had reached the third round in 1988 in his first French Open, losing to John McEnroe on Court Central, and Higueras believed he had long-range potential to do very well at Roland Garros.
對這種高高在上的建議,張德培說他感到感 激,而非忿恨,然後就回去努力了。在加州棕櫚泉,他與伊格拉斯,以及另一名很有前途的美國少年皮特·桑普拉斯(Pete Sampras)一起進行了訓練。1988年,張德培在自己的首次法網賽事中打入第三輪,但在中央網球場上輸給了約翰·麥肯羅(John McEnroe)。伊格拉斯相信,他具有長期的潛力,能夠在法網表現驚人。
“The game was not as physical as it is today, wasn’t as fast,” Higueras said. “He had a very good perception of the ball. He was quicker than quick, and the only thing he wasn’t doing well enough was taking advantage of some of those short balls and moving up a bit more. So I worked with him for a few days and said, ‘Hey Michael. Listen, you keep working hard, and I think you have a good chance to do well at the French in a few years.”
「當時,比賽並不像現在這樣對體力有這麼 高的要求,球也沒這麼快,」伊格拉斯說,「他球感極好,速度快得不得了,唯一的不足就是沒有利用一些短球的機會,更多地往網前移動。所以我們一起訓練了幾 天,我說,「嗨,邁克爾。聽着,你要繼續努力,我相信幾年之內,你就很有機會在法網取得好成績。」
Chang said his response was: “Why not this year?”
“I don’t think it was necessarily an arrogant comment,” Chang said. “But I was just kind of like why not? You never know.”
Clearly not, especially when you are a youngster with precocious talent and precious little scar tissue from big disappointments past. “There’s advantages, I think of being 17,” Chang said.
The match with Lendl was played on June 5, one day after the Chinese government crackdown on student protests in Tiananmen Square in Beijing.
Chang, the American-born son of Taiwanese immigrants, followed the news closely with his family. “Once the crackdown actually happened,” he said, “and you saw so many people dying and you see the guy standing in front of the tank and stuff like that, it does put things into proper perspective.”
After dropping the first two sets against Lendl, Chang won the next two despite cramping in both legs near the end of the fourth. He recalled walking toward the chair umpire, Richard Ings, to retire after the third game of the fifth set, then stopping at the service line because he had “an unbelievable conviction of heart.”
在和倫德爾對陣時,張德培輸掉了前兩盤比 賽,隨後贏得了接下來的兩盤比賽,儘管在第四盤比賽接近尾聲時,他的兩條腿都抽筋了。據他回憶,他在第五盤第三局比賽結束後走向主裁判理乍得·英格斯 (Richard Ings)準備退賽,卻在發球線停了下來,因為他「心裡湧出了一股難以置信的信念」。
“Something I’ve never had happen to me at any other time in my career,” he added. “I honestly just felt like God was just saying to me, ‘Michael, what are you doing?’ ”
Chang’s overt expressions of faith would not play particularly well to the French press or public, a fact that pained him in the years ahead. “In my mind, my heart, that’s the best part of me,” he said.
The underhand serve, the first and last of Chang’s career, came at 4-3, 15-30 in the fifth set. Chang sensed that Lendl was on his way to breaking him again and felt he needed to do something different.
Lendl, understandably surprised, managed to keep the ball in play but lost the point after a Chang passing shot.
On match point, Lendl missed his first serve, and Chang hobbled forward, much farther forward than was customary, to return. With Chang a few feet from the service box, the crowd tittered. Lendl, irritated, asked Ings for another first serve. Ings denied the request, and Lendl, shaking his head, hit a second serve that struck the tape and landed long for a double fault. Chang soon landed, too, on his back on the clay, in tears after 4 hours 37 minutes and a 4-6, 4-6, 6-3, 6-3, 6-3 victory.
比賽處於賽點時,倫德爾的第一個發球失誤 了,張德培蹦跳着上前去接球,他比一般情況走得更靠前許多。他站在距發球區只有幾步之遙的地方,觀眾因此發出了竊笑聲。惱怒的倫德爾請英格斯批准他重發第 一球,英格斯拒絕了他的請求,倫德爾搖着頭,發了第二球,球擊中球網上緣之後,飛出了發球區,倫德爾雙發失誤了。張德培馬上就仰面躺倒在紅土場上,滿臉是 淚,他在經歷了4小時37分的奮戰後獲勝了,比分分別是4-6、4-6、 6-3、6-3和6-3。
“I umpired over 2,000 tour matches,” Ings said in an email. “Nothing came close to the drama and passion of that match.”
Chang said that despite spending time together on the senior tour and golf course, he and Lendl had never discussed the match. “I don’t plan to,” Chang said, laughing.
What is nearly as remarkable in retrospect is that Chang had the emotional and physical reserves to avoid a letdown in 1989. He still had to fight through tough four-set matches against Ronald Agenor of Haiti and against Andrei Chesnokov, then of the Soviet Union, to reach the final.
事後看來,與這場比賽幾乎一樣了不起的是 張德培擁有足夠的激情和體力儲備,由此在1989年避免了虎頭蛇尾的結果。他當時不得不再打兩場為時四盤的艱難比賽,才能進入決賽,他的對手分別是海地選 手羅納德·阿熱諾爾(Ronald Agenor)和當時的蘇聯選手安德烈·切斯諾科夫(Andrei Chesnokov)。
In the final, Chang faced Stefan Edberg, the net-rushing future No. 1 player from Sweden who was the reigning Wimbledon champion. Chang rallied again, this time from a two-sets-to-one deficit, fending off nine break points in two pivotal games in the fourth set. Attacking the net plenty of times himself, he ultimately wore down Edberg, 6-1, 3-6, 4-6, 6-4, 6-2.
在決賽中,張德培面對的是喜歡上網前沖的 瑞典選手斯蒂芬·埃德伯格(Stefan Edberg)。埃德伯格當時是溫網那一年的冠軍,也是後來的世界一號選手。張德培再次在落後的情況下「重整旗鼓」,一度盤比分是2比1,然後在第四盤的 兩個關鍵局中挽救了九個破發點。在自己也多次上網進攻後,他終於以6比1、3比6、4比6、6比4、6比2的比分拖垮了埃德伯格。
Chang was the first American man since Tony Trabert in 1955 to win the French Open, and he remains the youngest man to win a Grand Slam singles title.
張德培是在托尼·特拉伯特(Tony Trabert)1955年問鼎法網冠軍後首個在法網奪冠的美國人。他依然是大滿貫歷史上最年輕的男單冠軍。
He acknowledges the odds are slim that another 17-year-old could do it in this era of physical tennis. Though he reached other major finals, he never won another Grand Slam title. But his breakthrough inspired his American  peer group — Andre Agassi, Sampras and Jim Courier — who used his victory for fuel, winning 26 Grand Slam tournaments among them in the years ahead.
他承認,另一個17歲的運動員在對體能有 着極大要求的網球領域取得這種成功的幾率很小。儘管他也進入了其他重要賽事的決賽,但他卻從未再在大滿貫比賽中折桂。然而,他取得的突破激勵了他在美國的 同齡人——安德烈·阿加西(Andre Agassi)、桑普拉斯(Sampras)和吉姆·考瑞爾(Jim Courier)。他們以他的勝利為動力,未來的歲月里共贏得了26場大滿貫賽事。

