2013年6月1日 星期六

0602 2013 日 里爾克Rainer Maria Rilke作,方思譯,〈秋日 Autumn Day 〉從語詞窺見社會文化的變遷

 Mission to Malaspiga (城堡特使) 等等--昨晚
近7點起2小時BLOGGING 回去洗衣等

FB109 delisted 一人可能色情
102年 6月 2日13時43分 3.7秒
北緯 23.87 °
東經 121.00 °
 10.0 公里
南投縣政府東方32.0公里 (位於南投縣仁愛鄉)
最大震度 3級
最近弄幾篇紐約相關資料 分散在各BLOGs
南投6.3級地震之後 我買了這本躺在廉價書部的此書. (美國MIT出版社的絕版書值得代保管)
How, When and Why Modern Art Came to New York (Marius de Zayas, Francis M. Naumann, editor)


近年研究胡適之先生 發現康乃爾大學的確是第一流的大學
他們將創校以來的學生刊物 (胡適發表文章) /日報 (相關活動和人物) 等等都數位化上網......

我今天想知道胡適之先生是否懂"現代藝術" (結論是他的西洋藝術知識可能只到19世紀末.....待考)
Apollo: an illustrated manual of the history of art throughout the ages.他的知識遠超過此教科書---更進一步: 東西古風相印證 / Ruth 盧德傳 及米勒之作品

今天買到一本1994年的16世紀末英國豔詩集 才想到介紹英國 Everyman's Library.
我們看約1920年代周作人的文章 和1960年代王雲武在臺灣商務出版的人人文庫
(我曾在一篇評此公司的藝術類的書評讀到:"此出版商愛藝術不愛錢" (定價太低廉)
Books 書海微瀾: Everyman's Library 和 Everyman Classics

 里爾克Rainer Maria Rilke作,方思譯,〈秋日  Autumn Day 〉從語詞窺見社會文化的變遷

方思譯里爾克〈秋日〉末段   顯然和英文翻譯有差異和誤解.

"Autumn Day" by Rainer Maria Rilke - poetry on 'The Beckoning'

Rainer Maria Rilke

This translation is by Guntram Deichsel: 

Autumn Day 
Lord, it is time. Let the great summer go,
Lay your long shadows on the sundials,
And over harvest piles let the winds blow.
Command the last fruits to be ripe;
Grant them some other southern hour,
Urge them to completion, and with power
Drive final sweetness to the heavy grape.
Who's homeless now, will for long stay alone.
No home will build his weary hands,
He'll wake, read, write letters long to friends
And will the alleys up and down
Walk restlessly, when falling leaves dance.

Madison Square Garden

Kenneth Battelle, 86, Hairdresser to the Stars, Dies

肯尼斯·巴特爾 | 1927-2013


In 1961, Vogue magazine said that “almost every famous female head in the world has gone or will go” to Kenneth, the hairdresser who created Jacqueline Kennedy’s legendary bouffant and softened the golden locks of Marilyn Monroe.
1961年,《Vogue》雜誌說:「世界上幾乎所有女性名人的髮型都是,或者都將由」肯尼斯先生設計,他設計了傑奎琳·肯尼迪(Jacqueline Kennedy)傳奇的蓬鬆髮式,還柔化了瑪麗蓮·夢露(Marilyn Monroe)的金色髮捲。
From the grandes dames of Manhattan society to first ladies (including Mrs. Kennedy and Rosalynn Carter) to foreign royalty to movie stars to a new generation of career women, Kenneth Battelle, who chose to be known by his first name only — and no “Mr. Kenneth,” please — was the coiffurist of choice.
肯尼斯·巴特爾(Kenneth Battelle)的客戶包括曼哈頓社交界上流社會的女士們、若干位第一夫人(包括肯尼迪夫人和羅絲琳·卡特[Rosalynn Carter])、外國皇室成員、電影明星,乃至新一代事業女性。他希望人們只記住「肯尼斯」這個名字,並且不要稱他為「肯尼斯先生」。
When he left his Manhattan lair in the 1960s, women around the country asked for his autograph. When Glamour mentioned his name on the cover, circulation went up, according to Karlys Daly Brown, a former beauty editor of the magazine.
20世紀60年代,他一從曼哈頓的家裡出來,就會有來自全國各地的女人向他索要簽名。曾任《魅力》(Glamour)雜誌編輯的卡利斯·戴利·布朗(Karlys Daly Brown)說,有一次他的名字出現在雜誌封面上,令當期銷量劇增。
Carl T. Gossett Jr. and Robert Walker/The New York Times
Mr. Battelle died at 86 on Sunday at his home in Wappingers Falls, N.Y., two years after he cut his last head of hair. Victoria Meekins, vice president of Mr. Battelle’s company, K.E.B. Associates, announced the death.
周日(指5月12日——編注),巴特爾先生於紐約州的瓦平格斯福爾斯逝世,享年86歲,他生前最後一次為客戶美髮是逝世兩年前的事情。他擁有的K.E.B聯合公司的副總裁維多利亞·米金斯(Victoria Meekins)宣布了這一消息。
Mr. Battelle was often called the first celebrity hairdresser, and he had a list of clients to prove it — Brooke Astor, Lee Radziwill, Katharine Graham, Judy Garland and Audrey Hepburn among them. Lucille Ball called him “God.” His contribution to his craft — he insisted that it was neither a profession nor an art — was to persuade women to rely less on permanents, bleaches and hair spray in favor of a more romantic look. He advanced the use of rollers to create natural-looking waves.
巴特爾先生經常被譽為第一位名人髮型師, 有他的客戶名單為證——布魯克·阿斯特(Brooke Astor)、李·洛茲維爾(Lee Radziwill)、凱瑟琳·格拉罕姆(Katharine Graham)、朱迪·嘉蘭(Judy Garland)與奧黛麗·赫本(Audrey Hepburn)都名列其上。露西爾·鮑爾(Lucille Ball)說他就是「上帝」。他對自己行業的貢獻(他堅持認為這不算一門職業,也不是什麼藝術)就是讓女人不再依賴用燙髮、染髮和髮膠定型來讓自己顯得更 加浪漫;而是更多使用捲髮器,製造更加自然的波浪髮型。
He also made his beauty parlor at 19 East 54th Street a place of fun, almost a club. The salon, filling four stories just off Fifth Avenue, was a wild montage of colors and patterns meant to evoke the circus. He served finger sandwiches and tea.
In 1985, Enid Nemy wrote in The New York Times that Mr. Battelle had become “more than currently fashionable” — although he was still that. He was, she declared, “an institution.”
1985年,伊妮德·內米(Enid Nemy)為《紐約時報》撰文,稱巴特爾先生已經「超越了流行風尚」——儘管他依然流行。她說,他已經成為「一種典範」。
In 1961, Mr. Battelle became the first and only hairdresser to receive the Coty American Fashion Critics’ Award, given from 1943 to 1984. Vanity Fair said that in the 1960s only two hairdressers vied with him for tonsorial pre-eminence: Alexandre in Paris and Vidal Sassoon in London.
1961年,巴特爾先生成為第一個,也是 唯一一個榮獲「科蒂美國時尚評論家獎」(Coty American Fashion Critics』 Award)的美髮師(該獎從1943年頒發至1984年)。《名利場》雜誌說,20世紀60年代只有兩位美髮師在業內的重要性堪與他相提並論:巴黎的亞 歷山大(Alexandre)與倫敦的維達·沙宣( Vidal Sassoon)。
Kenneth Everette Battelle was born on April 19, 1927, in Syracuse. His father, a shoe salesman, and his mother divorced when he was 12, and he took jobs as a short-order cook and a dishwasher to help support his four younger sisters. He enlisted in the Navy at 17 and attended Syracuse University on the G.I. Bill. Money ran out, and he attended beauty school after seeing an ad promising $100-a-week jobs to anyone who finished a six-month course.
肯尼斯·埃弗雷特·巴特爾於1927年4 月19日生於錫拉丘茲,父親是鞋店店員。他12歲時父母離異,為了幫忙養活自己的四個妹妹,他曾經做過快餐廚子和洗碗工。17歲那年,他應徵入伍海軍,退 役後在退伍軍人安置法案(G.I. Bill)幫助下進入錫拉丘茲大學讀書。這筆錢花完後,他看到一則美容學校的廣告,承諾只要上完6個月的課程,就能找到周薪100美元的工作,於是就去上 了這個學校。
His mother hated the idea of his becoming a hairdresser. “Red-blooded American boys don’t do that,” she would say, he recalled in an interview with The Post-Standard of Syracuse.
He found a job at the Starlet Beauty Bar, opposite the Greyhound bus station in Syracuse. Prostitutes made up much of the clientele, he said. His bob cut there became ragingly popular.
After working briefly in Miami, he arrived in New York City with $9 in his pocket in 1950. He ended up working for Helena Rubinstein. In 1954, Mrs. Kennedy, newly wed, arrived at the salon and asked for Lawrence, who usually did her hair. Lawrence was not around, so the receptionist paged Mr. Battelle.
在邁阿密短暫工作了一段時間之 後,1950年,他兜里揣着9美元來到紐約,最後在海倫娜·魯賓斯坦(Helena Rubinstein)手下工作。1954年,新婚不久的肯尼迪夫人來到這家沙龍,要熟悉的髮型師勞倫斯給自己理髮。但勞倫斯當天不在,於是接待員就指定 巴特爾代替。
Mrs. Kennedy had what was called the Italian cut, which he felt was too short, layered and curly for her tall proportions and big bones, he told Vanity Fair in 2003. He decided to stretch it out by setting it with big rollers. But rollers as big as he wanted did not exist then, so he had some specially made, out of Lucite.
After John F. Kennedy became president, Mr. Battelle perfected the bouffant style that became associated with Mrs. Kennedy. He thought the look would lengthen her head and balance her broad cheekbones. He used some hair spray, but allowed a few wisps to fall away to make her look less “set.” He was nicknamed Secretary of Grooming.
In 1958, Miss Monroe’s hair was falling out from overbleaching and overperming. Mr. Battelle fixed the problem, restoring its soft luster. Whenever she was in New York, Miss Monroe came to see him. In March 1959, he accompanied her to Chicago for the premiere of “Some Like It Hot,” the comedy she starred in with Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon. He also groomed her for President Kennedy’s 45th-birthday rally in May 1962 at Madison Square Garden, where she sang “Happy Birthday, Mr. President.”
1958年,由於染髮和電燙過度,夢露開 始掉發。巴特爾解決了這個問題,令她的秀髮恢復光澤。夢露去紐約時總會去找他。1959年3月,他陪她去芝加哥參加《熱情如火》(Some Like It Hot)的首映,這部喜劇片是她與托尼·柯蒂斯(Tony Curtis)和傑克·萊蒙(Jack Lemmon)聯袂主演的。1962年5月,她出席肯尼迪總統在麥迪遜廣場花園舉辦的45歲生日集會時,也是他為她做的髮型,正是在那次集會上她唱了《生 日快樂,總統先生》(Happy Birthday, Mr. President)。
Mr. Battelle dismissed the popular belief that women confide to their hairdressers all the intimate details of their lives. No woman had told him such things in 20 years, he told The Boston Globe in 1968, and he would discourage anyone who did.
很多人相信女人會對髮型師傾吐自己生活中的隱秘瑣事,巴特爾先生對此不以為然。1968年接受《波士頓環球報》(The Boston Globe)採訪時,他說,20年來沒有任何女人對他說過自己的隱私,他也不鼓勵對方這麼做。
But he did allow that when he was barred from visiting Miss Monroe backstage at Madison Square Garden, he could not help thinking of the rumors he had heard that she was having an affair with the president.
“She said she was fearful of publicity,” he said in the Vanity Fair interview. “I don’t really know what she had in mind, but since I was doing both Marilyn and Mrs. Kennedy at the same time, I imagine it was about that.”
Mr. Battelle is survived by his sisters, Joan Conine, Jane Lyon and Lynn Johnson.
巴特爾先生的妹妹瓊·科奈恩(Joan Conine)、簡·里昂(Jane Lyon)和琳恩·約翰遜(Lynn Johnson)都先於他去世。
There were many more chapters in Mr. Battelle’s life. In 1966, he sheared the locks of many of the women who attended Truman Capote’s Black and White Ball at the Plaza Hotel, including Pamela Harriman and Lauren Bacall. In 1969, he marketed a makeup kit to add “a delicate glow” to bosoms. In 1990, his studio burned to the ground, and because of a technicality, he recovered no insurance money. He moved to the Helmsley Palace Hotel, then to the Waldorf-Astoria.
巴特爾的生活還有其他許多篇章。1966 年,他為杜魯門·卡波特(Truman Capote)在Plaza酒店舉辦的「黑白舞會」中的很多女賓修剪髮型,其中包括帕米拉·哈里曼(Pamela Harriman)和勞倫·白考爾(Lauren Bacall)。1969年,他推出了一種化妝設備,可以為乳房增添「微妙的光彩」。1990年,他的工作室在火災中夷為平地,因為技術問題,他沒能獲得 任何保險賠償。他搬到赫爾姆利斯宮酒店居住,後來又住進了華道夫-阿斯托利亞酒店。
But Mr. Battelle never saw himself as anything more than a hard-working servant, a word he liked to use. “What I do,” he said, “is only a shampoo away from being nothing.”

What Our Words Tell Us



About two years ago, the folks at Google released a database of 5.2 million books published between 1500 and 2008. You can type a search word into the database and find out how frequently different words were used at different epochs.
The database doesn’t tell you how the words were used; it just tells you how frequently they were used. Still, results can reveal interesting cultural shifts. For example, somebody typed the word “cocaine” into the search engine and found that the word was surprisingly common in the Victorian era. Then it gradually declined during the 20th century until around 1970, when usage skyrocketed.
I’d like to tell a story about the last half-century, based on studies done with this search engine. The first element in this story is rising individualism. A study by Jean M. Twenge, W. Keith Campbell and Brittany Gentile found that between 1960 and 2008 individualistic words and phrases increasingly overshadowed communal words and phrases.
通過用這個搜索引擎展開的研究,我希望能 講述一個關於近半個世紀的故事。這個故事的第一個要素是個人主義的崛起。簡·M·特文奇(Jean M. Twenge)、K·基思·坎貝爾(W. Keith Campbell)和布里特妮·詹泰爾(Brittany Gentile)的一項研究發現,1960到2008年間個體性的詞語和短語逐漸超越群體性的詞語和短語。
That is to say, over those 48 years, words and phrases like “personalized,” “self,” “standout,” “unique,” “I come first” and “I can do it myself” were used more frequently. Communal words and phrases like “community,” “collective,” “tribe,” “share,” “united,” “band together” and “common good” receded.
The second element of the story is demoralization. A study by Pelin Kesebir and Selin Kesebir found that general moral terms like “virtue,” “decency” and “conscience” were used less frequently over the course of the 20th century. Words associated with moral excellence, like “honesty,” “patience” and “compassion” were used much less frequently.
這個故事的第二個要素是去道德化。佩林· 凱瑟比爾(Pelin Kesebir)和塞林·凱瑟比爾(Selin Kesebir)的一項研究發現,一些常見的道德詞彙,比如「美德」、「正派」和「良知」在20世紀的使用頻率逐漸下降。一些和優良品行相關的詞,比如 「誠實」、「耐心」和「憐憫」,使用次數較以前少了很多。
The Kesebirs identified 50 words associated with moral virtue and found that 74 percent were used less frequently as the century progressed. Certain types of virtues were especially hard hit. Usage of courage words like “bravery” and “fortitude” fell by 66 percent. Usage of gratitude words like “thankfulness” and “appreciation” dropped by 49 percent.
Usage of humility words like “modesty” and “humbleness” dropped by 52 percent. Usage of compassion words like “kindness” and “helpfulness” dropped by 56 percent. Meanwhile, usage of words associated with the ability to deliver, like “discipline” and “dependability” rose over the century, as did the usage of words associated with fairness. The Kesebirs point out that these sorts of virtues are most relevant to economic production and exchange.
Daniel Klein of George Mason University has conducted one of the broadest studies with the Google search engine. He found further evidence of the two elements I’ve mentioned. On the subject of individualization, he found that the word “preferences” was barely used until about 1930, but usage has surged since. On the general subject of demoralization, he finds a long decline of usage in terms like “faith,” “wisdom,” “ought,” “evil” and “prudence,” and a sharp rise in what you might call social science terms like “subjectivity,” “normative,” “psychology” and “information.”
喬治梅森大學(George Mason University)的丹尼爾·克萊恩(Daniel Klein)的研究是用谷歌搜索引擎進行的範圍最廣的研究之一。他為我前面提到的兩大要素找到了進一步的證據。在個人化這個問題上,他發現「偏好」這個在 大約1930年以前很少用的詞,自那以後突然出現大幅提升。在去道德化這個一般性主題上,他發現「信念」、「智慧」、「應當」和「審慎」這樣的詞使用率存 在持續性的下降,而一些可以說是社會科學術語的詞則大幅提升,比如「主觀性」、「規範化」、「心理學」和「信息」。
Klein adds the third element to our story, which he calls “governmentalization.” Words having to do with experts have shown a steady rise. So have phrases like “run the country,” “economic justice,” “nationalism,” “priorities,” “right-wing” and “left-wing.” The implication is that politics and government have become more prevalent.
So the story I’d like to tell is this: Over the past half-century, society has become more individualistic. As it has become more individualistic, it has also become less morally aware, because social and moral fabrics are inextricably linked. The atomization and demoralization of society have led to certain forms of social breakdown, which government has tried to address, sometimes successfully and often impotently.
This story, if true, should cause discomfort on right and left. Conservatives sometimes argue that if we could just reduce government to the size it was back in, say, the 1950s, then America would be vibrant and free again. But the underlying sociology and moral culture is just not there anymore. Government could be smaller when the social fabric was more tightly knit, but small government will have different and more cataclysmic effects today when it is not.
如果真是如此,那麼這個故事會令左右兩派 都感到不安。保守派認為如果我們能把政府縮小到以前的規模,比如20世紀50年代那樣,美國就能重新找回活力和自由。然而內在的社會和道德文化已經今非昔 比了。在社會結構更加緊密交織的時候,政府可以小一些,但如今不是那樣,小政府想起作用是很難的,會引發更多的動蕩。
Liberals sometimes argue that our main problems come from the top: a self-dealing elite, the oligarchic bankers. But the evidence suggests that individualism and demoralization are pervasive up and down society, and may be even more pervasive at the bottom. Liberals also sometimes talk as if our problems are fundamentally economic, and can be addressed politically, through redistribution. But maybe the root of the problem is also cultural. The social and moral trends swamp the proposed redistributive remedies.
自由派有時候會提出,我們的主要問題來自 上層:自利交易的精英,富可敵國的銀行家。但是有證據表明個人主義和去道德化在整個社會上下無所不在,在底層可能更加普遍。按自由派的一些看法,我們的問 題似乎從根本上是經濟問題,並且可以從政治的角度,通過收入再分配加以解決。然而問題的根源可能還有文化的成分。社會和道德潮流會把他們提出的再分配補救 方案吞沒。
Evidence from crude data sets like these are prone to confirmation bias. People see patterns they already believe in. Maybe I’ve done that here. But these gradual shifts in language reflect tectonic shifts in culture. We write less about community bonds and obligations because they’re less central to our lives.

