2013年6月10日 星期一

0611 2013 二 同昨午後雷陣雨


 令人感嘆: 56歲的父親說他已進入人生末期. 婚姻幸福要創造 (下午注意到馬拉美只活56歲:
Stéphane Mallarmé (1842-98), a leading figure of the French Symbolist movement in poetry, hosted Tuesday evening salons at his home in Paris. Poets including Paul Verlaine (1844-96), writers Oscar Wilde and W.B. Yeats, and Monet and his artist friend Eduoard Manet were regular attendees. The group called themselves "Les Mardistes," which was derived from the French word for Tuesday.)

"Happiness comes only through effort" - Late Spring (1949, Yasujiro Ozu)

麦秋』(ばくしゅう)は、小津安二郎監督による1951年松竹大船撮影所製作の日本映画。日本では同年10月3日に公開された。英語題名は Early Summer である。
麦の取り入れをする季節。初夏のころ。むぎあき。むぎのあき。《季 夏》「鳴門見て讚岐―渦をなす/澄雄」
「麦秋(ばくしゅう)」を訓読みにした語。《季 夏》「―や狐(きつね)ののかぬ小百姓/蕪村」
 1. 麥秋
 注音一式 ㄇㄞˋ ㄑ|ㄡ
 漢語拼音 m i qi   注音二式 m i chi u

小津安二郎 - 東京の女/Yasujiro Ozu - Woman of Tokyo(1933) 

 午餐:YY苦瓜排骨 可能11:30就開始. 一瓶豆漿


 翻翻Monet By Sylvie Patin

Monet, the Ultimate Impressionist名園記: Monet's Passion: Ideas, Inspiration and Insight From the Painter's Garden

 Monet, the Ultimate Impressionist by Sylvie Patin 的台灣版本:莫內:補捉光與色彩的瞬間》台北:時報1995  雖然譯者是中國的  有些用詞不容易懂:"馬拉美夫人受了氣"...此書還是很好的入門書: 中文的副標題可能出自莫伯桑的傳記之說法.英文版書名的 Ultimate雙關: 一指他是印象派最後的大師. 又指其品質很好.
 Monet, the Ultimate Impressionis

 法國信封地址詩 rhyming addresses: 懷念SU的一些朋友

Mallarmé: The Poet and His Circle《馬拉美與莫里索書信集》/《馬拉美詩全集》/印象派四重奏/筆記馬拉美、于斯曼、Kristeva

Mallarmé: The Poet and His Circle《馬拉美與莫里索書信集》/《馬拉美...

お茶漬けの味 - The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice

お茶漬けの味 - The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice

この内容が内務省による事前検閲をパスしなかったため、映画化を断念したものだった。この映画の内容の事前検閲はそのころ作られた映画法によるものだが、 戦争に反対するような要素が何もない本作すら、「戦時下の非常事態にブルジョア婦人たちが遊び歩く」ことや「赤飯を食べるべき出征の前晩にお茶漬けなどを 食べる」などの程度の問題でも映画製作が許されない時代になったことで当時の映画人たちに衝撃を与えた事件だった。[2]

Taeko goes on a solo train journey away from Tokyo. Mokichi telegrams her to tell her that his company is sending him to Uruguay on a business trip, and asks her to return. Taeko returns only after Mokichi has flown. Mokichi returns a few hours later since the airplane carrying him has met with technical mishaps and has to head back to Tokyo. The couple make up while preparing ochazuke, rice with green tea. Taeko realizes what her husband has been speaking about earlier on. She promises never to leave without a word again.

 Horowwitz pl
ays the Rachmaninov 3rd Piano Concerto in Avery Fisher Hall, New York, 1978 with Zubin Mehta ( His last recording ever of this concerto and maybe the last time he played it. Horowitz was 75 years old in this recording!!!)


 此段錄音也是BBC第一次作跨大西洋的音樂會即時轉播. 我當時有錄音帶寄回台中給我二弟. 他聽得如醉如痴.

 The Piano Concerto No. 3 in D minor, Op. 30, composed in 1909 by Sergei Rachmaninoff has the reputation of being one of the most technically challenging piano concertos in the standard classical repertoire.

Selected recordings : 1930/40

Vladimir Horowitz Albert Coates London Symphony Orchestra HMV 1930 CD
Vladimir Horowitz John Barbirolli New York Philharmonic Label 1941 CD
