2012年4月27日 星期五

0428 2012 六 雨

由於住在校園附近 多樹 經常可見園區內外的掃葉人
他們只少數是義工 臺灣大學的 則外包給廠商
他們甚至於引進掃街機 很沒味道
他當行政院祕書時某日 掃業樓 (由於此厚書無索引 我一時找不到那頁)
兩人都有詩 下首可能是書中說的易實甫在壁上題的
山水登臨我每先 豪情猶未減當年 衝風冒雨渾閒事 為趕游程夜未眠。
因查南京此樓之故事 真是歷盡蒼桑的多次重蓋的樓

Ken Su
很久沒聽到你的消息 最近忙些什麼

他答 他的blog是源自金閣寺的
 我在法鼓山上 45 分鐘的演講,居然花了一星期還沒寫好。

這本書的兩序和內容 都可從網路中找到 真高興


驚風飄落葉,散作沙石走。擁篲非不勤,積地倐已厚。仰觀高林杪,柯條漸堅瘦。危巢失所蔽,岌岌不可久。宿鳥暮歸來,棲託已非舊。躑躕集空枝,婉孌終相守。 此時登樓者,歎息各搔首。西風日淒厲,殆欲摧萬有。何以謝歲寒,臨難義不苟。蒲柳奮登先,松柏恥凋後。敢辭晚節苦,直恐初心負。高人緬半千,佳節遘重九。 還當掃落葉,共煮一尊酒。

奇怪的是 英國沒有掃葉人的印象 雖然此島的樹可能遠比我島多多
英文的倫敦旅遊資訊很多 特別是今年 有興趣的文章可下載(幫我 似乎每人每月只能免費看十篇紐約時報)Special Travel Issue: London 倫敦旅季專集 紐約時報


 清晨三點多麥當勞 全家等燈火明 前者因為是周末 人員還不少呢

畢卡索對英國藝術的影響 bbc

 中午買讀笨鳥慢飛 張大千題字 1979 1984 30th printing 

紐約時報倫敦旅遊 華盛頓郵報 旺旺 壹周刊大戰



半部  有點弱智 hbo

13 Going on 30 Poster

13 Going on 30 (2004)

A 13 year old girl plays a game on her 13th birthday and wakes up the next day as a 30 year old woman.


Jenna Rink (Christa B. Allen), a girl celebrating her 13th birthday on May 26, 1987, wishes to be 30 in hopes that it would help her overcome her unpopularity at school. Jenna especially wants to join the "Six Chicks", a school clique led by Lucy "Tom-Tom" Wyman (Alexandra Kyle), who takes advantage of Jenna's desire to fit in by manipulating her. Jenna's best friend, Matt Flamhaff (Sean Marquette), gives her a doll dream house he built for her and a packet of "magic wishing dust" for her birthday, which is sprinkled on the roof of the house.
Tom-Tom dashes Jenna's hopes of joining the Six Chicks by pulling a cruel practical joke on her during a game of "Seven Minutes in Heaven". Jenna, mistakenly thinking Matt was responsible, yells at him and barricades herself in the closet where she put the Dream House. She cries and rocks backs and forth, bumping into the wall, wishing to be "30, flirty, and thriving". The wishing dust from the dollhouse sprinkles on her, and seconds later, Jenna awakens as a 30-year-old woman (Jennifer Garner) living in a Fifth Avenue apartment, without her friends or family. It is now 2004, but Jenna has no memory of the 17 years that have passed since her 13th birthday.
30-year-old Jenna's best friend, Lucy (Judy Greer) (no longer nicknamed Tom-Tom), drives her to her work office. Soon, Jenna discovers she works for Poise, her favorite fashion magazine when she was a teenager. Missing her best friend from 1987, Jenna asks her assistant to track down Matt. To her dismay, Jenna learns she and "Matty" have been estranged since high school when Jenna fell in with the in-crowd, and that Matt (Mark Ruffalo) is now engaged.
This is complicated by the fact that Jenna has become a shadow of her former self. She has lost almost all contact with her parents, and she is having an affair with the husband of a colleague. Not only is she generally hated by her co-workers and anyone else she has worked with, she is suspected of giving her magazine's ideas to a rival publication, Sparkle. Jenna slowly realizes that the person she has become is neither trustworthy nor likable, and unknowingly begins to reverse the situation by distancing herself from her new, shallow boyfriend, acting more kindly and honestly towards her co-workers and friends, and trying to restore her relationship with Matt.
After Jenna overhears Lucy badmouthing her to a co-worker, she sadly realizes that what she thought she wanted wasn't important after all. She heads back to her hometown in New Jersey to reunite with her parents and reminisce by looking through school yearbooks and other items from her school days and catch-up on the 17 years she doesn't remember. These inspire her on her return to Manhattan. Over several outings and working together on a magazine project, Jenna becomes friends with Matt again. Although Matt is engaged and Jenna has a boyfriend, they kiss during a nighttime walk. Dazed, Matt realizes he loves Jenna, but cannot change the past.
After arranging a magazine photo shoot with Matt, then making a successful presentation for a planned revamp for Poise, Jenna prepares for the revamp when she gets bad news from the publisher: Poise is shutting down because the work she put into the relaunch ended up in Sparkle. Jenna learns she was responsible for sabotaging Poise from within by sending their material to Sparkle for months. When Lucy learns this, she cons Matt into signing over the photo rights from the relaunch shoot to her. She accepts the position of Sparkle editor-in-chief, using Jenna's work as her own, similar to what she did when the girls were in middle school.
When an already-distraught Jenna discovers Matt is getting married that day, she rushes to his house and begs him to call off the wedding. Matt cannot say yes, although he tells Jenna he loves her. From his closet, he pulls the "dream house" he made 17 years before and gives it back to her. Jenna leaves in tears, crying over the dream house and wishing she could return to 1987.
Unbeknownst to Jenna, specks of wishing dust remain on the dream house, and she wishes she was 13 again. When she opens her eyes, she finds herself back in the closet of the basement at her parents' house, 13 years old again. She runs to Matt and kisses him. Being now true to herself, 17 years later, Jenna and Matt are married and live in a house which resembles the dollhouse.
 先生今天談起「中古時代義大利、法國的大學,有些都是學生自己管理的,因而談起英文裏的nation 這個字是『國』字,就是我們古代的『邦』字。Nation的nat字根是有生長的意思,就是說在同一地方生長的人。那時巴黎大學裏有英國人、德國人、義大利人,後來分裂成為英國、德國、義大利等國家,nation 就成『國家』了。我們的『』字,跟當時歐洲的nation 一字完全相似。我們的『』字後來到那裡去了呢?大概是漢代國家統一了,又因避劉邦的邦字諱,不太常用了。但這個邦字留在各地,如溫州幫、徽州幫、寧波幫,都是古人『』字遺留下來的。」
hc案:上段的標點等和原文有異。我過去指出nation 的字源的一種說法 ,現在貼下。它的意思指「生於(斯)」[Middle English nacioun, from Old French nation, from Latin nātiō, nātiōn-, from nātus, past participle of nāscī, to be born.]

政績,“政績工程”/浪費 “自主”“合資”“產品”“概念”“品牌”



連江縣政府的「馬祖福澳港區擴建計劃」在2001年經行政院核定發給工程經費22億1千萬元,預計2005年完工,但至今已超過10年還在拖死狗,完工遙 遙無期。監察院調查發現規劃不當,工程失誤,連江縣政府專業能力不足,無力督導廠商覆實履約,致使公帑浪費,善後困難,浪費我們的血汗納稅錢。





 注音一式 ㄨㄟˋ ㄖㄨˊ ㄐ| ㄌㄜˋ
 漢語拼音 w i r  j  l   注音二式 w i r  j  l 



妙極了!{教育部國語辭典} 採用「質量」一詞

相反詞 廢品、副品、次品
解釋 質量符合於規定標準的產品。


解釋 :物體內所有的物質總合。質量是固定的,不因高度或緯度而改變。

bluestocking (noun) A woman having literary or intellectual interests.
Synonyms:bas bleu
Usage:Calling me names like bluestocking or nerd will only strengthen my resolve to learn.


[名][C]((英古風))学問好きの女, 文学かぶれの女.
[1750年ごろ, Mrs. Montagu家でのLondonの文芸愛好家の集りで, その女子会員が正装でない青の毛編み靴下をはいていたので, その会合が嘲笑(ちょうしょう)的にBlue Stocking Society(青鞜(せいとう)会)と呼ばれたことより]
 bluestocking, derisive term originally applied to certain 18th-century women with pronounced literary interests. During the 1750s, Elizabeth Vesey held evening parties, at which the entertainment consisted of conversation on literary subjects. Eminent men of the day were invited to contribute to these conversations. Hannah More, Elizabeth Montagu, and Elizabeth Carter, among others, continued this tradition. Boswell, in his Life of Dr. Johnson, states that these "bluestocking clubs" were so named because of Benjamin Stillingfleet, who attended in unconventional blue worsted stockings rather than the customary black silk stockings. In time the name bluestocking was applied solely to women of pedantic literary tastes.


往: ,
  • (漢語拼音)tà
  • (倉頡碼)TJEA
  • 【廣韻】他合切
  • 【集韻】託合切,𠀤音踏。
  • 【玉篇】鞮也。
  • 【廣韻】革履。
  • 【揚雄·長楊賦】革鞜不穿。
  • 【註】師古曰:鞜,革履也。 又【集韻】達合切,音沓。本作鞈。詳前鞈字註。

  • 《康熙字典》



王大空 (1920-1991),很愛說話,卻不愛出書。從二十三歲投筆從戎當翻譯官開始,歷任記者、廣播員、教授……,說話一直是他的工作。他的天賦高、學養深、見識廣、反應快,所說的話語機智有味、人人愛聽,被譽為當時台北「四大名嘴」之一。他近六十歲才第一本著作《笨鳥慢飛》(九歌出版)。所著《笨鳥慢飛》、《笨鳥再飛》、《笨鳥飛歌》及《鳥不單飛》多暢銷。


19601227 星期二

