2012年4月15日 星期日

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埔里阿嬤陳綢歷時三年募款籌建的「少年家園」,十六日終告落成。數十年來,她強忍著近兩百次化療痛楚,南北奔波募款,除了圓貧童的升學夢,就是要救社會邊緣的學童;她 ...
少年家園啟用 陳綢阿嬤淚謝各界善心‎ 自由時報

YY 早上加辦 adsl
她中午加貢丸 我笑她每餐無肉不行
她可以早起 我則無法

"蔣介石日記"的聯想 兩篇交往論文

 差異何其大--台灣時代蔣介石與胡適對彼此間交往的記錄   陳紅民 段智峰
 華美族研究集刊  Aug.15 2010 No.20 pp.111-144

 胡適晚年與蔣介石互動 (1948-1962) 任育德 
 台北: 國史館館刊(復刊第三十期) 2011.12  頁103-143

A Year in the World ( Frances Mayes ) 地球玩一年

本書有拜訪過的半張世界的地圖 很方便了解相對位置
但是作者對於園藝與語文的豐富知識 會讓我們目不暇給

 譯者一般表現不錯 不過有些地方仍有改善的空間
knot garden是專門語

翻譯成結園 還是不清楚
書中選的Thomas Gray的 Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 的一段 翻譯還可改善

Stanza 11
41. Can storied urn or animated bust  胸像 bust不是雕像
42. Back to its mansion call the fleeting breath?  此句過分意繹
43. Can Honour's voice provoke the silent dust,
44. Or Flatt'ry soothe the dull cold ear of Death?
(1) Storied urn: Vase adorned with pictures telling a story. Urns have sometimes been used to hold the ashes of a cremated body. (2) Bust: sculpture of the head, shoulders, and chest of a human. (3) Storied urn . . . breath? Can the soul (fleeting breath) be called back to the body (mansion) by the urn or bust back? Notice that urn and bust are personifications that call. (4) Can Honour's . . . Death? Can honor (Honour's voice) attributed to the dead person cause that person (silent dust) to come back to life? Can flattering words (Flatt'ry) about the dead person make death more "bearable"? (5) General meaning of stanza: Lines 41-45 continue the idea begun in Lines 37-40. In other words, can any memorials—such as the trophies mentioned in Line 38, the urn and bust mentioned in Line 41, and personifications (honor and flattery) mentioned in Lines 43 and 44—bring a person back to life or make death less final or fearsome?

Lives of the Great 20th-Century Artists二十世紀偉大的藝術家


以"諾.葛寶(Naum Gabo) "為例

"體育學校畢業後" 這是德國的"大學預科" gymnasium=2 ギムナジウム:ドイツの大学進学のための古典語教育を主とする中等学校.


Moholy-Nagy 的遺書書名也很怪
Experiment in Totality by Sibyl Moholy-Nag y拉茲洛·莫霍...

書  名:二十世紀偉大的藝術家副標題 :
書  號:90011出版社 :聯經出版公司
作  者:Edward Lucie-Smith頁  數:384頁

A Dog Year

HBO advertising poster.

A Dog Year is a 2009 film directed by first time director George LaVoo starring Jeff Bridges.
The film is based on the memoir by Jon Katz and adapted by LaVoo, the story centers on a man having a midlife crisis whose life is turned upside down when he takes in a border collie crazier than he is.[1]

 Country Strong
Theatrical release poster
 Country Strong (originally titled Love Don’t Let Me Down) is a 2010 drama film starring Gwyneth Paltrow, Tim McGraw, Garrett Hedlund, and Leighton Meester. The film, about an emotionally unstable country music star who attempts to resurrect her career, was directed and written by American filmmaker Shana Feste. It premiered in Nashville, Tennessee on November 8, 2010, and had a wide release in the United States on January 7, 2011. This is the second film in which McGraw and Hedlund have worked together, the first being Friday Night Lights in 2004.
