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中國文學批評研究講義 天津古籍 2004
此書1945-46的上課3位學生之一的劉晶文女士保存50多年的講義 故事感人

本書是1971年初版 40年之後 讀其中引的臨濟語錄


  • 作者:佛洛姆 & T. Suzuki
  • 台北:志文出版社
  • 1971 孟祥森
(日)铃木大拙, (美)弗洛姆(Fromm,E.)著孟祥森譯
出版社:中国民间文艺出版社, 1986


1 ((古風))((ふつう修飾語を伴って))男;((人や動物に親近感をもって))やつ;((a 〜))((略式))(一般に)人;((自分自身を3人称扱いにして))人はだれでも, このおれも
a nice fellow
a good-natured fellow
a capital fellow
Poor fellow!
my dear [good] fellow
おまえ, 君(▼親しみのある呼びかけ, 時に軽くたしなめる調子をもつ)
A fellow must sleep eight hours a day.
2 ((略式))恋人;ボーイフレンド.
3 くだらぬやつ, つまらぬやつ.
4 ((通例 〜s))(男の)仲間, 同僚, 同級生, 同輩;同時代の人
fellows in crime
fellows at school
5 (対になったものの)片方, 相手;匹敵する者
the fellow of your glove
(1) 特別研究員, フェロー:特別研究費を支給され, 通例講義も受け持つ.
(2) ((英))(Oxford, Cambridge大学の)特待[名誉]校友.
(3) (英米の大学の)評議員, 理事.
7 ((主に英))((しばしば F-))(学会の)会員.
━━[形]((限定))仲間の;同業の, 同僚の, 同類の;同じ境遇にある
a fellow citizen
a fellow golfer
a fellow member
[アイスランド語fēlagi(fē金, 財産+-lagi友)]

11月`初美國總統選舉日 所以連續幾天此類新/舊聞
On Nov. 6, 1860, former Illinois congressman Abraham Lincoln defeated three other candidates for the U.S. presidency.

In 1505 he married Jane Colt of Netherhall (Essex), the eldest daughter of John Colt. Although More had originally found her younger sister more attractive, the marriage was a happy one; three daughters and a son were born, but Jane More died in 1511. Already More had made friends with and been deeply influenced by some of the leading men of the New Learning, especially Erasmus, but also Linacre, Grocyn, and Colet. More's many‐sided personality, made up of intellectual sophistication and simple moral honesty, brilliance and receptivity, loyalty to his king and affection to his wife, friends, and children, was becoming known. Henry VIII, who became king in 1509, early recognized his worth and integrity; he promoted him to a whole series of public offices: Under‐Sheriff of London (1510), envoy to Flanders (1516), Privy Councillor and Master of Requests (1518), Speaker of the House of Commons (1523), High Steward of Oxford University (1524), High Steward of Cambridge University, and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster (1525). Meanwhile his reputation as a man of letters and a wit was helped by his publications, the most notable of which was Utopia, written in Latin in 1516, but soon translated into the principal European languages. This is an ironical political essay describing a society in which there is no private property but where there is universal religious toleration and free education for both men and women. Other writings include his Life of John Picus (1510), History of Richard III (printed 1543, a pro‐Lancastrian tract later used by Shakespeare) and controversial works against Tyndale such as the Dialogue (1528), the Confutacyon of Tyndale's Answere (1528–32), and his own Apologye (1533). The language of the controversial works is often unpleasing to modern readers but was common currency in his time. So too is his pursuit of heretics whom he regarded as dangerous enemies of both Church and State.
在1505年,他娶了John Colt的長女 Jane Colt Netherhall(埃塞克斯)。雖然摩爾原本覺得妻的妹妹更有吸引力,而此一婚姻相當幸福;他們育有三女一男,可是夫人卻在1511年過逝了。摩爾已與當時歐洲新學問(New Learning)的碩學Erasmus (伊拉斯謨)Thomas Linacre (1460-1524) Grocyn 和Colet.等人交往並深受其影響。摩爾人格的多面,如知識上深入以及道德上單純而誠實、聰明而善與人交往、忠君愛家人朋友等,都漸為人所樂道、聞名。亨利八世(在1509即位) 早認出他的德行和操守兼備;就提拔他從事系列的公共事務:倫敦副市長(1510),法蘭德斯特使(1516),樞密院士兼請願長(1518),下議院議長(1523),牛津大學大法官代表(1524),劍橋大學大法官代表,蘭開斯特皇產主管兼內閣不管部部長(1525)。同時他做為有學問和智慧的文人的聲譽,也隨著他的出書而日隆,其中最引人注目的是寫於 1516年的拉丁文著作《烏托邦》(Utopia),很快地各歐洲的主要語言都有譯本。該書是篇具有諷刺意味的的政治論述,描述這樣一個社會,其中沒有私產,而有普遍的宗教寬容,男女都受免費教育。 John Picus 傳》(Life of Picus 1510),《理查德三世》(History of Richard III 1543印,一篇親蘭開斯特的論述,後來為莎士比亞戲劇所使用),以及有爭議的攻擊Tyndale(丁道爾)的作品,如《對話》( Dialogue 1528),《駁斥Tyndale的回答》(Confutacyon of Tyndale's Answere 1528 --32),和他自己的《自辯》(Apologye 1533)。這些有爭議性著作所使用的語言對現代讀者而言是不堪的,然而在他的時代卻是很平常的。同樣的,他對那些他認為對其教會和國家都很危險的異端之迫害,也是如此。
