2011年11月4日 星期五

1105 2011 六

翻譯練習 今天張華先生說要讀些如余秋雨等散文 我說昨天讀OUP 的聖人辭典中的More 發現這些單字要查天主教小辭典等

More, Thomas (1478–1535), martyr. Born in London, the son of Sir John More, barrister and judge, Thomas More at the age of thirteen joined the household of John Morton, archbishop of Canterbury (1486–1500), who sent him to Canterbury College, Oxford, where he stayed for only two years on a very restricted allowance from his father, who called him home. In 1496 he entered Lincoln's Inn and was called to the Bar in 1501. In 1504 he entered Parliament (his constituency is unknown). For four years he had lived at the London Charterhouse, uncertain in his own mind whether to join it or the Friars Minor or to become a diocesan priest. In the event he did none of these things but decided to pursue his legal career and get married. But from these years date his lifelong habit of wearing a hairshirt, the daily recitation of the Little Office, and the use of the discipline. If some reaction against clerics and clerical life is seen in this decision, it would be quite untrue to assume on Thomas's part any rejection of asceticism. Always a Londoner and a lawyer, he delighted both in the capital's way of life and in the cut and thrust of legal argument.

cleric :聖職人員;神職人員。詳見 clergy

asceticism :宗教的修行;神修;苦修生活;克修:指倫理、身心方面的修煉之道。亦即信徒經由收斂內心和克制肉體(妄動),修煉與天主密切結合之道。

Carthusians :嘉都西會: 1084 年聖布魯諾( St. Bruno )創立於法國。規律嚴格,訓練會士克己苦身,獨居斗室,專心祈禱和工作。該會全名為 Order of Carthusians ,縮寫為 O. Cart.

Little Office of Our Lady :聖母小日課:按日課形式,用以敬禮聖母之一種較簡短的日課。同 Office of Blessed Virgin Mary, Little

friar :會士;修士:托缽的會士,多指方濟、道明、加爾默羅等會會士。

hair-shirt :苦衣:苦行(修)時所穿的粗糙衣服。

discipline (1) 訓誡;紀律;修練。拉丁文稱作 disciplina (2) 苦鞭:教會用於;中古世紀之修士、修女多用之。使用時應有神師指導,並不得殘害身體。參閱 flagellation

cut and thrust

格闘, 白兵戦;白熱の議論, 活発なやりとり.

2011/11/5 從yy 處取得某宗教賣場的3罐/包茶 這是新莊某幼稚園之禮
人森紅棗茶 有機
補氣茶 天然
台灣茗選 有機

找到水上 勉和老舍/禪宗之關係和文章 原來他小時當過禪宗和尚....
水上 勉(みずかみ つとむ、みなかみ つとむ、男性、1919年大正8年)3月8日 - 2004年平成16年)9月8日)はTsutomu Minakami (水上 勉 Minakami Tsutomu?, March 8, 1919 - September 8, 2004), also known as Mizukami Tsutomu,
Minakami was born in Wakasa, Fukui prefecture, to a poor family. Between the ages of 9 and 12, he was a novice in a Zen temple in Kyoto. Disillusioned by the conduct of the temple's chief priest, however, he left the temple in 1936.

福井県の大工の家に生まれ、5人兄弟の次男として育った。9歳(一説には10歳)の時、京都臨済宗寺院相国寺塔頭、瑞春院に小僧として修行に出される(この時、寺に住み込んで画の練習をしている南画家の服部二柳を見ている。)が、あまりの厳しさに出奔。 その後、連れ戻されて等持院に移る(これらの経験がのちに『雁の寺』、『金閣炎上』の執筆に生かされた)。10代で禅寺を出たのち様々な職業を遍歴しながら小説を書くが、なかなか認められず、また経営していた会社の倒産、数回にわたる結婚と離婚、最初の結婚でできた長男(窪島誠一郎)との別離など、家庭的にも恵まれないことが多かった。

張華先生來訪10點多 1400 離開 他送 Through the Looking Glass 愛麗絲鏡中棋緣
在家中聊完之後 去懷恩堂喝咖啡 拿兩本神學學術年刊 去書林買本 跟他談許多他的計畫 包括他巷我借3本趙元任全集 (英文) 因為他打算寫相關文章投稿美國 Lewis Carroll 以及香港的翻譯界

Samuel Johnson: Literature, Religion, and English Cultural Politics from the Restoration to Romanticism (Cambridge:1994).
Jonathan Charles Douglas Clark (born 28 February 1951) is a British historian of both British and American history. He received his undergraduate degreee at Downing College, Cambridge. Having previously held posts at Peterhouse, Cambridge and All Souls College, Oxford into 1996, he has since held the Joyce C. and Elizabeth Ann Hall Distinguished Professorship of British History at the University of Kansas.
12點去俄羅斯城堡 現在已發展出套餐 滿座

劉玉燕: 如果可以

0400-2158 燕子湖名流水岸 1800/人 也沒什麼 先爬二福山 流汗
82會/60-59歲生日 Leader Whisky威士忌蘇格蘭仕高利達Scottish Leader

仕高利達威士忌Scottish Leader Whisky - YouTube

















1978? 水上勉寫了一篇題為《北京的柿子》的散文,表達對老舍先生的懷念之情。

The W. Edwards Deming Center for Quality, Productivity and Competitiveness Awards Dr. Brent C. James, Chief Quality Officer at Intermountain Healthcare, and Sergio Marchionne, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Chrysler Group LLC and Chief Executive Officer, Fiat S.p.A. with the Deming Cup

Posted 9:01 AM 11/03/11

NEW YORK, Nov. 3, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Columbia Business School's W. Edwards Deming Center for Quality, Productivity and Competitiveness announced today the winners of the second annual Deming Cup. The winners received the award at a dinner at Columbia University on November 2, 2011. The Deming Cup grew from the center's drive to highlight the achievements of business practitioners who adhere to and promote excellence in operations – the Deming Center's area of focus. This award is given annually to an individual who has made outstanding contributions in the area of operations and has established a culture of continuous improvement within their respective organization.

This year the Deming Center awarded the Cup to two recipients – Dr. Brent C. James, Chief Quality Officer at Intermountain Healthcare, and Sergio Marchionne, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Chrysler Group LLC and Chief Executive Officer, Fiat S.p.A. Dr. James was recognized for his pioneering work in applying quality improvement techniques that were originally developed by W. Edwards Deming and others, in order to help create and implement a "system" model at Intermountain, in which physicians study process and outcomes data to determine the types of care that are most effective. Sergio Marchionne was honored for proving how by executing operations principles – including focusing efforts to reduce waste, improve processes, and meet customer needs – a leader can build a stronger and more competitive business.

Samuel J. Palmisano, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of IBM Corporation, who was awarded with the inaugural Deming Cup, explained how Sergio Marchionne elevated the performance of Fiat and Chrysler Group through the use of operations techniques and visionary leadership. Mr. Palmisano introduced Mr. Marchionne at the honoree dinner. "Sergio Marchionne is a leader in the true spirit of W. Edwards Deming, the type of leader who navigates through a turbulent economy while building a business based on strong values and a long-term vision," said Mr. Palmisano. "Under his stewardship, both Chrysler and Fiat have cultivated an environment of operational efficiency and developed a collaborative, forward-thinking culture."

Keith S. Sherin, Vice Chairman and Chief Financial Officer of General Electric (GE), who introduced Dr. Brent James at the November 2nd event, discussed Dr. James' accomplishments in the field of operations. "Dr. James has consistently demonstrated that we can improve the quality of healthcare while lowering the cost by practicing the principles of W. Edwards Deming. Brent James is a visionary and he is passionate about teaching physicians to improve outcomes by reducing variation. Because of his work and because of Intermountain Healthcare's dedication to quality, Intermountain is recognized as one of the most effective healthcare systems in the world."

Real time exposure to Dr. James' vision and teaching has been instrumental in the collaboration between GE Healthcare and Intermountain, launched in 2005. The joint project team, including 100 Intermountain and 325 GE Healthcare IT employees located at offices in Murray, UT, is creating an innovative platform to provide a standardized, portable representation of healthcare guidelines and best practices that help healthcare institutions manage clinical knowledge, improve quality and optimize the delivery of information to the point-of-care.

Nelson M. Fraiman, Director, W. Edwards Deming Center, and Professor of Professional Practice, Decision, Risk, and Operations at Columbia Business School commented on the importance of the award, "The Deming Center focuses on developing new insights in all areas of operational excellence. The award gives us an opportunity to recognize best practices in the area of operations and informs academics and executives about individual accomplishments in the field. This year's recipients depict how expertise in operations can cultivate excellence in firms in a wide range of sectors."

The Deming Cup's judging committee was led by co-chairs Robert M. Amen, Executive in Residence at Columbia Business School, and Paul H. O'Neill, Former Secretary of the U.S. Treasury. (1) The committee received nominations through a variety of channels – such as an ad in The New York Times, solicitations sent to the CEOs of the top 300 companies in the U.S., Europe, Latin America and Asia, business and engineering school faculty around the world and Columbia Business School's alumni and Board of Overseers committee. Nominations were received from April 1 through June 15, 2011.

A working group of the Judging Committee then screened the nominations to narrow the field to 4 finalists. Afterwards, the entire Judging Committee voted for a winner and runner-up, in order to determine who should receive the prize. Dr. James and Mr. Marchionne led the voting, receiving the same number of votes.

About Columbia Business School
Led by Dean R. Glenn Hubbard, the Russell L. Carson Professor of Finance and Economics, Columbia Business School is at the forefront of management education for a rapidly changing world. The School's cutting-edge curriculum bridges academic theory and practice, equipping students with an entrepreneurial mindset to recognize and capture opportunity in a competitive business environment. Beyond academic rigor and teaching excellence, the School offers programs that are designed to give students practical experience making decisions in real-world environments. The School offers MBA and Executive MBA (EMBA) degrees, as well as non-degree Executive Education programs. For more information, visit www.gsb.columbia.edu.

About the W. Edwards Deming Center for Quality, Productivity, and Competitiveness
The W. Edwards Deming Center for Quality, Productivity, and Competitiveness was founded in 1990 during W. Edwards Deming's last year at Columbia. The center promotes operational excellence in business through the development of research, best practices, and strategic planning. The Deming Center sponsors applied research; disseminates best practices; supports focused education and professional development; reaches senior executives through forums, executive education, and publications; and fosters partnerships with companies in the area of operational excellence.

Editor's note: The full list of the Deming Cup criteria is available upon request.The names and titles of this year's judging committee members are available upon request. (1)

SOURCE Columbia Business School

On Nov. 5, 1968, Republican Richard M. Nixon won the presidency, defeating Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey and third-party candidate George C. Wallace.
