2011年11月6日 星期日

1107 2011 一雨

9點進辦公室 微雨 整天雨 現在近16:00 聽得到外面雨中輪胎碾過聲 原本想參加哲學系演出 只是多讀SZUKI和FROMN的禪而誤了
中午去台大轉一圈 午餐 看法輪功的攤位一男一女如何收攤 活動處訂蘋果日報和聯合報

謝謝Fanny: 每天坐禪,啟發靈感,增加決策力


周五晚 讀到水上 勉先生與老舍和中國五祖禪的緣 相當感動

周六: 張華先生來訪約4小時 (俄羅斯城堡2小時) 他這回的書自己花時間編輯 剛好我手頭有3本趙元任全集的英文傳記 可以幫他寫英文論文

周日: 戴久永Nov 6 (1 day ago)


讀禪與英國文學 徐進夫 孟祥森 臨濟語錄(T. Suzuki) 這些有天賦的翻譯大師


昨晚 讀禪與英國文學 徐進夫 孟祥森這些有天賦的翻譯大師
看末1/4: Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps
Ambitious young investment banker Jacob Moore (Shia LaBeouf) discovers that greed is still the name of the game when he forges a fragile alliance with onetime Wall Street hotshot Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) shortly after Gekko is released from prison. Having served eight years for securities fraud, money laundering, and racketeering, Gekko emerges from prison to find that his daughter, Winnie (Carey Mulligan), prefers to remain estranged, and that his former Wall Street cohorts are still raking in the cash. Flash-forward to 2008, and Winnie is dating a proprietary trader named Jake Moore (LaBeouf), who expresses a passion for green energy while working for his mentor Louis Zabel (Frank Langella), of Keller Zabel Investments. Despite heading up one of the most prominent investment firms in the country, Louis Zabel is forced to personally fight for the future of Keller Zabel before the Federal Reserve after the company's stock takes a hit due to persistent rumors that it's being dragged down by debt. Denied a bailout from the government, Keller Zabel soon falls victim to a hostile takeover lead by powerful investment bank partner Bretton James (Josh Brolin), of Churchill Schwartz. His job on the line and his mentor out of the picture, Jake discovers that Gordon Gekko is out promoting his new book "Is Greed Good?" and decides to attend a lecture being given by the author at Fordham University. According to Gekko, greed is now sanctioned by the government, and the U.S. economy is on the verge of collapse as a direct result of leveraged debt and wild conjecture. When Jake goes behind Winnie's back to try and repair her relationship with her father, Gekko reveals his compelling theories on the likely reasons for Zabel's downfall. Later, as Jake begins plotting to avenge his mentor, Gekko starts to reveal his true colors. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi







何志浩/詞 李中和/曲

一元復始 旋轉乾坤

我校元智 哲人所名

教育為立 立國之基


手腦並用 實踐理論

建教合作 相輔相成

砥礪學術報國家 放大眼光

轉世輪 轉世輪

前進前進 前進前進



On Nov. 7, 1917, Russia's Bolshevik Revolution took place as forces led by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin overthrew the provisional government of Alexander Kerensky. 為什麼叫十月革命
十月革命(又稱布爾什維克革命)是1917年俄國革命經歷了二月革命後的第二個階段,推翻了以克倫斯基為領導的俄國臨時政府,建立布爾什維克領導的政府。十月革命發生於1917年11月7日儒略曆10月25日)。The Julian calendar
