2011年台灣的柿子大豐收, 所以9-10月起就可以大飽口福。
上周,寫日本大作家水上 勉與中國老舍的柿子友情故事,可以知道北京也有柿子。日本當然也盛產柿子,出生貧窮的水上先生對家鄉的柿樹的感情特別深。所以老舍自殺之後,無法踐他在日本與水上先生的相約:去看五祖寺等。水上先生只好摘取老舍家中的柿樹之一枝,代表他造訪中國禪宗的名寺….. 。神護寺/南華寺 林語堂 /東山禪寺、東禪寺/《北京的柿子》 (水上 勉)
在歐陽子的《生命的軌跡》一書的《梨與柿》一文,我們知道他們德州家的Furu種的柿子大豐收 (先前德州大學的柿子太澀了, 也被台灣的人破解,化澀為甜)……生命的軌跡 (歐陽子)/中國民法總則(洪遜欣)
Bruce 在廣州,不忘給封email。謝謝。
我們這種人總是買許多雜書,有些的,有幸在數十年之後,真正稍為認真的讀一下,譬如說《禪與心理分析》,此時,兩(三)位作者和譯者都已作古,然而他們的思想還在世間。我讀Eric Fromm的一句,知道他將他將《存有 vs 擁有》To Have or to Be? (1976)寫成一本書,許多年之後由同一譯者譯出。
我在書架找到《原本玉篇》。第一次試讀一下,根本很難全懂。這書應該是Ken Su 這漢字通的人的。
公視的《都鐸王朝》(The Tutors) ,讓我查《天主教聖人辭典》不朽的聖人More, Thomas (1478–1535), The Oxford Dictiona...的Thomas More和《法律的界碑》Lord Denning 四本法律書中的 Thomas Wolsey和 More…..當然還有《大英百科‧亨利八世》。我搞不清楚(不完全)那些劇情是小說,或史實?譬如說,More 有沒燒異(新)教徒?不過,我40幾年前看的著名電影《良相佐國》的許多景可能過份豪華了……
Dear 鍾Sir,
謝謝您 也祝福闔家平安
On November 8, 1960, Massachusetts Senator John F. Kennedy defeated Vice President Richard M. Nixon for the presidency.
讀此則: "日常生計受到嚴重衝擊的民眾上街抗議,有錢人卻悄悄地把資金移到海外,購買倫敦最高價位的市區豪宅。 德國「焦點」(Focus)雜誌引述倫敦的房地產經紀公司指出,自從希臘政府爆發債務危機,倫敦的高檔房地產市場突然多了許多南歐來的投資客。 過去幾年外國人投資倫敦房 ..."
不知怎的想到我1977年在英國Essex大學的隔壁希臘人朋友 他教我說Homer不是讀成荷馬
另一位是我東海大學建築系的同學 約1988年 他的家並不特別寬敞 不過他設一間音響室 每日可以享受
In the late 1520s Henry (who used to visit More's house informally, arriving by barge) consulted him about the supposed invalidity of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon. More first excused himself for lack of expert knowledge, but when pressed again made it clear that he did not share the king's opinion. This, however, did not prevent the king choosing him as Lord Chancellor in succession to Cardinal Wolsey in 1529. As judge he was famous for fairness, promptitude, and incorruptibility, which could not be said of many contemporaries in similar offices. But his tenure of office was too short to be profoundly influential on English history. He initiated, speaking for the king, the programme of the reform of the clergy, which had results even he would not have foreseen. But the cloud of doubt about Henry's marital plans hung over the friendship between More and the king, as did another caused by the king's plans to take to himself the powers over the Church of England held by the pope, according to traditional Christian belief the successor of St. Peter, prince of the Apostles. Only little by little did the king's intentions become clear. His imposition on the clergy of the acknowledgement of himself as ‘Protector and Supreme Head of the Church of England’ was accepted by Fisher and others only ‘so far as the law of Christ allows’. More at first wished to resign his office at this point, but was persuaded to accept the oath with JohnFisher's proviso. Further measures inhibiting the liberty of the clergy and refusing ‘firstfruits’ of bishoprics to the Holy See were opposed by More, but in vain. As the king's intentions became increasingly clear, More found his situation impossible and resigned the chancellorship.
在1520年代後期,亨利(他經常乘駁船去More的家作非正式拜訪)徵詢他與阿拉貢的凱瑟琳的婚姻是否應該是無效的。他首先以自己的專業知識不足來迴避,但經國王一再施壓,只好明確表示自己不同意國王的意見。然而,國王在1529年還是選他作為繼任紅衣主教沃爾西的大法官遺缺。作為大法官,他以的公平,果斷,和廉潔著名,這些品質同時代類似職務者所缺的。但他的任期太短,無法深刻地影響英國歷史。他為國王發起的神職人員改革方案,結果都遠遠超過他所能預見的。但是,國王的有疑議婚姻計劃越來越成為他兩之間的友誼之陰影,而國王計劃將傳統上屬羅馬人聖彼得大教堂(教宗)的英格蘭教會管轄權全收為己有,更是雪上加霜。國王的意圖只逐一地變得清晰。國王自稱為“英國教會的保護者兼最高負責人”的宣稱和施壓,只為神職人員JohnFisher主教等,以不違背基督的法律的前提下所接受。摩爾起初想辭公職,但被說服來宣誓 (有Fisher的但書)。對於國王採取進一步抑制神職人員自由和英國主教拒給教廷教區頭一年的稅收等的措施,摩爾也都反對,然而都沒用。國王的意圖越來越明顯之後,他發現情況與不可為,就辭去了大法官職。