yy 的秀朗評審 體驗藝術
教育部實驗 2/3 老師replacement
兩場 CNN 和 BBC 都有轉播 不過BBC 勝一籌
Sitting on the Committee 的夫人鄧之排球式敲打泡沫犯者
兩場 CNN 和 BBC 都有轉播 不過BBC 勝一籌 因多些背景資料...
A New Logo for The W. Edwards Deming Institute®
The Deming Institute and McGraw-Hill will publish a new landmark book in early 2012 authored by Dr. Deming and under the editorial direction of Institute President Dr. Joyce Orsini. It will include rare articles, papers and speeches by Dr. Deming and give readers a firm sense of his approach to management.