2011年7月2日 星期六

0703 2011


3周前請教過 Joyce


Dear Hanching,

I'm not sure what, if anything, I might add to your fine teaching to these 100 students. Perhaps the thought that how you communicate the message is just as important as the message itself. What I mean by that is your students need to understand where a person is coming from in order to help him link the new ideas to what he is doing now. I have seen many a good idea founder because the listener couldn't connect with the message.

About me:

Professor Joyce Nilsson Orsini, PhD
Director of The Deming Scholars MBA Program at Fordham University Graduate School of Business,
President of the Board of The W. Edwards Deming Institute,
Chairman of the Board of The Deming Cooperative

Hope this is what you were looking for.

With kindest regards,


我的回信說 2011年的書可能延數月 希望品質好一點






3時用notebook pc讀忠樸的《榮耀的黎明》

Jeff 來訪……送他忠樸的書及數本書

晚上 Peter來 送他《追思文》《榮耀的黎明》;談Deming及他對於教會的長期觀測

談好友死即是十字架死亡孕希望 如此信望愛


Askford買書 送它魯迅之小說及《徬徨集》

Dear H.C(.鍾漢清)……昨謝謝您的贈書-----張忠樸紀念集. CD及魯迅小說集

昨夜,再次感受到很溫勳感人的對話。我們探討到人性的愛 是透過人們彼此間的互動來表達的 非僅於說。我想補充愛有四個本質,包括: 真實,忠信,尊重與自由。用這四種本質來衡量所謂的”真愛” 。張忠樸先生對我而言便是個愛的典範與見證。這是個故事的開始】
