在Gmail 上看到David 在蘇州不亦樂乎.....
今天中午12點 可能35度,看到Kennny 提東西要去安全學會上班。我說加油啦!
錦坤昨天注意到 一本舊書《義大利文藝復興其名媛》(Celebrities of the Italian Renaissance by Robert De La Sizeranne, Translated by Jeffery E. Jeffery, London/ New York: Brentano, 1926) 有張藏書票等等
還跟他談「書介與個案 (含慈濟和法鼓山等個案) 」他談說慈濟最大/活躍,可惜是三大道場中最不講佛學學問的。
Knowledge@Wharton: Mike, you have written several books on leadership. What was the inspiration for this particular one? 沃頓知識在線:邁克,你寫過幾本有關領導的書。寫這本的靈感又是什麼呢?
Michael Useem: I became convinced that everybody needs a leader's checklist by virtue of watching leaders in action who didn't have it. They made -- call it "an unforced error," or sometimes a couple of unforced errors. Simply having a piece of paper that says, "Don't forget to honor the room," or "Don't forget to talk about a company strategy," would help people avoid these kinds of mistakes. It really goes back to Atul Gawande's great argument in The Checklist Manifesto. Most people in surgery and most pilots don't make errors. But when they do make an error, it has significant implications. A checklist helps prevent such a mistake. 邁克爾尤西姆:我開始相信,每個人都需要一張領導者的查核清單來觀察看在行動卻沒有它的領導人。他們犯了一個或有時則是一些的,可稱之為“非受迫性錯誤或失誤”。只要有一張紙,上面寫著:“不要忘了給全室的人頒榮譽或表揚”或“不要忘了談公司戰略”,就可以幫助人們去避免這些類型的錯誤。這真的可以追溯到阿圖爾 Atul Gawande(醫生)了不起的《查核清單宣言》(The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right)一書畫2009)中的論說。大多數外科醫師在手術和飛行員都不會犯錯。但是,他們一出錯,後果就很嚴重。一張查核清單有助於防止這樣的錯誤。