2011年6月28日 星期二

0629 2011

昨晚讀 the book of business wisdom

The wireless internet had some trouble.

At the dinner, talked about the gap between practice of open education and the ideal.

我們是老朋友 什麼事都可公開 商量
我想或許應該集一些相關的文章 再出版專書 你應該思考這方面的系統
去年的書中許多人覺得很怪 (出版費用多出四萬多 我以前說 ok 是因為不知道你的實力如此雄厚 可以弄150頁的東西)
至於你說的捐錢 我想應累積存起來 稍後 (明後年出版此種書)

還有一事 如果出書 還請你幫忙申請isbn

Thanks for your kindness.
As I mentioned in my last mail, I suggested you to write a book, at first step, for your technical writings. One of the best ways to write a collection of paper is regrouping the papers and and write an introduction for each group of the books.
The money you mentioned or you want to donate, is the seed fund for your book.
Please think about the suggestion.

This year's Leadership and Organizational Learning writings are not completed and may take me another month for it.
If you have short paper (that is, less than 15 pages of our last year's book, please kindly send me for a review if you like.

Good night.
