序/ Foreword by Joyce Nilsson Orsini, PhD)
On leadership in an Organization
A leader has a responsibility to help people do a better job, to improve quality and output, and to bring pride of workmanship to people. A leader knows the work he supervises, and understands the problems that surface. He seeks knowledge for personal improvement and to help others. He knows how to work on a system to improve it, to clarify methods, and distinguish between common and special causes of variation in a process. He works to accomplish greater consistency of performance within the system. He establishes teams to work for improvement of quality.
A leader has particular obligations to employees. He spends time with people, uses their abilities, makes them feel secure and respected. He knows he has but one chance to see that workers are trained properly. He removes barriers between staff areas and instills pride of workmanship. He works with employees to understand and improve processes, and does not penalize people for performance they cannot govern. Leadership transforms organizations.
Joyce Nilsson Orsini, PhD
譬如說 我知道Herb A. Simon在70歲時 CMU 幫他辦一場祝壽論文(出書為…..這關於複雜處理系統的書名 我一時找不到) 壽星自己寫篇The Scientist as Problem Ssolver 並收入其自傳作為 Afterword.
----巫寧坤回憶錄《一 滴淚》(A Single Tear)台北:允晨 2007 (封面不知為何寫上王德威)
《一 滴淚》(有些錯字如胡子)有點像合傳 有幾章是根據太太寫的 語言有點意思 譬如說"妳像泥鰍一樣滑像石頭一樣頑固 像"右派" 一樣反動 ("p.95)
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