作者、新版導言者,新版譯者:Edith Grossman;陳淑女......從"晴園;台北精英大宴1949.3 黃得時:妙哉!"胡適"對"何容 (1975)""到"永遠的風華 ─ 林文月教授紀念展"2023.9
作者、新編導言者,新譯者:Edith Grossman;陳淑女......
“Though there have been many valuable translations of ‘Don Quixote,’” the critic Harold Bloom wrote in an introduction, “I would commend ’s version for the extraordinarily high quality of her prose.”
“Though there have been many valuable translations of ‘Don Quixote,’” the critic Harold Bloom wrote in an introduction, “I would commend Edith Grossman’s version for the extraordinarily high quality of her prose.”