8月8日戰情分析,五天總結 :Tension over Taiwan 可能是內憂 (高失業率;經濟成長數慘不忍睹.....)的 掩飾;中國會得寸進尺;中國軍 事表演(China’s Military Spectacle)一意孤行、 顯示中國缺"惠台"甜頭;中國已要改變台海"現況":美艦將經台海 捍衛自由印太。 此次軍演期間,中國駐法國使節有最聳人聽聞的狼性外交語言
台灣危機2022: 8月8日戰情分析,China’s Military Spectacle 中國軍事表演四天總結 (2):
中共的軍演,不管是否8月8日據稱為"導彈飛彈",都有可能是內憂 (高失業率;經濟成長數慘不忍睹.....)的 掩飾......
China’s ambassador to France, Lu Shaye, said in a television interview last week that Taiwan’s people had been brainwashed by pro-independence ideas.
“I’m sure that as long as they are re-educated, the Taiwanese public will once again become patriots,” he said in the interview shared on his embassy’s website. “Not under threat, but through re-education.”