2017年11月4日 星期六

1104 2017 六 傍晚起 冷17度雨


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6:30 永和:有一小時的空檔:之前讀Rilke的法文詩漢譯;2~3個月沒去書林;又逛聯經

2017.11.3 買3本二手書:
1981. The Dynamics Of Chinese Politics.
白魯恂. 毛澤東的心理分析. 劉憲閣譯. 香港: 時代國際. 2009年. ("香港"是我加的,台灣的誠品賣過,現在買不到了。台大圖書館也無此書。)
集英社的 川端康成 (二) 日本文學全集 40 1967.6/1973.8 14刷
Ezra Pound; The Pound Era By Hugh Kenner, 1971 (作者是Pound學先驅,1951年的論文。本書有義大利照片二三十張,沒有它們,Pound的詩更是"天書"。

The Pound Era Hugh Kenner University of California Press , Sep 18, 1973 - Literary Criticism - 606 pages 3 Rev...

Lewis Carroll and His Illustrators

Collaborations and Correspondence, 1865–1898
Edited by Morton N. CohenEdward Wakeling
This new collection of the letters that Lewis Carroll wrote to the illustrators and prospective illustrators of his books affords fresh insights into Carroll's complex character, traces the history of the books that became great classics of the Victorian era, and charts the sometimes tempestuous seas of Carroll's relationships with his correspondents. Carroll, a meticulous artist, made detailed demands upon his illustrators, who included John Tenniel, Henry Holiday, Arthur Burdett Frost, Harry Furniss, and Gertrude Thomson.
Lewis Carroll and His Illustrators reveals the author as an expert in the details of book production in an age in which new technologies repeatedly altered the publishing process. Morton N. Cohen and Edward Wakeling's general introduction to the volume looks at Lewis Carroll the man and touches on his place in Victorian publishing. Each group of letters is preceded by an introduction that includes a brief biography of the artist and a summary of his or her collaboration with Carroll. Many of the letters include Carroll's own sketches as aids to his collaborators. Comparison of these sketches with the artists' final drawings, also included, shed light on the genesis of the illustrations. Some letters from the illustrators to Carroll, also printed here, add greater insight into the process.

Discover the artist's installation for the British Pavilion at the Venice Biennale.

我在2015年的11月4日報導過日本與中國的自行設計客機之競賽。今天update 日本的情形。一有錯,整體就會延誤2年;世界高手團隊品保中.....。MRJ 2020年見。它的測試場都在美國華盛頓.....

"Connectors 產業是20世紀產業中的新興者。主要的美日歐廠商中,都在下半葉與台灣有緣。
80年代中,台灣的PC產業大興,杜邦 (BERG)、Molex、AMP等在台灣設廠,Foxconn 剛起步。
我1987年加入AMP,到日本AMP廠/本部受訓。1988年中,我當DuPont公司內壢廠 (60年代末就開始,對台灣該產業人才的培育有貢獻)的工程部和品管部經理。⋯⋯

東道主還熟讀我社的所有出版品,譬如說,J. M. Juran的【品質三部曲】,能夠說出Juran的思路和用語之精確等等,一句話,我很佩服,也很感謝.....
