2017年7月27日 星期四

0727 2017 四 Werner Hofmann (1928-2013), Nana : Mythos und Wirklichkeit, Köln, M. Dumont Schauberg, 1973

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英文版未提其作品 Es war einmal (1934),中文本:吳朗西譯《童年與故鄉》濟南:山東畫報,2001 (也有豐子愷書的版本)。
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Nana tells the story of Nana Coupeau's rise from streetwalker to high-class cocotte during the last three years of the French Second Empire. Nana first appears in the end of L'Assommoir (1877), another of Zola's Rougon-Macquart series, in which she is portrayed as the daughter of an abusive drunk; in the end, she is living in the streets and just beginning a life of prostitution.

The new novel opens with a night at the Théâtre des Variétés. The Exposition Universelle (1867) has just opened its doors. Nana is 15 years old (the number 18 mentioned in the book is not more than a fig leaf). Zola had taken care to make this clear to his readers by publishing an elaborate family tree of the Rougon-Macquarts in the newspaper Le Bien Public in 1878 when he started writing Nana. Zola describes in detail the performance of La blonde Vénus, a fictional operetta modelled after Offenbach's La belle Hélène, in which Nana is cast as the lead. She has never been seen on a stage, but tout Paris is talking about her. When asked to say something about her talents, Bordenave, the manager of the theatre (he calls it the brothel), explains that a star doesn't have to know how to sing or act: Nana has something else, dammit, and something that takes the place of everything else. I scented it out, and it smells damnably strong in her, or else I lost my sense of smell. Just as the crowd is about to dismiss her performance as terrible, young Georges Hugon shouts: "Très chic!" From then on, she owns the audience, and, when she appears only thinly veiled in the third act, Zola writes: All of a sudden, in the good-natured child the woman stood revealed, a disturbing woman with all the impulsive madness of her sex, opening the gates of the unknown world of desire. Nana was still smiling, but with the deadly smile of a man-eater.

The novel then goes on to show how Nana destroys every man who pursues her: Philippe Hugon, Georges' brother, imprisoned after stealing from the army, his employer, for Nana; Steiner, a wealthy banker who is ruined after hemorrhaging cash for Nana's decadence; Georges Hugon, who was so captivated with her from the beginning that, when he realized he could not have her, stabs himself with scissors in anguish; Vandeuvres, a wealthy owner of horses who burns himself in his barn after Nana ruins him financially; Fauchery, a journalist and publisher who falls for Nana early on, writes a scathing article about her later, and falls for her again and is ruined financially; and Muffat, whose faithfulness to Nana brings him back for humiliation after humiliation until he finds her in bed with his elderly father-in-law. Becker explains: "What emerges from [Nana] is the completeness of Nana's destructive force, brought to a culmination in the thirteenth chapter by a kind of roll call of the victims of her voracity" (118).

When Nana's work is done, Zola has her die a horrible death from smallpox: What lay on the pillow was a charnel house, a heap of pus and blood, a shovelful of putrid flesh. The pustules had invaded the whole face, so that one pock touched the next. While outside her window the crowd is madly chanting To Berlin! To Berlin! (the time is July 1870, after the Ems Dispatch), Venus is decomposing. And this is, Zola implies, what is about to happen to the Second Empire.


娜娜(Nana),是法国写实主义作家左拉的《卢贡-马卡尔家族》系列作品的第九部。1877年《卢贡—马加尔家族》的第七部小说《小酒店》(L'Assommoir)问世,轰动全巴黎,使左拉一举成名,这时他已经开始在构思娜娜的角色。1878年左拉完成《卢贡·马加尔家族》的第八部小说《爱情的一页》(Une Page d'amour),但事后证明销路不佳。于是左拉写信给出版商说:“这一损失,我们要从《娜娜》拿回来,我的想像中了不起的作品《娜娜》。”






Werner Hofmann (1928-2013), Nana : Mythos und Wirklichkeit, Köln, M. Dumont Schauberg, 1973. 邦訳:ヴェルナー・ホーフマン『ナナ マネ・女・欲望の時代』水沢勉訳、パルコ出版局、 1991
Both the title and the numerous details suggest that the picture represents a high class prostitute and her client. "Nana" was a popular assumed name for female prostitutes during the second half of the 19th century (much like the connotation "Candy" has had for English-speakers more recently). Even today the French word "nana" is used to describe a frivolous woman (or simply "a female" in argot[1]).
Wiki 的 "argot",英文版、日文版都很有意思!
Nana is a painting by French painter Édouard Manet. It was completed in 1877 and was refused at the Salon of Paris the same year. The work is now at the Kunsthalle Hamburg art museum in Germany.
