2017年7月11日 星期二

0710 2017 一

嵇康臨刑彈完《廣陵散》之後毀琴,說“廣陵散從此絕矣”!實際上曲並未絕,還是傳了下來——是否還是當年原調,當然已不可考——但是那一代人的風骨,而今安在?----資中筠 (此link是阿邦指示的:http://weiwenku.net/d/100863607)
昨天讀到劉曉波跟德國和美國的醫生要求: (微微一線生機) 境外治療......
今天讀到Gabriel Fauré 79歲時 (生命最後一年),希望將一輩子所有的作品都毀掉,即,不想在人間留下任何跡象.......
Gabriel Urbain Fauré (French: [ɡabʁiɛl yʁbɛ̃ fɔʁe]; 12 May 1845 – 4 November 1924)[n 1] was a French Romantic composer, organist, pianist and teacher. He was one of the foremost French composers of his generation, and his musical style influenced many 20th-century composers.

胡適有此書Short story classics: 【短篇小說匯刻】。在 Irene Holm By Hermann Joachim Bang寫:"五年正月八日讀此喜之。" 又題 " 此乃佳作,頗似白香山【琵琶行】而遠勝之。十二日。" Vol.2
胡適有此書Short story classics: 【短篇小說 匯刻 】。在 Irene Holm By Hermann Joachim Bang寫:五年正月八日讀此喜之。又題"此乃佳作,頗似白香山【琵琶行】而遠勝之。十二日。" Vol.2 Short story c...

胡適1914~1917 讀書/之一:
Frederick G. Henke (可能1875?-1951? ),翻譯王陽明之《傳習錄》、《大學問》等(Open Court出版社 1916),他不知所根據的是否為王守仁選本。
The philosophy of Wang Yang-ming - Internet Archive⋯⋯

159 Istanbul (I): Orhan Pamuk的伊斯坦堡回憶 2017-05-19 【漢清講堂】https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsUy2edqxMQ&t=6s
160 Istanbul (II):John Berger 在博斯普鲁斯海峡上 2017-05-19 【漢清講堂】https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOLFJcCGCwc&t=49s
AFP News Agency
Supporters of Turkey's main opposition Republican People's Party rally in Istanbul, marking the end of a 450-kilometre (280 mile) "justice march" by opposition ⋯⋯

讀紐約時報訃聞,連結上胡適之先生和 I. M. Pei (貝聿銘):
The Pilgrimage of Sudhana, A Study of Gandavyþha illustrations in China, Japan, and Java By Jan Fontein
1946/5/10 日記 胡適日記全集:
"善男子 汝已發心 欲成就一切智 應決定求真善知識 勿生疲懈
見善知識 勿生厭足
于善知識 所有教誨 皆應隨順"
禪宗之行腳 即是實行此意
At the same time, Mr. Fontein embarked on a building and renovation program, raising $60 million — an enormous sum at the time — to realize it. The new West Wing, designed by I. M. Pei, opened in 1981.
“Museums can be monumental structures,” Mr. Fontein told The Boston Globe in 1985. “That can be intimidating.” He added: “Today people should be relaxed in a museum so that they are open to new impressions, new ideas. I believe guards who stand at museum doors should be nice.”
Mr. Fontein, right, and the architect I.M. Pei at the opening of the West Wing of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, in 1981. Credit Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
The Dutch-born Mr. Fontein led the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, through major expansion as its director in the 1970s and ’80s.

Hanching Chung http://hcpeople.blogspot.tw/....../jan-fontein-scholar......
讀紐約時報訃聞,連結上胡適之先生和 I. M. Pei…

Liu Xiaobo and his love Liu Xia, inseparable. Until they were forced apart.
'You wait in the intangible prison of the heart.'

Liu Xiaobo, a Chinese dissident and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, has spent years in prison for calling for political change in his country. For more than half of his marriage to Liu Xia, he has been imprisoned, and now he is dying of cancer. The BBC's Celia Hatton looks back at how the couple's love survived.
They fought to be allowed to marry each other. But when the government in Beijing finally backed down, permitting one of its unrelenting critics to marry his love, problems remained.
The camera that was supposed to take the couple's official marriage picture wouldn't work. The photographer was left scratching his head. Chinese marriage certificates aren't valid unless they contain an official portrait snapped at the scene.
So, Liu Xiaobo and and his would-be wife, Liu Xia, improvised. They found single photos of themselves and stuck them side by side. The makeshift photo was stamped and finally, they were married.
That was in 1996.
Getting married was a small victory for the couple. It gave Liu Xia the right to visit her new husband in the grim labour camp in north-eastern China where he had recently been imprisoned. Liu Xia made the 1,600km (1,000 miles) return journey from Beijing every month.
"The train to the concentration camp," she wrote in a poem. "Sobbing pass and running over my body/ Yet I still couldn't hold your hand."
Their wedding banquet was in the labour camp's cafeteria, a scenario that would prove to be symbolic. Throughout their intense romance, the Chinese government was a relentless and interfering third wheel, the uninvited partner providing a constant backdrop to their interactions.
By all accounts, Liu Xiaobo and Liu Xia were inseparable, except when they were forcibly parted.

BBC World Service 新增了一段影片:'Looking for Lenin' 。
What has become of the thousands of fallen Vladimir Lenin statues in Ukraine? 📹

劉安武《普列姆昌德評傳 Munshi Premchand》、劉安武 譯《普列姆昌德論文學》《普列姆昌德短篇小說精選》
普列姆昌德論文學 出版社: 中國大百科全書出版社 2016 作者: 劉安武 本書譯自西沃丹·辛赫·覺杭的《普列姆昌德論文學》。內容主要包括“《羅摩衍那》和《摩訶婆羅多》”、“長篇小說的內容”、“文學批評”“文學的基礎”、“文學在生活中的地位”、“印地語文學中神的難...
