2013年1月30日 星期三

0130 2013 三

昨Call the Midwife 觸及愛情深夜食堂炸雞塊之外談hihball 與golf.
7點多醒似乎沒醒有陽光 煮雜菜鍋.

下午園丁洗石座弄得回音多  決定去電信局(前幾天電信語音以為是詐騙者)--284 敦化路處---大爆滿. 附近走走商店從高檔到低檔多有
由於改郵局轉帳二圈後要主管幫忙   回來經法律學院弄一本恢復本Recvery 新約查其史  有點來頭的地方教會

今天因為讀了它轉引日本科技連JUSE 的   關於參加W. Edwards Deming博士的喪禮的紀錄

Attending the Memorial Service of Dr. Deming * Junji Noguchi is a past Managing Director of the JUSE (Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers). In January /Feb 1994


Jean-Marie Gogue
3:58 AM (5 hours ago)

to me
Dear Hanching,

I noticed with a great pleasure that your website has given the link to "The Deming Memorial Service" published by the JUSE journal "Societas Qualitatis" in January 1994. It's only in November 2012 that I had the idea to scan the journal and to put the file on our website.

I will suggest Jean-Luc Fournier, president of the French Deming Association, to strengthen the cooperation with the Taiwanese Deming Circle. I hope that he will write you soon. I am still active within the association as a "honorary life member".

My health is not too bad, with some inconveniences due to my age.

I wish you and your family a happy new year !
昨天與YY去看珍吾. 與其妻談她的許多心事.
早上第一件事就是回信 Jean Marie  再逛法國戴明協會Association Française Edwards Deming  //  趙家酒店
應該弄台灣戴明圈 2013  (在法國以此名表示)
......今天因為讀了它轉引日本科技連JUSE 的   關於參加W. Edwards Deming博士的喪禮的紀錄
* Junji Noguchi is a past Managing Director of the JUSE (Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers). In January /Feb 1994
收到法國朋友Jean-Marie Gogue的來信及轉信

Rethinking Undergraduate Business Education coverR...


Dear Hanching,

You can find a copy of "Societas Qualitatis" March 1988, at:
I have scanned it especially for you.

The JUSE had published a scientific journal in English from 1951 to 1993. The title is: "Reports of Statistical Application Research. ISSN 0034-4842. Size 18x25 cm. 45 pages. Quarterly issue. I subscribed since January 1983 until the end.

Some years later, the JUSE had published "Societas Qualitatis" from May 1987 to August 1997. ISSN 0918-5542. Size 20x27 cm. Eight pages. Bimonthly issue. I subscribed all the time.

They are highly valuable documents. I hope that my personal copies shall not be thrown to the garbage after I have quit this world. The JUSE had (and still has) the noble aim to teach TQC all over the world for the Benefit of mankind. But the Americans, overwhelmed by the cult of money, don't understand.

Best wishes,


台灣戴明圈 2013 : 淵博知識共同體


從《台灣戴明圈 2008》出發....

第一部 淵博知識
美國戴明學院Orsini  博士序言
個案 (1):紐約市長Michael R. Bloomberg 麥克彭博與
個案 (2):前IBM公司董事長Samuel Palmisano,
第二部  人物及邀稿
Dr. Deming 的故事
Jean Marie Gouge法國戴明協會
Bill Scherkenbach
官生平 騰善雲端的百科

吳國精 光纖零組件

第三部  產業 政府 教育

第四部       事情與書籍大師與我

美國  美國戴明學院  哥倫比亞大學商學院
日本 JUSE 豐田汽車公司等等
台灣  2012-2013 互動-活動

戴明與我   Jean Marie Gouge (法國戴明協會)
J. M. Juran與我  王晃三
大作: 戴久永的專欄:《管理》月刊與《工商時報》為主
