2013年1月13日 星期日

0114 2013 一陰午後晴 回味嗆馬

昨晚9點就覺得累下午2點15出發市政府 1815抵家.在紀念館及附近街道和公園走走讀一些商店包括Eversmile公司的經銷店咖啡店印度餐店......我是末頭旁側路間的非主流 (主流指的是在仁愛路上拿期吶喊者) 台灣人民大火大 113嗆馬遊行

到敦化南路仁愛口開始 已經許多人到誠品等地找廁所 (櫃台小姐報說地下室也有廁所 老伯說我不敢去搭那種電梯) 我在書店讀一圈--人不少 氣氛完全詭異(與外頭不同)多讀ARCHITECTURE & ARTS東西 茶の箱

沒花禮券 30分後再直走到復興路口大飯店內的藝廊乏善可陳再到亞典逛書店中國書不少....忠孝東路-新生南路有十來部遊覽車已在準備戴客回去我去信義路口搭公車回

午後晴 多好可惜那時候沒出去1630 才出去散步


昨天14:15-18:15 參加遊行,旁觀-啞行者。在仁愛路的端點和沿途上,看那些外地的鄉親的總總群像和舉止,他們是我的同胞,而他們到這臺北建設的精華區一遊,不是要來看看分散在各地的同志好友嗎? 那些家鄉話的歌和嘻哈,久違
我到許多地方去逛逛,印象很深刻的是碰到Eversmile 公司的販賣店,這家公司的總經理等15年前對我有恩。我很高興看到他們用自己的紗布等作出種種高科技成品,葉總經理也進了生態環保的路。
上周我在低潮K. J. Wu先生寄東西許多美女的屁股---來給我打氣。禮物: 希望他有機會去誠品翻翻·  Henri Matisse: Drawings 1936。美國近年有一大展 Matisse : radical invention, 1913-1917 記得1992年的時候,我買這些書或到紐約都很慷慨,現在則貧乏多了 。同理,日本一群藝匠合力設計製作的 茶の箱 ·  Inside Toyo Ito's Mind (The New York Times)

Tony Chen我也想去參加遊行
Ken Su我醃、淹在一篇論文裡。
YY全心投入大樓主委的工作 督導前後大門的歲終清潔工作 獲得留言版兩人寫

林博華:出版19世紀法國經濟學家巴斯夏的經典小書《看得見與看不見的:人人都該知道的經濟真相》 That Which Is Seen and That Which Is Not Seen: The Unintended Consequences of Government Spending 

Andew Hsu指揮大師都聽什麼流行樂 à讓我想起71歲的企業奇人Tu先生在接受TVBS專訪時的末了拿束修去請教太平洋交響樂團指揮請教指揮之道的神情杜紀川 (John Tu) 與孫大衛 (David Sun)  片中很少露面的孫說他扮演太陽的角色 他姓Sun
1996  1日,日本 Softbank® 公司以 15 億美元收購Kingston 80% 的股份。 (美國Sun跟日本Sun 缺的3億可以不用付啦!)
1999 月時,杜紀川與孫大衛先生以 4  5,000 萬美元,買回 Softback 公司擁有的 80% Kingston股份。
2011 Kingston 2010 年的營收為 65 億美元,是公司創立以來的最高紀錄。

HC: 剛看完Vidal 的訪談 主持人問他自認為legacy 是什麼 他重複說:我一生沒殺人 Gore Vidal, iconoclastic author, 我看戈爾.維達爾(莊信正)

  1. Images for henri matisse drawings 1936

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  2. Henri Matisse, Drawings 1936: Amazon.co.uk: Henri Matisse ...

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茶の箱 [単行本]

赤木 明登 内田 鋼一 長谷川 竹次郎 ヨーガン レール 安藤 雅信  




AuthorD'Alessandro, Stephanie.
TitleMatisse : radical invention, 1913-1917 / Stephanie D'Alessandro, John Elderfield.
ImprintChicago, Ill. : Art Institute of Chicago ; New Haven, Conn. : Distributed by Yale University Press, c2010.
Descript.368 p. : ill. (chiefly col.) ; 34 cm.
book jacket
 ART FOLIO (f) 5th Floor South Reading Room (Former Music Library) VLfU MAT Dal    AVAILABLE
Edition1st ed.
Note"Published in conjunction with an exhibition of the same title co-organized by the Art Institute of Chicago and the Museum of Modern Art, New York. Exhibition dates: The Art Institute of Chicago, March 20, 2010-June 20, 2010; The Museum of Modern Art, July 18, 2010-October 11, 2010"--T.p. verso.
At foot of title: Art Institute of Chicago ; Museum of Modern Art ; Yale University Press, New Haven and London.
Bibliog.Includes bibliographical references (p. 356-361) and index.
ContentsMatisse, 1913-1917, and the methods of modern construction -- Defining a new art. Chronology 1907-1913 ; Modernism and tradition ; Opportunity and invention ; Construction by means of color -- Changing direction. Chronology 1913-1914 ; A painful effort ; New ambitions -- Art as experiment. Chronology 1914-1917 ; Interruptions and returns ; The challenge of painting ; Charting a new course -- Coda : the experiment remembered.
SummaryThis book examines the working method, experimental techniques, and compositional choices Matisse used in works created between 1913 and 1917. The works that Henri Matisse (1869-1954) executed between late 1913 and 1917 are among his most demanding, experimental, and enigmatic. Often sharply composed, heavily reworked, and dominated by the colors black and gray, these compositions are rigorously abstracted and purged of nearly all descriptive detail. Although they have typically been treated as unrelated to one another, as aberrations within the artist's oeuvre, or as singular responses to Cubism or World War I, this book reveals the deep connections among them.
