2013年1月6日 星期日

0107 2013 Mon.

永安翻譯的The Oxford Book of Aging 似乎沒收此條
戴老師你的書當然有其優點   不必在意我的某些批評  或許有機會重寫呢.或許寫文換酬的上上好時代已過. 或許我們可以篩選出一些東西
 昨天買Coriolanus (The Oxford Shakespeare) 這是學生教科書, 畫很多處, 特點是INTRODUCTION 有148頁
我打算重讀此劇  回去找希臘羅馬名人傳中的說法
想起哥德在談話錄中的看法: 現在人碰到的許多人物 可能遠勝於名人傳中的 所以它受到冷落.
莎士比亞讓Coriolanus 不朽
說到哥德我昨天買到一本1992年德國文件展的一本Guide (德英本)  .....
明天Mike 演講 紹興路原來在那兒
最近開始享用妹妹送的阿里山紅茶和"古典日月老茶廠"的紅茶 Sun Moon Assam Black Tea
跟我20年以前 在涵碧樓的都不太一樣. 包裝都很精美.

Hyperbolic discounting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Beatles-While My Guitar Gently Weeps



I look at you all see the love there that's sleeping 
While my guitar gently weeps 
I look at the floor and I see it need sweeping 
Still my guitar gently weeps 

I don't know why nobody told you 
how to unfold you love 
I don't know how someone controlled you 
they bought and sold you 

I look at the world and I notice it's turning 
While my guitar gently weeps 
With every mistake we must surely be learning 
Still my guitar gently weeps 

I don't know how you were diverted 
you were perverted too 
I don't know how you were inverted 
no one alerted you 

I look at you all see the love there that's sleeping 
While my guitar gently weeps 
I look at you all 
Still my guitar gently weeps 

Oh, oh, oh 
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh 
oh oh, oh oh, oh oh 
Yeah yeah yeah yeah 
yeah yeah yeah yeah

Documenta IX , 1992年的Guide, 小書正文44頁note空白8頁Sponsors約24頁

Whitney Museum of American Art 1989: Biennial Exhibition Catalogue (Whitney Biennial)

  • Paperback: 256 pages
  • Publisher: W. W. Norton & Co. (28 Mar 1990)
  • Language: English
The Whitney Museum of Modern Art, founded in 1920 by Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney, has presented biennial surveys of contemporary modern American art, selected by its curatorial staff, for over 60 years. This volume contains a study of the 1989 Exhibition, including art, film and video selections.

我想此目錄介紹得很精要. 美國藝術家的作品多少可以反映時代之氛圍
譬如說80年代日本的產品之競爭力很強    給美國很大的壓力
一是頁192-93的照片: Who Killed Vincent Chin? 1988 by Christine Choy and Renee Tajima
Chin 是當年在底特律被誤以為是日本人而被殺的.
頁38的Big Japanese Industrialist #2 1959 by Michael Byron  細讀其隱約文字有諸如 Buy  Your Toyota... 等等文字而畫類似超現實主義之作.....

